Post talentless hacks


you mispelled talented user

You mistook who's he's pointing at user

>he's pointing at us






delet this


fuck off OP and stop memeing


>he doesn't like Humbug or Whatever People Say I am



This, been saying it since 2008

>boring ass Gary Glitter drumbeat 80% of the time
>pushed the vintage meme way past 9000
>"real rock and roll is dead, REEEEEE muh band is so good because the 60's"

He's just tapped into the angsty teen audience.


talent is overrated. anyone can be good at something if you put effort into it. if what someone creates resonates with enough people that it facilitates a living for them, theyre not exploiting some fucking industry secret, theyre just making something people want to hear. think of all the "talentless" bandcamp kids putting out albums that are teen suicide ripoffs and yet there are still people who find something in it. dont be that some people found what they were meant to contribute to music in their time

dont be angry that*

Idiotic thread, kill your shelf.

i didn't know it was even possible to hate on daniel johnston. its the most sincere music around

These guys have created a problem in modern rock. Every song sounds like they're the Black Keys, and the Black Keys are derivative and about as boring as you can get.

Their "Rock Radio" bullshit ruined Arctic Monkeys.


I miss these days.

Dont forget they stold from blacks