There are people who unironically don't like TMR

>there are people who unironically don't like TMR

>There are people who think Trout Mask Replica is the greatest album of all time

Abort yourself OP, it's never too late

>There are people who don't.


>Goes against the natural brain signal to good music
>"The greatest"


They can go to frown land

When its catchy and has an actual rhythm/melody its good

when it doesn't (which is 90% of the time) it's random nonsense

>natural brain signal
>random nonsense

How do these people exist?
>no, Greg, I don't like this song, it's too long. Wtf, why does he sing like that?! This is so weird omg, you're a freak.

There is nothing in your brain that dictates good music. That's positivist babble with zero basis.

honestly I've noticed it's mainly non-musicians who think this album is a masterpiece/complex with intricate rhythmic and harmonic layers.

I can understand why, this album certainly seems to fool your average starbucks customer (hipsters).

>I've noticed

Confirmation bias, projection, ad hominem. Nice post, m8.
Also, let's completely forget about the fact that TMR is hughly regarded by almost every major music journalist institution and has been cited as an u fluence by countless success and acclaimed musicians. Of course, your homespun observations are more valuable than this.


auto correct is not a reliable tool

lol I trol you

fucking destroyed

fell for the b8

Lurk for two years before posting

first day of philo 101?
>confirmation bias
Every opinion has confirmation bias, if my friend gets eaten by a cougar after hearing a rustling in the bushes, i'm going to stay away from rustling bushes. Spouting "logical fallacies" is not an argument
>ad hominem
If a woman accidently let her kid drown and tries to give me parenting advice, i'm not going to take it. Ad hominems aren't always fallicious, they're just noticing patterns. Nothing is black and white so patterns are all we have
I don't see any in my post. Please point it out

>Of course, your homespun observations are more valuable than this.

For something as subjective as music, you said it yourself. Nothing in every major music journalists brain that dictates good music

there is nothing in every major music journalists brain that dictates good music*******

You guys always go into philosophy when you talk about liking this album. It's a fucking album, some people like it some don't. Move on

I'm autistiv

>You guys always go into philosophy when you talk about liking this album

Sounds like TMR fans. Too pretentious for their own good

>if my friend gets eaten by a cougar after hearing a rustling in the bushes, i'm going to stay away from rustling bushes

Why not learn to distinguish different types of rustling and bushes? Actually, why not learn more about cougars and how to avoid them or what caused it to attack your friend? You know, instead of arbitrarily being afriad of rustling bushes.

>If a woman accidently let her kid drown and tries to give me parenting advice, i'm not going to take it

That's not an ad hominem. You're not calling her a bad parent (or a starbucks hipster) out of preconceptions or to deride her. She's a bad parent by definition.

>I don't see any in my post. Please point it out

You called me a strabucks consumer with no indication that I've ever been ti a strabucks. You projected an experience unto me based on some preconceived notion of some music and how the people who listen to it behave. It might've been your experience or one you familiar with based preconceptions.

>For something as subjective as music, you said it yourself. Nothing in every major music journalists brain that dictates good mu
Then why mention it in your original post

Also unrelated: fuck storefronts

I say that as a tmr fan, but it is no different than any other album, just enjoy it or don't. It's pretty damn good imo but more impressively weird than anything, and no way near the greatest.

I never said that they didn't like it, (or at least convince themselves)

It just seems that every person I've ever talked to about that album said they had to listen to it 10 times in order to force themselves to think they like it. Just sounds like trying really hard to be part of the cool guy club

anyways just my two cents, it has some catchy tunes every so often, for 30 seconds or so at a time. I truly believe that people truly believe they like it, but i'm in no position to judge, people can do what they want


Lurk for two years before posting

Listen to music for two years before posting

TMR is a great album to dab to

For me personally, there's no best in music in general. That's because music isn't a competition. I'm into jazz, jazz fusion, Zappa, Captain and this album is definitely weird, even for someone like me who's a musician and is into ''weird'' music, but I would also like to point out that this album is unique and influential. I guess Captain's voice puts people off this album, but if you concentrate on the instruments alone, you can hear something really interesting - there's poly-rhythms, ''fractured'' and intricate guitar licks, great sax work, many key and rhythm changes, dissonance that ''works'', etc. I would also like to say that if you almost have to be a musician to appreciate and ''get'' this kind of weird music as well as other ''weird'' music like jazz, jazz fusion, prog, etc.

u lost lel

You know, TMR is a master class of the different kinds of tastes you will find in the music nerd scene.

twhey are people on here you dont like ur shitty fucking mom b ut akso had sex with haher ahahhahha get fuck ed bitch tht album is goddamn trash i bet you without ironi (memearrow) enjoy naked lucnh bitch get fcuked i hope you cum than die so you get to experience pleasure before death im not that cruel

I like tmr, do you, user?

this but unironically

>they had to listen to it 10 times
not him but i liked it my first time
its not supposed to be catchy, its supposed to be interesting, which it is
not all music exists to facilitate one type of satisfaction

Exactly. Your brain only dictates what sounds good to you because of what you are used to listening to, and what you have grown up listening to.

i wasnt ironic im just dude weed lmao'd

Are there people who ironically dislike things?

yeah what are you talking about user, all suicidal people are actually ironically disliking themselves.



I like it, but in that "it's so weird and goofy that you can't help but smile when you hear it" kind of way.

how is it 'ironically' in the sense of the word that we use?

TMR is literally the drakengard of music. You shouldn't be surprised that most people don't like it.

best post in this whole thread honestly