5x5 rate rec guess what their dreams are like

5x5 rate rec guess what their dreams are like

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you dream of someday being able to dream again
distant flecks a glittering reminder of your past and it's future that never was

the astronauts - peter pan hits the suburbs


you often dream about being in a different country

you dream about kpop and chocolate and sometimes have nightmares about snakes

you don't usually remember your dreams

>you don't usually remember your dreams
You are right.

sephia tones, childhood shit like first love and runnig around your backyard

you dream a lot about loosing your teeth

you dream about living a bourgeois life and fucking your mothermaids

++ sonic youth
+ pixies
your dreams are usually kinda chaotic but not always in a bad way

You know, if we had Old last.fm back this threads wouldn't be as dead as they are nowadays
Nice TVU man
I think you might enjoy Swell
Cool stuff Pop Bro
Hell yeah amazing taste. Love Disco Inferno, Sonic Youth, RPO and Hopkins

-between the buried and me, mountain goats, black flag, ghost mice, organ
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Books
-SY, Pixies, DI, SY, Bonnie, Jon Hopkins
+Moss Icon
-XTC, YMG Eno, SPK, Pale Saints, ISIS, Radiohead, Television, Readohead, Smith
can't believe you listen to isis bruv
-TVU, American football, Modern Baseball

Unless someone tells me how to scrobb youtube and pandora then this is prettty much my college bus rides, workouts, and falling asleep. Akira Yakaoma and Tokimonsta pandoras otherwise and a bunch of shit on youtube


+ the smiths
+ tycho


>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Books
-SY, Pixies, DI, SY, Bonnie, Jon Hopkins

Why dont you like music my friend?

music is pretentious, I mean what importance does it have REALLY

no way feed the world starve the rich up the punx

then you are dreaming about eating a meal

I don't mind the ones I just minused but fuck the Books and their posturing "oh look at us we sampled a voice recording on a Japanese train for five hours" idea of music.

The Books make music like that to show off to their friends how quirky and cultured they are, I can only imagine the people who listen to them either do so out of the same need, only watered down or they don't understand how fucking senseless that album is. It's pure intellectual posing, something to engage art school kids for a while, I can't hate the people who listen to them but I think the band are stupid as fuck and don't deserve the recognition or the fanbase they have, however small it may be.

that would be nice
you should listen to the astronauts too

I'm a bit of a pleb

You live in lincolnwood chicago?

hide lasagne threads
ignore spaghetti posts
do not reply to bearface posters

> tfw can't resist spaghetti so much that has to make post about resistance

I really want some spaghetti

ᶘ ͡°ᴥ͡°ᶅ

Wew have I been pleb this week.
But if you're pleb, I don't want to be patrician. Great stuff. All of it is among the best of the best so it's tough to rec something though. Best I can suggest is Can though you probably already listen to them.
I hate when people with aesthetic charts don't put album labels

Honestly guys I have to say linguine is better, it feels great to slurp it up and it twists around your fork exceptionally well.

Compare that to spaghetti which will fall off your fork in an instant given the right angle (i usually find that lowering your fork to a 25-30 degree angle will lose all of your spaghetti that you've twisted onto your fork so carefully) and how it is slurped up waayyy too fucking quickly to really savor the silliness of slurping, it's not even a competition.

Next time you make a pasta sauce (maybe something quick like tomato and basil or pesto) try both out on the same sauce and you'll see where I'm coming from.

i agree wholeheartedly

I've honestly never liked it quite as much, I prefer the thicker spaghetti noodles cooked right but they need to be the right amount of firm to not fall all about the place to I suppose



first week on Sup Forums?

reccing this for u

3rd actually
have any recs?
