I can't even

i can't even

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Why is she so mad?


i did it with my death grips LPs

Flylol is dead

who was camera?
Anyway it was about time indie hipsters turn on black people.
they've conquered cis white man now they're attacking blacks

Girls love music!

What exactly did he say again?


Can someone please explain what's going on? (with sources). Did he condone rape or something?

I saw Flying Lotus a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?"
I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw FlyLo trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

what's the context here? did flylo say something to piss of sjws ?

>can't use the word "rape" in any other context except for literally being raped

What would happen if you told her rape was a spook and everything was my property?

he said Rappers not paying him for producing beats is like rape

here we go:
Flying Lotus isn’t happy about the way rappers treat music producers judging from a series of tweets he made today.

“Hella rap artists are rape artists. Taking advantage of abilities thinking its a good look for us! Most my people behind the scenes is broke,” he wrote, saying producers “get fuked with no vaseline” by rappers expecting beats on the spot.

“Tell them to pay your fee on the spot, cuz fuck that,” he wrote, before alluding to a specific situation where a “‘business’ man threatened one of the greatest creative relationships I’ve witnessed. Because I asked for fairness”

what a fucking cunt


He went on a twitter rant a couple days ago and said how rappers and the industry rape producers.

i'm a cancer survivor and i'm offended by that cancerous cunt


Some funny shit is going down

This pasta never gets stale

women are a meme, anyway

>(((haley potiker)))


youre my property

she's a good example why music sucks
the fans only like an artist based on their personality
it's not about the music. it's about the persona you sell to them

Reason why I pretend to be a girl for music project

>I was raped, give me special treatment the rest of my life! Don't say that word in any other context!

Rape is awful, and I wish it onto no one, but geez isn't one of the most human things you can do (in relation to rape which is rather dehumanizing) is overcome, and move past something?

If you're "oh that word offends me" the rest of your life have you even moved past it?

'rape survivor'

willing to bet a leg that her definition of rape was notchad putting a hand on her leg or having sex with a guy whilst both were shitfaced and decided she regretted it the next morning :^)

shes fat anyway

how long it took you to think of fictional stories where you and local workers are being cucked by celebs?

She was probably just drunk.

>falling for a 6 year old pasta

Fucking redditors

I dislike what she did. But the way we preserve sex and touching our privates parts.RAPE will always be the biggest sin in human history
we are so numb to killing because that person is dead

but rape lives with you forever
not too many people can move past it.

white women may be the worst creatures to walk the earth
women of every other race usually don't give a fuck and can take a joke
all those blm bitches only got that way after being trained by white women

>it's a "i will now say the artist's music sucks because my social and political views differ from his and not because the music itself is bad" person
#1 place in the Insufferable Faggots of the World chart.

how difficult is it to produce beats for most rap songs? i genuinely have no idea and am curious

what it be comparable to coming up with a riff in terms of difficulty?


yeah, that has to be a redditshit


>Comment Section
Like the one guy said, I guess we can never use the phrase ''You killed it'', in fear of offending somebody who has suffered from a murder in their family.
This shit has gotten way out of hand

>white women have the shittiest personalities of literal all human beings
>cant find any others attractive apart from the very very occasional asian or half black

feels bad man
i've found maybe 3 non white women attractive ever. My choices are so fucking limited. fuck women anyway desu

Hope she gets raped again

It's sad but the worst thing is people like that. Are the main supporters of buying music

rumor says it was Chance the rapper who didn't pay him

I feel like people like this should carry around portable oxygen tanks or something, in case they get triggered and shit. People with asthma and severe allergies carry around Epipens so that they can deal with their own problems and carry on with their day without disrupting other people. There needs to be a similar solution for pearl-clutching SJW chronic cases.

You're dead wasn't that bad cmon

>tfw all three girls I've ever been with romantically were raped as a child

music for this feel?

nobody wants to waste their life to study memes nerd

this tbqh
white women are the main ones blaming the white man aka their fathers for "patriarchy"
when they have benefited it more than anybody else

pls don't say that, my shit often gets out of my hand and i can't stand the trauma :(

>special treatment
This is it, man. So many people from all types of life are looking for special treatment.

>I'm a girl in a boy's body. Treat me special.
>I'm self diagnosed with some anxiety disorder so I get to bring my dog/cat/turtle with me literally everywhere. Treat me special.
>I'm a dumb fat fuck that can't stop eating. Treat me special.

Shit happens. It fucking sucks but so does life.

What happened to "sticks and stones"? What happened to people taking time to deal with their issues instead of expecting society to pander to their faults?

Are u a girl?

yeah god damn redditors who probably eat vegan hotdogs who's daddy wasn't there and left them to grow up without the touch of a belt who's next door neighbor diddled them and fucked up their youth and is now non binary transgender with a liberal cuck who doesn't own a firearm to push the anti firearm agenda while ruining what america stands for. fucking redditors fuck

>Breaks album she already bought
>Doesn't sell it to a music store to deny flylo a sale + make money


>trying to apply logic to females actions

lmao, she'd already paid for it, there was literally no way for her to 'get back at him' at that point anyway

literally (like 100% of female actions) a way to harvest the highest amount of attention

it's her prerogative to do whatever the fuck she wants really, she spent the money on the record so if it means that much to her then, well, her loss.

who cares?

that's why i LOVE when a poor person of color "checks their privilege" like how they love to call it, the hypocrite cunts

almost all poor people of color don't care about this shit, they're more preoccupied with jobs and stuff, not this useless trash

they're also better off than men too in a lot of ways

(((haley potiker)))

jews get mad what a surprise

>I'm going smash my records that I payed for! That'll show him!

It's just trying to understand why someone would be so mad

Like, I'd maybe understand this reaction if it turned out he was a rapist or something, but that shit it just stupid. No one thinks any less of the word rape when FlyLo uses it in that context.



To be honest, I would rather get raped once than be living on next to no money because rich people were scamming me out of it.

on the other hand you could make fantastic beats like Clams and then have lil b literally rape them with his terrible meme rapping




crazy shit, this story happened to so many celebs o_o

Remember, you can only compare something to rape if you're female.

ITT nobody has ever been raped ever

you're right
noone has ever put their arm lightly on my shoulder without formal written permission in front of a judge

>Tfw chad wont pin me down and ravage me but that creep breathed air in my general direction ;_;

men can get raped too user

I don't leave my house without my gun

>rape """survivor""""

You devalued my vagina! Your supposed to give me stuff for that!


>I'm a rape survivor, so you're only allowed to use the word "rape" in its denotative context!
>however, I'm going to parade myself around with this bullshit, post-modernist cap with anxiety written on the front!
>I'm not a hypocrite at all!

I want to hurt people.

I couldn't even finish that article. I support political correctness to an extent but this is fucking asinine.

Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage


Haha she so quirky I bet she like mac demarco x3 *holds up spork*

she needs a septum piercing

maybe she has anxiety though, therefore it's not hypocritical

>says she hated the album
>bought it anyways
vinylfag logic

>girl makes stupid twitter post so i'm going to comb through all her social media accounts to find something to bitch about on Sup Forums


music is a fashion accessory to womemen


some random girl has Sup Forums shook because she did what she wanted to do with her own property


she's in her mid 20's

tfw this was literally my ex on top of the pretend bisexuality

>it's not hypocritical

She doesn't like it when others use rape outside of its denotative context, asserting that such use devalues the word, regardless of whether or not the person using the word rape has been raped.

Using the same logic, her caps devalues anxiety, regardless of whether or not she actually suffers from it.

How is that in any way related to my point, which is that she's a fucking hypocrite?

Why are you fucking replying to me if you've nothing to contribute to the discourse but bullshit, lazy ad-hominem?

weirdly subtle kek

best pasta

Why is every liberal so insistent on perpetuating the myth of the "wage gap?" It's so harmful to spread false information.

why are you so triggered by what stupid people do on social media, you guys are just as bad as the SJWs you incessantly bitch about

I'm with flylo in this one, producers (if they are not into EDM) are treated like shit around this times.

What really pisses me off is that special treatment is often only given to the wealthy. I've dealt with physical and mental disorders all my life and have gotten nothing for it because I am not born into money/can't afford medication or speshul privileges.

Because the entirety of their hivement is incumbent on the rapid dissemination of misinformation and the gullibility of youthful audiences desperate for an idea/identity to cling to.

>why are you so triggered by what stupid people do on social media
Because she's stupid, yet she's a writer, probably has a nice apartment, and healthy relationships and numerous other pleasantries, when she should be rotting in a fucking gutter among the rest of the intellectually inept.

No, it's because you're a male. Probably an Indian or Asian, right? Men with deformities are invisible to the social climbers.

What the fuck is this parentheses shit?

>Because she's stupid, yet she's a writer, probably has a nice apartment, and healthy relationships and numerous other pleasantries, when she should be rotting in a fucking gutter among the rest of the intellectually inept.


>rotting in a fucking gutter amongst the rest of the intellectually inept

Calm down, Ignatius

unty put your trip back on

Actually I'm white and somewhat attractive. Besides the money, I think the reason I was denied assistance/excused absences in school was because of this. Basically the "he's white, he's good-looking, he has friends, of course he's fine."

how did she smash this record?
Do you think she really just threw it there and it shattered and then took the pic?.... or did she cut it with clippers and carefully lay out all the pieces for the perfect publicity photo op?

is that pupinia stewart