It is insane to think that Greek language survived until now 2bh

It is insane to think that Greek language survived until now 2bh

Why?How about Hebrew,Chinese,Ethiopian and others more.Also modern Greek isn't the same as ancient one

desu, Italian is the Modern Latin
or Latin is the Ancient Italian

Italian is derived from vulgar latin. Classical latin was barely used out of the patrician world.

roaches, parasites, rats

Languages change over time you subhuman.

Wtf!They have changed less than Greek.I was telling OP it wasn't a big deal Greek is still spoken.How is your pic even relevant to the argument?

Don't respond to that attention-whoring Turk. He sits here all day spamming his unfunny meme.

you filthy analbanian
you are like turks
everything must be explained with 1000 words to you monkeys

butthurt shitskin had to come extra to this thread

Fuck off Mehmet.You can mess with me but don't dare shittalk anyone outside Balkans.

Get a life. You've been online every day for the past fucking year. Get a job, fucking leech.

First of all, modern Greek is way closer to ancient Greek than all the languages you mentioned to their older forms, except Hebrew; but Hebrew is a revived language so it doesn't really count.

looks like a flying cockroach on red background

I am a Greek, not a leech.

You are a leech since you fleed from your beautiful country.

I have never left my planet.

explain me the yahudi language

Who has?

It is mainly because up until the fall of the Byzantine empire, Greek language had a state representing it. Also the church helped a lot. And the fact that Ancient Greek texts never stopped being studied. A high literacy compared to the rest of Europe in almost all the eras up until when western Europe started to wake up. And other factors like purging a few loanwords here and there.


did you say "purging"? i am interested now

Dude, you need to decrease you shitposts per second. It is getting retarded.