This song was made in 1981 but now it is more relevant than ever

This song was made in 1981 but now it is more relevant than ever.

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why is it relevant

here's your reply.

I agree and I'm not even white.

bahahaha omg this is actually real. Wow. Those are some of the most status quo lyrics I've ever seen in a punk song. Green Day are more subversive than that lol.


Lmao bro xD

Like, he's not even a racist or anything, just hilariously uniformed.

This is hilarious. When neo nazis think you have good ideas you might want to do some self reflection lol.

Honestly the song itself sounds okay. Luckily I can seperate my politics from my music.

>more relevant than ever
How so user?

What'd you get banned for down the street?

wow this is real hahaha just wow

ITT spoiled rich kids who never had to go to a majority-black school like Ian did (or like I did) and were deliberately targeted by the color of your skin

I'm not even white. Here in Philly Chinese kids are constantly victimized by blacks

Proof once again that liberalism is just repackaged classism

So you know what it feels like to be a minority. Cool. Maybe from your experience you will be better able to learn and teach others that it's important to try to get along with one another.

how do I get to be as subversive as you

You're right. It was my fault for not educating my black peers about peace and unity properly after just coming off the plane and hardly speaking English. I'm so sorry.

I wish that just once serial excuse makers like you would be forced to live in the hood for a year. Not slumming it in some rapidly gentrifying neighborhood. The hood-ass hood. I think you would finally shut up then.

>it's important to try to get along with one another.
this is fucking genius why has no one ever tried it

Aww baby had a rough time so he has to take it out on everyone else. Grow up, sport.

I see. An immigrant, you say? Interesting.

>hilariously uninformed

He was nineteen when he wrote this, and he intended it as an anti-racist song. And it was 1981. Willing to bet that Mckaye would have a different viewpoint of the world right now.

Anyways, fuck this thread.

>everyone else
No. Just blacks and privileged white liberal bullies.

you mean like the status quo lyrics in perfect pussy and G.L.O.S.S songs?

nazi punks
nazi punks
nazi punks
fuck off


Stunning, brave

>I'm sorry for all the things I DIDN'T do
>I lynched somebody but I don't know who
>You blame me for slavery 100 years before I was born

Unfortunately, a lot of well meaning but ignorant SJWs, mostly young, white, middle class college students are going to once again misinterpret this song and think it's racist, but the fact of the matter is this song clearly points out that racism is a two way street.

If there is any glaring omission, it's the fact that there was a time in history that the IRISH were treated as second class citizens in the U.S. and were even sold into slavery in The Caribbean, especially in places like Antigua, and Montserrat, and were often treat far worse than their counterparts of African descent.

Many white people in the U.S. in the 21st century are not descendants of slave owners, but of European immigrants who fled their countries after Hitler took power, but yet white people are still looked upon as evil.

Also many people in the so called "Black Lives Matter" movement refuse to address the REAL racism in the police community when a BLACK cop decides to harass, arrest, and even brutally beat up a WHITE person, because the blue wall of silence will protect them.

Whites didn't invent racism, nor did the corner the market on it. I'm reminded of this fact every time I hear a person of color call a white person a "Cracker" or a "Honky".

Maybe this rant belongs on Sup Forums but I'm just trying to explain the message that this song is REALLY trying to convey.

It's pretty good for a bunch of sixteen year olds, Although probably not their best lyrics. Easily misconstrued, like how "straight edge" wasn't meant to be a set of rules, but it was taken as such.

This gets it. I think...

I can't speak to perfect pussy's lyrics but GLOSS definitely doesn't have status quo reinforcing lyrics.I feel like they're so far left they'd make liberal trans allies uncomfortable.

This song isn't racist, it's just retarded lol I wouldn't hold it against him tho everyone thinks and says stupid things in their teens

Why? Ian just wrote it about some kids who bullied him in high school

aaaaaand I just remembered most of mu is in their teens. Explains a lot, really.

>not sucking black d
>status quo

pick one

Hope you haven't been talking about white genocide fantasies on your faceberg, my dude. You will hang and your family will starve.

>oh wow, they're not rebellious as me, tee hee hee, mom's gonna freak xDDD

Trying to get along with blacks is like sleeping with snakes

he was 19 when they recorded that song. don't be so harsh on the lyrics

Skrewdriver will always be a better band than Dead Kennedys

*Insert "Look out, we've got a bad ass here!" meme here*

you argument's invalid nigger

It's amazing how many black people actually like Skrewdriver.

>I feel like they're so far left they'd make liberal trans allies uncomfortable.
so the status quo?