Whore interviewing based Brian

>whore interviewing based Brian

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>retard making a thread


Who doesn't want to interview Brian? She was probably thrilled to interview the guy. Just let her have her moment.


Shut the fuck up, Carly's perfect

THIS SEMPAI clyp.it/d21jfl52

>stupid old hack getting interviewed by the best artist of 2015

>dyke haircut
>generic radio pop
>only famous for a shitty viral video

that's some some high-end b8 you got there my mans

>shitty pop musician interviewed by a shitty pop musician

who cares they both suck RIP Dilla

t. metalfag


Trips confirm

dubs confirm

Hey, dirty dancing is okay, man.

He looks pretty happy there
hella chilling out!

>tfw im about half of those things

I can't believe a modern pop star took time out of her busy schedule to visit a decaying corpse, heartwarming!

>RIP Dilla
fucking kek

>doing a meet and greet with him in a few months
what do i say to him

"I'm sorry for wasting your time"

>only famous for a shitty viral video
the song was top-40 before the video came out

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