Why do they hate white people?

Why do they hate white people?

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their kingdom was brought to ruins by the american conquistadors



Japanese blood makes them hate waitu piggu

because white is merely invader whenever

Because fuck wh*tes


It the combination of Japanese and Filipino blood.

Anyone from Honolulu here?I want to kick your ass!

Leave Hawaii alone :)

Being annexed by white people and then made an impoverished minority in your own country tends to do that.

Yeah, all those welfare checks, government housing, and food stamps...so starving and impoverished, amirite?

There are almost no native Hawaiians left; they mostly all died of disease or interbred with Filipinos and Japanese. You end up with some beaner mutt who moved there from Los Angeles calling you a haole and pretending he's a direct male line descendant of King Kamehameha.

Whites are dirty pigs, you'd hate them too if you weren't white.

Give Hawaii back to the natives and it will look like this in 5 years. Enjoy.

Japanese people love whites though

Polynesians =/= niggers.

Latin America aren't niggers either, but would you really want to live in Guatemala?

fucking disgusting. every picture like that i see i get the urge to get a wheelbarrow and clean the whole area. i'd do it for fucking free. what dignity could possibly be had living like that?

This has to be bait. At least use a Polynesian nation to compare because they're of the same race as native Hawaiians. Like Tonga has an HDI of .717, clearly not nigger tier.

Filipinos are more distantly related.


What the fuck did Polynesians ever do to you? Why do you hold a grudge against them?

>whitie gringo terrified of a little brown man
every fucking time

It's still impoverished though.

non-white here, o i am LAUGHING


I've been there, and my mother lived there.

My mother was called hapa haole to them even though she had absolutely no relation to Hawaii.

Like me she was half Cree North American. They were river people. She just looked like that to them and they pretty goddamn stupid.

I really don't care. My favorite vacation spot is Alaska, for goddamn ever and they're my favorite natives. Mahalo spirit is great but I think love is when about when you have very little and you give it to somebody else.

Leave Hawaii alone :)

The nerve of those white bastards. Tttthey came hhhhere and built roads, schools, hospitals, electrification, and stopped us from eating each other and walking around naked. How turrible.

I am sick of the fucking Sup Forums edgelord racism on this site. We need to fucking nuke that board. I mean, it's 2016 not 1860. Take your outdated Sup Forums racial theories and white supremacism where they belong.

Can't wait for Trump Nazi to lose so you fuckers all kill yourselves.

A certain 365 day occurance?

wh*tes are basically personan non grata. everyone hates them, wants to slaughter them on streets. and soon they will get what they always wanted.

Because to this day they wear our cuck stamp.

>All comments are WE WUZ
Is that you guys shitposting or have memes altered reality?


lol holy shit

no, in America black people literally think all of the following were black:

- Jesus
- Cleopatra (and all Ptolemic ruling Egyptians from that era)
- Some of the first Native American tribes
- The inventor of electricity

and a bunch of other stupid shit

>island niggers

>t-thanks y-you too


Yeah no

this pic makes me lol texas

Flips love whitey. Except Murederturte

Hawaii has GOAT culture

Why cant they understand?


kawai desu ne

This is what happens when you don't shoot the natives


cunts killed Captain Cook

What does he look and sound Mexican? Cunt needs a can of spam, a slice of pineapple and a good hard look at himself

they are tehe same

We created Spam, the kryptonite of the Samoan diet.

This resulted.