We are the greatest country on earth

We are the greatest country on earth



Agreed. Glory to the Commonwealth Empire.


You win.

What's even funnier is that is a yank lmao. Get rekt

>get 66666666
>stupid fedora pic without any text
at least the Canadians say something stupid like "pls be my ai gf" that can be turned into a meme

>at least the Canadians say something stupid like "pls be my ai gf" that can be turned into a meme

>waste huge get
>act smug

It's funny because it's true.

We concede defeat.

Do you want me to suck your dick?

wow, calm down. not my fault you blew it.

So so true


You're not posting with the Swiss flag

fuck the English Empire (je lui pisse à la raie!)

Why do you dislike the British when they gave you the freedom to be autonomous in Canada, practice your religion, keep your language, culture and so on?

Because most Quebecois cannot be reasoned with and are extreme retards.

Where do I get this information? From Canadians of course.

This is coming from an american.

You know if it was the other way round a "British Quebec" in a French Canada would be impossible, because the French would never tolerate it. The French have always crushed autonomous and semi-independent regions in France, replacing their languages and culture with the single centralised flavour that comes from Paris.

>replacing their languages and culture with the single centralised flavour that comes from Paris.

Halts maul du dracksau amerikaner hund.

Never forget that France made your meme country, your meme language and your meme masters.

French? Don't you mean bastardized latin? Never forget that Italy made your meme country, your meme language and your meme masters.

What the fuck are you talking about ?

France is named after germanic tribes.
The language is far from the original latin, you sucked our germano-celt toes, not the roman ones. Today italy is our bitch, and we are usas's bitch, you and me.

Stop the delusion.

But never forget that we made USA and you


Wow, you're mad

>The language is far from the original latin
You mean languages change over time? DUDE WOAH...



kinda like how you were Italy's bitch before?

I'm angry against you, englishmen, in a way you can't imagine.

If only you were better than France, i'd gladly enjoy my sort.
But you are a bunch of perfidious fucktards "lulilu british rule the waves Lulu"

Whatever, inbred shekkel sniffer.

>I'm angry against you, englishmen, in a way you can't imagine.

For what reason?

Reminder that English is the lingua franca and that Napoleon got btfo and also remember Agincourt and that Republics are shit.


give me free superior education and ill think about it

ITT: 1890


Stop being a surrendering fuck you tory.

let's be honest, it's France