Who was the most JUST?

who was the most JUST?

Ringo is objectively the least JUST because he's the sole survivor



george, its why he died young

>implying lennon didn't die young

I mean besides that, not at the hand of someone else. he probably would have outlived George

dont know about that, lennon smoked cigarettes and pot til the day he died. he probably would have died of a drug overdose or cancer

newfag here, what does JUST mean?

Well George did too, and thats why he died.of lung cancer.


george didn't take as many drugs as john, didn't drink as much alcohol as john. also, to get cancer you must smoke at least 1 pack a day, did george smoke that much??

You don't have to smoke at least a pack a day to get cancer? Where did you hear that nonsense?

Oh ffs

It's true, even if you only smoke 19 a day, you'll be fine and never get cancer.

i bet you're butthurt cause you got memed on, haha what a cuck, top kek

on behalf of this board, please leave

> pot
> drug overdose


Ringo's looking at him



And George's looking everyone

final form

Ringo was always the most moral. Did you now that by mere material presence, there are now a third more people on earth? Well... not that,, but he's a lot moraller. John would be very unmoral with large dogs. Whiches a nonmfact.

George martin bitch. Gorge martyr. Dapper, gentle, attentive, good in bed.

lol so ransom xd