Itt we list our primary reasons for listening to music

I listen to music to help motivate me when I run.

It helps me with anxiety, it helps me to be happy, it helps me to be motivated. It honestly just 100% is an improvement to my life.

It's something to do

It's the only thing my life has left

I would have no hobbies if I didn't

I don't listen to music -- I just post threads with album art and lyrics in all caps

Because i have to sit alone in silence if i don't

I listen to music because it gives me chills and makes me cry. I gotta feel something in this life.

nostalgia or novelty. or dancing/transcending existence.

all of these

but for me it just helps me think and formulate an identity

Silence bothers me. I listen on my computer (when not watching something), in the car, and sometimes when I read. When I go to sleep I set a couple of songs to play. I can sleep without it, but music helps.

Its fun


>giving an entire medium an individualist utilitarian purpose
the madman

To get the memories of her out of my head

Yup, I feel like music strengthens the emotions that I'm already feeling

I enjoy doing it

Block out noise pollution like birds, cars, etc.

I like to dance and sing along

This to be honest.

Yeah I primarily use it for running or working out.

because i like the way it sounds

because i like it more than anything else in the world, being able to explore everything that's out there and building a collection makes me feel like i'm building a part of myself yet it separates me from myself, music helps me forget that i exist, I want to listen to as much music as humanly possible before I die

All the reasons ITT, it's just such an amazing experience. I love hearing all the unusual sounds, rhythms amd melodies that people make. It's so easy to find something new amd dive into it. If I really think about it it's a way to emotionally connect with someone's experiences so outside of your own while still remaining inside of yourself. It's introspective and transcendent at the same time and I can't really think of anything that does that aswell as music does.

Over the years, listening to lots of different sorts of music has been a kind of addiction. I'm a fairly experienced musician, and I still listen more than I practice, write, etc. Being a musician, for me, is a way to constructively channel all my listening and approach it from the other side.

So I don't have to listen to my mom and stepdad fight every night
I also like experiencing new things and since I don't have the money to be able to travel or get out much it helps a lot