What media player do you use on your computer? What do you recommend?

What media player do you use on your computer? What do you recommend?

foobar 2000

Windows: Foobar 2000
OS X: iTunes

Why foobar? What sets it apart?

WMP, whichever version is with Windows 7.

I had Winamp for the longest time from like... late 90's until mid 00's, then I stopped caring because I realized it all sounds the same.

customizability, compatability

But no difference in sound quality for playback? Compared to, say, WMP?

iTunes with all the latest updates to protect my computer from viruses and all music purchased legally through the iTunes store to ensure that it is of the highest possible digital quality.


Just werks

Are you retarded
The entire purpose of a music player is to run the file. If the player has support for the file, it will run the file. This isn't an emulator or a graphics library.I mean, Foobar2k does have better EQ options than WMP, so you can tweak the sound easier, but if your music sounds like shit, blame the files or the hardware.


Don't fall for the proprietary meme. Get something nice like Clementine it supports all platforms, and its free as in freedom.

foobar2000 but i would look into getting a nice skin for it. A little weird getting the skin on, but it';s worth it.
I use fooplacebo and recommend it


I use MediaMonkey for the auto-lyrics and artwork functions. Shit's great since it embeds it in the file. The interface is also entirely customizable.
If you use it though, get a skin. It's an ugly little program.


go away Sup Forums

Fuck off apple employee, we know you were paid to say that

same as what other user said, but it's also really light on resources

also, i prefer the base skin for being simple and effective

shpeck (milkdrop 2 in foobar) is the shit if you can get it working, which i somehow managed to do in win10

if there's interest i can upload a zip containing functional contents


VLC when I don't have Spotify Premium

>highest quality
Pick one.

>purchased legally

get a loada this fuckin square


Same. (Premium)