What do we do about the growing Sup Forums presence on Sup Forums?

Has anyone else noticed the increasing amount of casual transphobia, racism, misogyny, slut shaming, homophobia and other similar behavior on this board recently?
Why is this happening? Are Sup Forumstards migrating to this board for some reason? How do we stop it?

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Why is it only raptards complain about Sup Forums?

never see jazz, funk, soul, techno or any other black genre using that as an excuse.

This is Sup Forums. It's full of edgy teens trying to rebel against the social norms of acceptance. Never gonna change, we can't do shit

>It's full of edgy teens trying to rebel against the social norms of acceptance
you summed up rap

Sweet original meme my dear boi

there is nothing wrong with asking minorities to better themselves

there is nothing wrong with pointing out homosexuality is a self destructive lifestyle which only offers sodomy as a means to copulate, generating more disease

there is nothing wrong with stating transgenderism is an extreme form of body dysphoria, a mental disorder treatable by atypical antipsychotics (particularly pimozine) and therapy. most reputable psychiatrists and psychologists agree that should a person believe they are the opposite sex, their mind will deteriorate. should they proceed with the sex change surgery, their chance of suicide increases by 30x.

if you love someone you don't let them hurt themselves


fuck trannies, faggots, spics, crackers, kikes, niggers, wops, and woman. Why don't you start a thread about music? There's only one thing I noticed, your casual off-topic posting, you fucking slut.

>Has anyone else noticed the increasing amount of casual transphobia, racism, misogyny, slut shaming, homophobia and other similar behavior on this board recently?
Better than regressive leftism desu senpai.

I'm a liberal btw.

good job

>how do we stop people from having different opinions than me?

>poltards migrating

Do you seriously only browse one board?
Also assuming that all "casual transphobia, racism, misogyny, slut shaming, homophobia and other similar behavior" comes from pol.

You can't solve this yourself. If you really want to moderate all political speech to ensure a politics free environment you just have to ban people who bring it up and that's a shit way to run a forum.

You can't.
Especially not by making threads about it.

Shit thread

Not about music

suck two cocks trip-nigger
have some good music;

Jesus, this thread is a flawless illustration of OP's point.

>Do you seriously only browse one board

Yeah...this site is mostly garbage dude.

Yeah, you have to ignore those people. Don't tae the b8. I honestly wouldn't even care about the sexism, racism, transphobia, etc, if it meant we could still talk about music, but sometimes it gets in the way. People would rather scream "bitch!" than talk about an album made by a woman, "nigger!" than talk about an album made by a black person, or "tranny!" than talk about an album by a trans person.

Truly such a problem

yeah that's definitely true. The angst and edginess has always been there, just seems like it's gotten worse over the past few months. But in that case, it's probably not going to help by making threads about it. It's just frustrating.

>Sup Forums in an alternate universe
>every thread ia derailed and deleted in under 5 minutes because of racism
>nobody complains

>2016 Sup Forums, current universe
>someone posts the anohni album cover
>30 following posts are anons calling a guy out for being transphobic
>everybody complains

thenk obema xDDD

Yeah, I get you. I think it got worse when the internet culture wars heated up with gamergate and people screaming about sjws.

Here we see the cuckoldness and degeneracy of the left closing in on itself. The negro has claimed for himself a privilege all his own, in that every day whites are vilified simply for their skin color and superior facial complexion. Be it jealousy or inferiority that drove them over the edge, we now live in a time where whites are called privileged while simultaneously excluded from society. We have progressed so far into this degeneracy that whites are abandoning their race and moving to a race wholly different from their own, how terrible it is to see white society go down this path. Putting women, blacks, or any other mongrel in front of your self is race abandonment. Traitors alongside the mongrels will meet their end one day.
"A man should put two things in front of himself, his God, and his manhood, or he is hardly a man at all"

>People would rather scream "bitch!" than talk about an album made by a woman
This is because you post bitch artists like grimes instead of respectable people like Joanna Newsom
>"nigger!" than talk about an album made by a black person
This is because you post nigger artists like Chance instead of respectable people like Flying Lotus
>or "tranny!" than talk about an album by a trans person
This is because you post tranny artists like Anohni instead of respectable people like Wendy Carlos

And then you wonder why Black Humor: The Website calls them out.
You edgy, sensible, tumblr or reddit people are incompatible with this site; if you dislike irony or "hatred" against minorities, you can go on the RYM boards. We're not family friendly and don't have parental control. Otherwise make your own cancerous board on infinity-chan.

>people like Flying Lotus
flylo gets called racist shit on here pretty often

>deviating discussion
Ok, please go on rbt.asia/mu/ and find me 73 instances of people calling FlyLo a negro, dumbposter.


I don't post any of those people desu.

Also I'm guessing Anohni and Wendy Carlos are the only trans artists you know.

how the fuck is chance a nigger artist

you are all faggots consider ending ur meaningless existence

You'll grow out of this, don't worry. screenshot this and when you're 16 open it back up just to see how far you've come.

>"-phobia", "-ists", or "-isms"
There are some things that are simply unnatural and should remain in the realm of the imagination.

Go back to buzzfeed NIGGER

>appeal to nature
>may or may not be implying that homosexuality isn't natural

This isn't just going on in Sup Forums, this is going on in Sup Forums too and really there's nothing we can do about it until all of the kids grow out of their phase, we just have to deal with it

You first

I'll do it if you do it

This sure is music.
Anyone else notice the lefty shitposters like to use RTJ pictures?

Why are sjw allowed to complain about other people's opinions but Sup Forums isn't? If it were the opposite the thread would have been deleted almost immediately.

I think lefties are actually just fascists now.

leftists genocide when

So do you guys actually like run the jewels? I wouldnt say they are bad but theyre not amazing, Killer Mike definitely far outshines El-p on their songs tho

>I think lefties are actually just fascists now.
how the fuck did you come to that conclusion? or does fascist just mean "person i dont like" to you?

>appeal to fallacy
Homosexuality is about as prevalent in nature as real life.
Meaning it only deserves about 2% of your time devoted to these social issues.
It was more aimed at gender dysphoria and the idea that racism can be conquered when in nature we want our genes to have a better chance of surviving. I'd be way more likely to help a man similar to me than a man dissimilar because helping the one unlike me doesn't help my "tribe" one bit.

Maybe mutants are growing a pair. Could be.

haha goddamn

I feel like El-P is better at producing. I like R.A.P. music the most out of all of their collabs.

>I'd be way more likely to help a man similar to me than a man dissimilar because helping the one unlike me doesn't help my "tribe" one bit.
a lot of people dont reason this way. or the "tribe" doesnt necessarily need to be "people that look like me"



how that relevant? the "lefties"/sjws we speak of in this thread are rarely communists. and even if they were, then what, propaganda==fascism?

fascism is more specific than just "bad things :("

>unironically saying SJW


>a lot of people don't reason this way
Anymore, mostly because their testicles fell off.
The classical idea of Nations were effectively tribes of ethnically similar people who were working towards a common goal. When a nation becomes too diverse, the nation fails. There's no multicultural country that isn't worse off than it was when it was homogenous.(Well except African countries, but that's affluent White people moving into a poor, resource rich black country, when whites leave their countries, pic related happens)

>We are in a full blown cultural war with genocide being a very real threat for the white race.
>but you're not allowed to acknowledge that or you are "le racist redneck"

The white male is the most oppressed demographic on the planet today. FACT.


Which one

What a waste of dubs

Don't lie, you came here in 2013 and use music for an image.

who the fuck is genociding all the white people

or have i just not got my yellow star in the post yet?
congratulations, i think this might be the most retarded post i've ever read on Sup Forums

Correct, our opinions, even when backed with facts, are discarded due to our skin colour and some kind of percieved privilege(that doesn't exist)
The only privilege I have is knowing my father and descending from the most influential race in history.

Invite them in under careful supervision and try and cure them of their obnoxious, uncivilized behavior and ideas, as you would any immigrant?

>>we cant and shouldnt try to get rid of racism because people think like x
>a lot of people dont think like x
>>thats because their testicles fell off. they should think like x
maybe im misunderstanding but your reasoning seems a bit circular to me

keep posting only slightly related quotes without explaining what your point is, pls


>complaining about someone saying "sjw"
>using a picture that is meant to be used to complain about anime
get your images straight

im am a big fan of Hitler/fascism and ITAOTS. is it cool if i party with you guys?

You sound racist.

The USA hasn't failed and is much better off since increased diversity. Not saying because of diversity but your argument is weak as piss and belongs in the safe space of pol where it won't get challenged because everyone talks the same shit

>present an unbiased, fair analysis of these issues
>legitimately do want the affected people to get well and live normal, happy lives
>"lol le edgy underage nazi XDD"

assuming this isn't post-ironic memeing go back to

They really don't give a fuck about people who have other political opinions. They are grown ups who actually can accept different pov's, they then make the option to instead focus on ones own political reasonings.


They don't have time for edgy fags that often don't really care about politics and just care about "3edgy5u"

get the fuck out of here tranny

What have minorities contributed to the US?

>Wanting to protect things that are good is edgy
>wanting to destroy the things that endanger the good things is edgy
Come on, with all the accomplishments of the white race it's "edgy" to want them to go away if anything.


jazz/blues/rap music, drugs and crime

it's basically summer so expect the bandwagoners to be extra edgy

>muh white genocide

Sounds right.
Technologically and advancing society they've rarely contributed, culturally(not always good) there's no mistaking the impact.

Why do anything about it? The only time posters from Sup Forums are a problem is when they get triggered by rap music so they call it "nigger music" with out any argument against why it's bad. Other than that, there really isn't a problem.

What have you contributed to the world? Most people don't contribute anything to the world to begin with.


Because you can say whatever the fuck you want on this website. Fucking faggot.

>muh white genocide
>has played too much Metal Gear Solid

>Genocide isn't a valid thing to worry about because I trivialized it with my cookie cutter meme post

well i'm a liberal and detest Sup Forums (although muslims should be stopped tbqh) but i dont care about homophobia or racism on Sup Forums of all places because im not a retard. are you familiar with Sup Forums at all? this stuff is par for the course.

Rap music is often rhythmically simplistic.
Harmonically non-existent.
The lyrically content is crass, crude, and never clever.
Blacks in the early 19th century playing jazz and blues were more musical.




So I think we can learn from this thread the answer is: let them have it and go find a music site.

ban all cucks who listen to beyonce and ajj

>taking the opinions of people on Sup Forums to heart

haha just turn your computer off hahahaha

>what is Social Darwinism?

the harmonics in rap are far more detailed than in singing

"harmonically non-existent"
>Bone Thugs n Harmony

"crass, crude"
>Aesop Rock

"never clever"
>multi syllabic rhyming
>double entendres

I haven't met a single black person that didn't rub me the wrong way in some form.

>intolerant of intolerance
fucking hypocrite

>no tolerance towards the wrong opinions!
Classic left.

The only way these people will wake up is when they're bleeding out on the floor after a islamic terrorist attack, and even then they'll find a way to blame it on white people and republicans for ''allowing'' it to happen.

I don't know and don't care.
I'd die of stress if I took interest in dumb shit like that.

How so?

The off pitch yelling is considered more complicated than singing? Most rappers couldn't pass an entry level aural theory class at Uni.
Anecdotes aren't representative of the genre at large.

Here we go again. Blaming Islam for terrorism is like blaming white people for murder since white men are by far the most likely to commit a mass shooting. Your just a fucking racist piece of shit.

it's such a simple concept lmao

Quit crying.

Actually niggers commit 50% of US crimes.

Yeah natural selection.
I don't fucking care. I give the world another 10 years before it implodes, so why should I give a fuck?