Millennials would rather take #selfies and do the "nae nae" instead of getting sweaty in the mosh pit and headbang like...

>millennials would rather take #selfies and do the "nae nae" instead of getting sweaty in the mosh pit and headbang like there's no tomorrow

you're a millennial
and if you're not then you're 20x worse than the people you're complaining about you pathetic middle aged manchild

So what? I'm not part of the millennial group I'm talking about


if you were born after 1980, congratulations, youre a millennial.


so shut the fuck about "millennials" then and complain about who you really want to complain about
makes you sound like a retarded cunt

I believe you're confusing the term 'millenials' for 'autistic faggots.' If you disagree with me, just remember 90% of Sup Forums is millenials. (Then again, maybe you're right.)

Yeah, metal is boring and taking selfies is fun

Millenials is the blanket go-to term for the stupid snapback wearing little gayne listening zombie sheep youth of today because that's whats popular in current culture. You must be fucking blind if you don't realize that and actually needed clarification.

>I'm not like the other millennials!

I'm not. I don't follow popular trends and I don't laugh at Damn Daniel

grow up

>mosh pit and headbanging
no seriously, grow up

Could you point out where the OP mentions metal? Maybe include some coordinates? I can't find it.

OP, you're a real #musicdefener

What's the flyest group of hepcats you've grooved and moved to?

ur so cool i hope i could be liek u one day


Sad to say, none. They've all been replaced by protools pop garbage.

But the thing is, I'm not cool. That's the point. If I were cool I'd follow trends.

nice cop out, really

>White boys would rather get sweaty in the mosh pit and headbang like there's no tomorrow instead of feeding starving children in africa

>implying africans are people
no u

lol pussy
>white boys
Kill yourself racist

Typical white boys whining about selfies but have hate in their hearts :)

There are no bigger haters than people like you. You need to bring race into everything to remind everyone about bad things that were done to blacks in the past because you have no other recourse.