Was the 80s the most delicade decade to popular music like... ever?

Mostly jangle pop, gothic rock and post-punk the lyrics and the sound seem very effeminate.
>The Smiths
>The Cure
>New Order
>Cocteau Twins
>early MBV and so on

Other urls found in this thread:


>The Cure

80s > 60s > 90s > 00s > 10s > 70s

any objections?

60s > 80s > 90s > 70s > 00s

60's > 70's > 90's > 80's > 00's > 10's

this is accurate


Love the 80's.
Nick Drake was pretty effeminate and he was 70's though.

All of these things weren't mainstream in the 80s.

The smiths and the cure were pretty mainstream. In the UK at least

Maybe, but none of this sort of stuff was mainstream in the US. My parents are normies and thought the 80s was all shit pop music.

How are the cure mainstream? currently listening to Pornography and I don't understand how this was successful

My parents know about The Cure, and they don't know shit about music.

Mate, you need to crawl out of your shell every once in a while. Normies know about TVU as well.

The Cure didn't get mainstream until they released The Head on the Door.

Source? I'm old.

What I am saying is that their music isn't poppy, way less poppy than smiths yet they were successful
TVU are poppy af desu

My dad grew up in the 80s and still has records from The Cure, The Smiths, and Depeche Mode that he bought at that time. Albeit he was in a band, so he had a bit more interest in music than the average normie.

The Cure were popular for lovecats and friday im in love. Not the gothic stuff

yes, the cure. that one album is an anomaly in their discog.

I'm My parents have heard songs by The Cure covered by other artists, but if you asked them who they were, or who wrote the songs the musicians were covering by them, they would have no fucking clue.

>that one album is an anomaly in their discog.
um are you forgetting Seventeen Seconds and Faith?

Are you from the UK. From where I am in the UK it's pretty well known

I've already stated that I'm from the US.

My first gf's mom was Gen X, so she definitely had listened to The Cure a lot, but she wasn't even American.

even the "gothic" stuff sounds gay

It's ridiculous how Sup Forums jerks off over a genre which sounds hardly any different from the mainstream garbage that was popular at the time

Or maybe the ridiculous part is that that post-punk/new-wave/gothicrock etc shit managed to be mainstream.

When I hear stuff like
youtube.com/watch?v=NCMm1mJ3DRs I may as well be listening to A Flock Of Seagulls.

>even the "gothic" stuff sounds gay
Goth is the most abused genre in all of popular music.

It's Friday, I'm In Love is pretty mainstream. I knew it before I knew who The Cure were.

>Sounds gay
Grow up

Did I strike a nerve froot loop?

Those two are sissy stuff.

Plainsong was used as a part of a joke in Ant-Man, with the cover of Disintegration being pretty obviously shown. Disney wouldn't have picked some random underground band to make a joke in one of their blockbusters for the year.

>even the "gothic" stuff sounds gay

So? That's hardly a real criticism.

how did they use it as a joke? link? didn't see the movie

Don't have a link. Ant-Man and the villain (who can also become ant-sized) are having a fight in a purse, they accidentally turn the iPhone in the purse on and Plainsong plays. To them it's as loud as can be, to anybody real sized they can barely hear it.

Morrissey needs to die

I lied, I do have a link and it's much funnier than what I just described.


pornography was significantly darker...
and less normie friendly