L A B O R W A V E 420 copнякoв 420

why aren't you vibing with the D I A L E C T I C user. attain a higher level of $$$class consciousness$$$

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>lefties trying to hijack vaporwave

how embarrassing

I love you


well its not actually half bad.
pretty good. Did you make this?

>implying vaporwave's anti-consumerism stance isn't already leftist

H E L I W A V E fucking when

reminds me a little bit of this guy

Personally, I like this track better.

vaporwave is leftist

laborwave is the future

Is enjoying vaporwave unironically bad?

>Did you make this?
nope, some /leftypol/ user did


A tropical oasis for the post-modern wage slave.

god I hope not, because I am.

>commies are vaporfags

who would've guessed

I'm Norwegian. Hearing Russian already just makes me uncomfortable. I can't take it slowed down.

This sounds like a bad acid trip.

>centrists and right leaners can't be anti-consumerism
Dumb leftard shill


>/leftypol/ definition of hugbox

why are meme communists always tankies

They can be (even though that goes completely against the idea of laissez-faire capitalism that the right-wing defends), but anti-consumerism in essence is a leftist idea. And vaporwave is left-oriented like most genres of music anyway. Sorry to burst your bubble classcuck.

They can be (even though that goes completely against the idea of laissez-faire capitalism that the right-wing defends), but anti-consumerism in essence is a leftist idea. And vaporwave is left-oriented like most genres of music anyway. Sorry to burst your bubble classcuck.

Can we please ban this Sup Forumstard?

He's contributed nothing but shit and I guarantee you it's the same guy.

what are u doing

Not really, you can be against something and not want to enforce it by government. Just like you can give to the poor via charity instead of making the State do everything, the Libertarian Right in the end is about keeping the system open and free and letting people decide their own fates

If you keep replying, he'll never leave.

>vaporwave is leftist
Yes, and it was inevitable that it would embrace Communism.

When the thread is about "laborwave" you'll be bound to have some shitty political discussion, where do you think you are?

That sounds like Glasnost-era music, aka the dark period before the Soviet Union's collapse and subsequent move to chaotic capitalism.

The Soviet Union at it's height didn't have new wave music.

>Vaporwave is right-wing because right-wingers can be against consumerism

This is your argument?

I really hope this is bait

Why isn't this stuff being made with soviet-era Elbrus computers? I want real laborwave, comrade.

Lmao the intro is my fav song by the Blue Effect - Ma Hra

It has been ripped off by One-T ~ Cool-T

> R E A G A N W A V E when?

Someone post that "hard vapor" Putin 2020 album.


It's easier to trigger people :^)

>muh 68 bajillion
>muh purges were bad
>muh holodomor was Stalin's fault

bourgeois as fuck

i wish plantwave became more popular

that is actually pretty good wtf

cassette release when