Music to listen to on coke? how much does a coke habit cost you think

Music to listen to on coke? how much does a coke habit cost you think

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Coke is not cheap my man. It's also incredibly bad for you.

>how much does a coke habit cost you think

if you have to ask, you can't afford it

just do crack instead

>if you have to ask, you can't afford it
or you know i don't know the price of said item

75 a gram


He kinda has a point tbqh. Pure will cost you about £100 a gram over here.

unless you order it off the deepweb or w/e then you can get it for like 80

There's no pure cocaine anywhere outside of where its produced. Enjoy your cattle-deworming agent.


lol there's zero chance your coke isn't cut my guy

Just don't do coke faggot

>Pure will cost you about £100 a gram over here

pure delusionality



street slang is pure tho guys Obviously its not actually pure it just means fucking strong

because you cant afford it, you WILL become addicted. Its that good

you realize that you're the person you're pretending to be, right?

nice save

That's honestly a shit drug, the only time I think it's ok to do it is when your at a party or something you just snort one line and it's ok from times to times.
But you really shouldnt buy for yourself, it destroys your brain and it's really addictiv.

One time my friend and I split two grams and listened to Lil B all night. It was pretty fun.

In general though I don't do much coke, because it is ridiculously overpriced for the quality and duration of the high. Just do MDMA instead. It's cheaper and more enjoyable.

75 a gram for some real shitty coke

any blow that's worth doing is gonna be 90 a gram

it's more expensive but at least you'll wake up in the morning not feeling like you've been hit by a train

this will explain everything:

And hopefully you won't react too strongly to the levamisol and develop facial lesions

hahahaha coke is a helluva drug man.

Let him die, what's the problem?

I don't get it. Why not just smoke weed?