I don't mean to be a douche here but how the fuck did no one get this shit recorded? not even the aftermath...

I don't mean to be a douche here but how the fuck did no one get this shit recorded? not even the aftermath .... somethings fishy here

Someone probably did but they're most def not gonna share it

the league of legends redditors are claiming her as one of their own

but she did covers?

Because my first response to someone getting shot in front of me isn't to stand around and film it like a fucking idiot it's to run like fuck

why are you looking for snuff films

It's cowards like you that is holding back society from the postmodern singularity

i agree

OP has his priorities messed up

that's not what a snuff film is user. a snuff film is a film where the victim knows they will die and is intended to be sold for profit. not every video where someone dies is a snuff film.

Why not? What's wrong with being curious?

>that's not what a snuff film is user. a snuff film is a film where the victim knows they will die and is intended to be sold for profit

That's your own personal definition of the word. I've never heard anyone else define it that way and I don't think you can cite anything.

One of the largest snuff categories is people committing suicide by train. Now, that it is intended of course, but it's not sold for profit. 99% of snuff has nothing to do with money these days.

And the victim has to know they're going to die? Someone doesn't have to die at all for it to be a snuff film. And the victim certainly doesn't have to know it's coming.

You obviously know nothing about snuff.

>every single video of hers has disabled comments
lol someone was insecure

A snuff film — or snuff movie — is "a movie in a purported genre of movies in which an actor is actually murdered or commits suicide".[1] It may include a motion picture genre that depicts the actual murder of a person or people, without the aid of special effects, for the express purpose of financial exploitation, but that detail is extraneous, so long as it is "circulated amongst a jaded few for the purpose of entertainment".[2] Some filmed records of executions and murders exist, but these were not staged for commercial purposes.[3]

are you mentally disabled? a snuff film is for money. everything else is not a snuff film. fucking moron

You were able to comment, but maybe Youtube just disabled it.

I hope you realize that that contradicts and not me.

It says that it doesn't have to be for profit and says nothing about whether or not the person has to know it's coming.

Also, that is just one strict definition of what a snuff film is. It's an old definition as well. I have no problem with it at all but it doesn't contradict what I said or the modern form of snuff films.

The internet 100% changed the "genre".

>in which an actor is actually murdered or commits suicide

are you really this dense?

Your point being? Do you think that when someone is murdered they have to know it is coming? Usually people don't know that they are about to be killed.

Wow this post actually pissed me off

then it isn't a snuff film if they aren't a fucking actor. you make my blood boil so i'm unwatching this thread and not replying to you anymore fucking dummy

What happened?

Bc if what I think happened it's probably on SB or MK

You aren't really making any arguments. You're just seething with anger and I don't know why.

"Actor" does not mean someone who is recognized as an actor in that context. Don't you understand that? It doesn't mean Robert De Niro or someone who has a SAG card.

The vast majority of victims are poor, unknown souls that nobody knows anything about. They're an "actor" in the sense that they are the person in the film.

I have a lot of experience in this because I've been involved with it for a long time. If you know better than me then I'm glad to hear you out but you're just not saying anything.

holy shit how can someone be this pedantic. ahahahaha this guy has to be trolling.

If you're the same guy then you claimed that snuff films have to be for profit and that the victim has to be aware of what it going to take place. That is totally wrong and all I did was point that out.

You seem to be trolling much more than me but I don't think you are.

Nothing is fishy, her fan base aren't the type of people that want to have videos of some autist laying on the ground with his melon splattered everywhere

Might be security footage though

Typically when your life is in possible danger and you feel the adrenaline release, you don't think nor care about whipping out your iPhone to record

it's bound to pop up eventually