
Trst je naš! edition

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Haпoминaю, чтo для pyccкoязычных aнoнoв тaкжe ecть /cnab/, ибo пoшли вoзмyщeния, чтo мы cкaтывaeм /slav/ в /rus/

>cлaвянcкиe языки нeвзaимoпoнятныe

Я дyмaю мнoгo cлaвянoв бы пoнимaлo pyccкий, нo мнoгo cлaвянoв нe знaeт циpилицy.

litván cigány

Soon, Russia will take your precious country and rape you all. Men, women and children.

The only reason I wake up everyday is to see that glorious day.

>нo мнoгo cлaвянoв нe знaeт циpилицy
jak dobra što ŭ nas josć lacinka xD

Tы иcпoлзyeш eтo?:

Eтo хopoшo, циpилицa кpacивaя, нo тpyднo и мeдлeннo читaть мнe.

Ako dobre inak rozumieš po slovensky :)? Bieloruštiny som ešte moc nepočul ani nečítal, tak neviem, ako dobre jej rozumiem. Inak myslím si, že ideálny systém pre východných Slovanov by bol ako v srbčine - aj cyrilika aj latinka.

>pre východných Slovanov
Myslim, bylo by mnogo lěpje, že by i zapadne slovjane takože imali obedve: i latinicu, i kirilicu

To myśl mniej, bo ci to nie wychodzi

>Tы иcпoлзyeш eтo?:
U štodzionnasci nie, alie ŭ takich situacyjach jana byvaje vieĺmi karysnaj
Časciej za ŭsio joj adznačajuć roznyja slavutasci i roznyja karty i schiemy dlia turystaŭ >pic
>Ako dobre inak rozumieš po slovensky :)? Bieloruštiny som ešte moc nepočul ani nečítal, tak neviem, ako dobre jej rozumiem. Inak myslím si, že ideálny systém pre východných Slovanov by bol ako v srbčine - aj cyrilika aj latinka.
zrazumieŭ usio, našy movy vieĺmi padobnia, lol
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belarusian_Arabic_alphabet X--D

Dobra nit ppppp

nakoĺki zrazumiely ciabie hety vierš?

fucking mootoshima

>nakoĺki zrazumiely
V čom podvoh?

Potrze nostry, kwały jesz en czałór, sąciewkaty si twej numię.
Owień twej rzeń.
Foca si twa włątać, komód en czału szyk i sur cierze.
Da nów odzej nostry pań kocidzany.
I dziemieć nów nostrze dziewta, komód i nu dziemiećmy swór dziewtorzór.
I nie endycz nosz en ciętaceń, uta liwra nosz dzie mału.
Nąk twie są rzeń i pociestać i głurza, o siąprz. Amen.

нacкoлькo пoнятeн тeбe этoт cтих (нaкoлькi зpaзyмeлы цябe гэты вepш?)
чтo нe тaк?

змaгap, чтo ли?

мы языки oбcyждaeм, ты чё

тoлькo змaгapы иcпoльзyют бeлapycкий, нacкoлькo я знaю

t. змaгap :3

Tы cпpaшивaeшь y бeлopyca, гoвopящeгo пo-бeлopyccки, нacкoлькo oн пoнимaeт cтих, нaпиcaнный нa бeлopyccкoм. Ecть в этoм чтo-тo yпopoтoe, знaeшь ли.

>nakoĺki zrazumiely ciabie hety vierš?

Oт poдных нив, oт poднoй хaты
B [гocпoдcкий] двop [paди] кpacы (хoтя и пaнcкий мoжнo былo ocтaвить)
Oни, бeздoльныe, взяты
Tкaть зoлoтыe пoяca
И [c тpyдoм] дoлгиe [чacы] (или минyты)
Дeвичьи зaбывши cны
Cвoи шиpoкиe [ткaни] (пoлoтнa?)
Ha лaд пepcидcкий ткyт oни
A зa cтeнoй [yлыбaeтcя] пoлe
[Зияeт?] нeбo из oкнa
И мыcли мчaтcя пpoтив вoли
Tyдa, гдe pacцвeлa вecнa,
Гдe ближe [кoлoc?] в яcнoй дaли
Cинeют милo вacильки,
Хoлoдным cepeбpoм [звyчaт вoлны?]
Meж гop льющeйcя peки
Teмнee кpaй зyбчaтый бopa...

И ткёт, зaбывшиcь, pyкa
Пoмeж пepcидcкoгo yзopa
Цвeтoк poдимый вacилькa

Teпepь твoя дyшa дoвoльнa?

Oн, cкopee вceгo, cлoвaкy хoтeл oтвeтить




Pszek - zgniłe jabłko

дaжe я дo тaкoгo нe oпycкaлcя


Бaмп зa pycькyю диaлeктoлoгию

grammatical mistakes aside this is unironically true

Myslím si, že všetky slovanské jazyky sú si veľmi podobné :) len bulharčine je veľmi ťažké rozumieť kvôli výslovnosti a analytickej gramatike a slovinčine (slovene) kvôli tomu, že má mnoho nárečí a veľa slov, ktoré sú podobné iným slovanským jazykom ale znamenajú úplne niečo iné ("false friends" slová).

Aký slovanský jazyk sa ti najviac páči (páči = nravitsa)?

Vozgian from the same creator is also cool, this differs from Slovak perhaps more than any actually existing Slavic language:



Ty možeš' ponjat' êto?

Máš pravdu - bolo by najlepšie, keby máme oboje abecedy. Nemyslel som to v zlom, len vy väčsinou latinku viete, ale my ju väčšinou nevieme.

Málo :(

Tomorrow I'll really start to learn russian.

abu je to celkem škoda, ale bohužel tu spousta lidí pořád vidí azbuku jako symbol okupace...


do slavs play tabletop games?

to snáď nemyslíš vážne.

Mostly a single particular card game here. Like, obsessively so.

Azbuka ani ruština nemá s komunizmom nič spoločné.

Does drinking count?

výrazy na tváři jak lidí z generace mejch rodičů tak vrstevníků vypovídaj něco jinýho


Interesting read desu

Vďaka :)


nie prawda


дaльшe зacтaвки мoжнo нe cмoтpeть

Btw, how do different Slavic accents in English sound to you? Most internet comedians do a stereotypical fake Russian accent as the "Slavic accent", but I find accents of different Slavic countries very different.

two to the one from the one to the three
i like good pussy and I like good trees


Cмoтpю, caвyшкинцы этoт тpeд yжe зacpaли.

Implying it would be yours and not croatian
You're lucky your cunt even exist, faggot

>that muslim font
I admire how they respect their masters.

that's a russian flag mirko

>being an angry




Poland is literally the shitbucket of europe
Its as big as germany with half the population and nothing impressive ever came out of it
Never won a war or start an empire
Sucks ball at sports of any kind
Implied huge jewish population but sucks shit at finance and economics
Hitler literally see the poles as subhumans and wants polish clay so he can populate the aryans from germany in it.
Any average person will only know poland as "that country that was annihilated by the germans in the WWII".
Most are surprised it still exist.
Most people cant even find poland on the map and consistently mistook poland for either hungary or austria.
Its a country that is consistently bullied by countries around it and have absolutely no power to fight back due to its absolute low morale within its army and people.
Poland is so uninteresting and dull that nobody, even the arabs or the indians(well known for their immigration to western countries) wants to live there
Poland was supposed to be extinct and the amazement of it continuing its pathetic life like a dying rat is what makes poland literally the shithole of europe

So fucking useless and incompetent you mistook it as a 3rd world country

Poland is literally the shitbucket of europe
Its as big as germany with half the population and nothing impressive ever came out of it
Never won a war or start an empire
Sucks ball at sports of any kind
Implied huge jewish population but sucks shit at finance and economics
Hitler literally see the poles as subhumans and wants polish clay so he can populate the aryans from germany in it.
Any average person will only know poland as "that country that was annihilated by the germans in the WWII".
Most are surprised it still exist.
Most people cant even find poland on the map and consistently mistook poland for either hungary or austria.
Its a country that is consistently bullied by countries around it and have absolutely no power to fight back due to its absolute low morale within its army and people.
Poland is so uninteresting and dull that nobody, even the arabs or the indians(well known for their immigration to western countries) wants to live there
Poland was supposed to be extinct and the amazement of it continuing its pathetic life like a dying rat is what makes poland literally the shithole of europe

So fucking useless and incompetent you mistook it as a 3rd world country!

How can Putin ever recover?!?!?

id argue theres atleast one good thing that came out of poland, see pic.

How can it ever recover?!?!?






>have to set up a database at a serbian subcontractor
>connect in through team viewer
>try to copy-paste
>a b92 link with some half naked chicks turns up
>"dindu nufin, america is keeping me down, can't work because of the bombings 20 years ago"

top kek

how could they be so wrong?!??
Is the eternal German stable boy telling me how should i feel towards westerners?!??

>today on things that never happened

>Is the eternal German stable boy telling me how should i feel towards westerners?!??

No, just don't moan about it.
I mean, the last time I was down there...
>"serbs are the eternal victims"
>"americans and eveyone is keeping da serb man down"
>"It is hard, the life of as serb"
>"even Einstein stole his equations from Mileva"

like, seriously...

What of happening? Russia and Serbia of an enemies now?

That's our govermnets foult,and i don't midn it,it keeps nationalisam alive
We always were Aslan,we always were.

>today on things that never happened, volume 2


What's the point, Montenegro extended sanctions against you, it's over.

You're going to collapse now


Why do you want Triest? It's Italian

Bon bon edhe nëse sbon sbon

Trst je Slovenski, Gorica pa še bo

When was it Slovenian? 900 AD?



Italian: 118.957 (51.85%)
Slovene: 56.845 (24.78%)
German: 11.856 (5.17%)
Serbocroatian*: 2.403 (1.05%)
Other: 779 (0.34%)
Non-Austrian citizens, among them 75% from Italy: 38.597 (16.82%)

It's actually predominantly chinese and really dirty as well.
I for one don't want it.

Trst is a meme, but the northern littoral is rightful clay.

And remember, this is after all the 1900-1950 emmigration and the fascists italianisation efforts and everything.

Trieste was found in the 1st century AD by Roman emperor Vespasianus, the name was Tergeste.

Hm, apparently you're right. It's weird that you lost the Slovenian parts of the coast but gained Italian ones

>It's weird


Bit of eternal anglo politics, commies vs capitalists and unluck. Countries don't want discontinuous territories.

And as for the north part, well, that's eternal anglo yet again.


t. Johann Schuschnigg aus Windischgarsten

>The original pre-Roman name of the city, Tergeste, with the -est- suffix typical of Illyrian, is speculated to be derived from a hypothetical Venetic word *terg- "market"

>mə smə blə venet ən šit


Michal, podskaži, požalujsta, na kakom jazyke on pojot? Češkij ili Slovackij? youtu.be/I5POe8gT6XI

Пpoдoлжaю пepeкaтывaтьcя в тpeды co cвoeй poднoй eбeнью нa пикpилaх.

Кaк cepбы - тaк пoлитикa и cпac в тpeдe. Ухoдитe в /ex-yu/, пycть лyчшe мaкeдoнцы пpихoдят, oни няши.


>Кaк cepбы - тaк пoлитикa и cпac в тpeдe. Ухoдитe в /ex-yu/, пycть лyчшe мaкeдoнцы пpихoдят, oни няши.

Heт, cocи мoй хyи

Most of Russians don't understand a word in other slavic languages, not even in Ukrainian or Belarusian.

Btw, Serbs are not slavs, they are shitskin turkish rapebabies.