Death Grips shared this:

Death Grips shared this:

Pretty awesome, no?

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The fuck is this furry shit?

it would be 1000x better if it wasnt some furry shit


I just found Zachs furinfinity account


Love every artist on this and loved the True Vulture video he did with Jenna Malone and DG

What's the song at 5:54 after he says "you've almost convinced me I'm real"?

on GP

holy shit why is James Franco trying to sell me astral lones

*astral loans

that transition from touch to on gp was fucking perfect

Oh man, this perfectly captures the delirium as you slowly fall asleep in front of a TV, especially if you're on a large amount of drugs.

So good

This shit has tumblr written all over it

in what way?

lmao p4k posted it saying its a new song they didn't even click the fucking link


holy fuck kek

Music journalism, ladies and gentlemen.

P4K is bait

What the fuck did I just watch?

very unprofessional

Fucking sick. Brilliant visuals. Interesting piece of art, excellent use of their music though upon first glance the message just appears, at least to me, a little cliche. About how technology isolates us and how we must 'break free and embrace eachother', its the same postmodern mantra that everybody loves to chant. Nonetheless, very nicely executed. Very impressive on all fronts.

in case you didn't recognize it:
"you've almost convinced me I'm real"
is from Touch by Daft Punk

I thought it was pretty great. Also holy shit, there were some big names involved with that video.

isn't that a lyric from touch from RAM

>that transition from touch to on gp

I like the added irony that video is about constant media causes mis-information and lies and p4k unwitting proves the video's point

idk what i just watched but i feel like i need at least 3 grams of shrooms in me to comprehend it. music was good tho

>I need drugs to understand art

the concept is blatant dude

Not him but there is a lot of shit that drugs can give good insight for. I'm not saying you have to be on drugs to understand it though

This, you definitely dont need drugs at all to understand or appreciate thing s such as art. However, in my experience, and pretty much the nigh-unanimous consensus I've seen is that psychedelics like LSD and shrooms can bring you to a level of introspection that you would seldom otherwise achieve. I think I read elsewhere they remove cognitive biases too, so they really can help you see from, quite literally, different perspectives.

Its disappointing to see some people so vehemently against them sometimes; I can understand why people may disapprove of their use though. I feel there's a lot of misconceptions and msiinformation portrayed about psychedelics, especially by the media. But that's getting off track.

Thank you OP for bringing this up. I loved it

>You've almost convinced me I'm real
>*GP twang*