Is piracy to blame for music being so shit today?

Is piracy to blame for music being so shit today?

>piracy didn't exist before internet
fuck off kid.

No, literally the opposite. Intellectual property is to blame

You plebs are masters of the self own

>making music to make money

>tfw can't sample rihanna and rap some smooth beats over dat shit without crackas in suits sue me
music is dead man

>Brag you're making music, naw, you're makin bacon

>music being so shit today?

The industry being blind to it (and trying to squash it) is.

Music has always been shit, you're just getting old.

>music being so shit today?

Blame trends, the internet spreading trends further than ever before, and websites like alt press for keeping trends alive way past their expiration date.

How? underground music has always sold nothing.

yeah but the underground was very often fed by a trickle down effect

It's the only reason music is still relevant.

>music being so shit today
>piracy to blame
implying we don't live in the best age for music and artists
thanks to piracy and the internet you can listen to 50-times as much music as you would once
you have access to obscure albums and music that would usually be available only to collectors,
and you can always support your favorite artists, that never changed.

And what all of this has done is harbor a insane amount of new music,
people have more access to artists that influence them, and so they make new music,
and again thanks to piracy and the internet, that music can spread faster than ever.

there is a problem with the artists being spoiled and the industry being crooked, not with piracy.

>music being so shit today?
You can view this board,
but maybe don't post until you come of age.

It's the reason popular music is so shit now. In order to make more money, labels need to cater for the people who don't pirate. These being the under 12's and over 40's. Less youth music is being invested in and musicians are being forced underground. The musicians aren't not there, they are just not as popular as they would have been without piracy and other factors


really makes you think...

really makes you think...

really makea you think...

You should be fine if you put it out for free and call it a mix tape.


learn copyright law