Elder God Tier

Elder God Tier

God Tier

Great Tier

Good Tier

Pleb Tier

Absolute Fucking Shit Tier


No one gives a fuck.

Why is rap listed? It's not even music.

I somewhat agree.

>Elder God Tier

Go back to your Kanye thread, kiddo.


>rating genres

Metal ?

Elder God Tier

God Tier

Great Tier
>Academic Electronic

Good Tier

Absolute Fucking Shit Tier
A subgenre of rock

Absolute fucking dogshit for manchilds Tier

Elder God Tier

God Tier
>Academic Electronic

Great Tier
>Traditional Folk

Absolute Fucking Shit Tier

>God Tier

>shit tier
everything else

someone had to say it

Elder God Tier:
Traditional Country
Vocal Jazz

God Tier:
Traditional Folk
World Folk

Good Tier:
(First-Wave) Ska
Roots Reggae
Gangsta Rap
Garage Rock

Pleb Tier:
Top 40
Absolutely Shit:

The Holocaust:
radio "country"


True Elder Patrician God tier
>Harsh noise

Pleb tier
>Any other genre


Traditional Folk AND world Folk, huh


>Elder God-tier:





Traditional folk/"world music"




everything else, literally

kpop>all those


Bottom tier garbage: EDM, Classic Rock, Metal, Hip Hop, Swing Jazz, Movie Soundtrack core (Zimmer, Williams, etc), Minimalism

Low but has value: Bebop, Jazz Rock, a good amount of uninspired Free jazz, things like Krautrock, etc.

Value: Eclecticism (Zappa, Zorn, etc.), Romanticism in many of of its respectable forms (Wagner era Romanticism, for example -- not that stuff that usually wins Pulitzers now), Neoclassicism, free Atonality, Pantonality, Serialism (only because it's a century old and composers still lining up matrices and cashing their tenure checks are just as much as a problem as niggers making hip hop -- in its time, The 2nd Viennese School were absolutely incredibly groundbreaking)

Groundbreaking: Stochastic and modeled music (starting to get a bit old, Xenakis broke out half a century ago, which is a long time), Tape Music (old concept, but I firmly believe there are more barriers to break with this -- also, when I mean tape music I don't mean all of these hippie trash people who are repeating the concepts of In C and experiments from the 30s-50s and pretending they're groundbreaking), research into microtonal composition (unfortunately it's losing traction because so many untalented metal/rock/untalented composers latch onto it and give it a bad name; also it's starting to get a bit old), anything falling under the New Complexity umbrella

Elder Master Grand Patriciandom Tier:
>The Music I like

Stupid Dumb Stinky Poo Poo Tier:
>The Music YOU Like

replace with Jazz and you're set


What if I like what you like.

Okay, Sup Forums trash aside: about a century ago there was a big split between "academic" music and "good sounding" music, mostly the Schoenberg v. Stravinsky rivalry, respectively. The gap has only grown larger, and because of this, the "easy" music has been adopting ideas from the "academic" music years, decades, or even centuries afterwards, if at all. It's a loop of regression that only rigorous taste-training, learning history, and having smarts can break one out of. The problem is that there is so much more for composers to learn before composing "groundbreaking" music than ever before -- not just counterpoint, performing, orchestration and harmony -- but also now Jazz theory (and advanced topics such as tonal gravity a la Lydian Chromatic Concept), alternative notation, timbral studies, pointilism, computer models, advanced mathematics, electronics and sound engineering, physical distortion and tape cutting, aleatoric and randomized music, non-standard tunings and physics, etc. AND THEN, from there, finding something new to do with the medium that has never been done before, and make something new from that knowledge. It's daunting, driving more people towards easy music like experimental rock or jazz or w/e than ever before.

Multiversal Omnipresent Ultra Mega Super Eldest God Tier:


Demigod tier:

20th Century Classic, Post-Bop onwards

Superhuman tier:

Romanticism, Baroque, Bop, Trad Jazz

Subhuman tier:

Rock, Pop

Unmusic tier:

Rap, Electronic


you are hurting my feelings ;_;

shit tier:

get f*cked buddy


literature and painting are for true patricians



no way, paintings's content are almost always just childish visual puns

only literature is the true art