Nips, why exactly do you think France is this amazing place like in gochiusa?

Nips, why exactly do you think France is this amazing place like in gochiusa?

smaller french/german towns look kinda like that

No qt girls though.

but it is

idk,jews brainwashed us?
Germany and Poland are known for beautiful cities as well


Strasbourg is not france

Paris is france

France is France

you're entitled to your opinion

don't tell them, though, they'll get quite upset

ya,I thought so.
but another thread just teach me like this.

whats wrong with it?

>street prayer in Eguisheim

yeah, sure

Did you really fell for one of the worst shop ever seen? I can't even tell anymore when people are serious or not.

Why do you think this style of houses only exist near Germany ?
This place is not even near Strasbourg or Alsace.

or *Germany


i-it's Nouvelle-Aquitaine, now

Oh my god that shop is terrible

it is not france
Paris is france

>France looks like an African shithole

>and Poland

pic rel
And I don't think you lads even know we exist

that's called photoshop

why don't you learn about your own country?
I don't think Japan has any cities which look better than Warsaw.

You tell me first, you fatso

Warsaw is meh tier

Gdansk old town is fake though

I'm really envious ;_;
I wish I were Polish

There were threads about where Gochiusa took place with people analyzing the scenes and the conclusion was it's some weird Anglo-Japanese-German anime world in central Europe.

There's little or no French influence. France is a mediterranean nigger country.

It looks like bloodbourne. Cool.



fuck off amerishart

You have serious brain problems my friend

>Strasbourg is not france
>Paris is france

Are you retarded ?

The autor said himself that it's based of his travel in Colmar
>There's little or no French influence

people being dumb all over again


It's German, you dumb Muslim.

It's neither desu.

>Nazi occupation
>Hunting/fishing restricted because we're dirty French
>Germans don't bother us when we poach as they want to pretend we're not strangers

>current year
>Have better health insurance, have more holidays than the French

If gochiusa was French then all the houses and rabbits would be replaced with mosques and niggers.

Chino is Polish

east asians have a France and Posh England fetish in the same way that the west has a fetish for Japan and Korea
to a lesser extent they have a fetish of medieval knights and shit just like a small subset of orientalists have a fetish for ancient china (muh ROTK)

germany is france clay anyway



I don't exact;y. especially now that I can realize France in a way on the internet, I really despise the country. first of all, the country has history that citizens kill their selfish king. that's disgusting for me.

ewww, fuck off, fuck Paris, Strasbourg is French.

>Poland are known for beautiful cities as well
>I wish I were Polish
Oh my god
>He actually fell for the meme

Są gorsi nawet.


wow, totally German.

You people are so unbelievably stupid. It we didn't teach you savages how to live you'd be trash.

Petit papa voici la mi-carême,
Car te voici déguisé en soldat.
Petit papa dis-moi si c'est pour rire,
Ou pour faire peur aux tout petits enfants (bis)

Non mon enfant je pars pour la patrie,
C'est un devoir où tous les papas s'en vont,
Embrasse-moi petite fille chérie,
Je rentrerai bien vite à la maison (bis)

Dis-moi maman quelle est cette médaille,
Et cette lettre qu'apporte le facteur,
Dis-moi maman tu pleures et tu défailles
Ils ont tué petit père adoré (bis)

Oui mon enfant ils ont tué ton père,
Pleurons ensemble car nous les haïssons
Ces guerres atroces qui font pleurer les mères,
Et tuent les pères des petits anges blonds (bis)

La neige tombe aux portes de la ville,
Là est assise une enfant de Strasbourg.
Elle reste là malgré le froid, la bise,
Elle reste là malgré le froid du jour (bis)

Un homme passe, à la fillette donne.
Elle reconnait l'uniforme allemand.
Elle refuse l'aumône qu'on lui donne,
À l'ennemi elle dit bien fièrement (bis)

Gardez votre or je garde ma souffrance,
Soldat prussien passez votre chemin.
Moi je ne suis qu'une enfant de la France,
À l'ennemi je ne tends pas la main (bis)

Tout en priant sous cette Cathédrale
Ma mère est morte sous ce porche écroulé.
Frappée à mort par l'une de vos balles,
Frappée à mort par l'un de vos boulets (bis)

Mon père est mort sur vos champs de bataille,
Je n'ai pas vu l'ombre de son cercueil.
Frappé à mort par l'une de vos balles,
C'est la raison de ma robe de deuil (bis)

Vous avez eu l'Alsace et la Lorraine,
Vous avez eu des millions d'étrangers,
Vous avez eu Germanie et Bohême,
Mais mon p'tit cœur vous ne l'aurez jamais,
Mais mon p'tit cœur il restera français.

>this is exact;y what Americans think
ugh, how disgusting. enjoy America as much as you want.

It's an undeniable fact. You've done absolutely nothing throughout history. Besides discover that pink trees are pretty and rape is fun to you.



>be Japanese
>live in real life Coruscant

Paris syndrome

The real France looks more like a dystopia than anything


>Paris syndrome
>From the estimated six million yearly visitors, the number of reported cases is not significant: according to an administrator at the Japanese embassy in France, around twenty Japanese tourists a year are affected by the syndrome

It's just a meem. Not denying Paris is shit though, like most capitals.

Colmer isn't a typical French town. The architecture is German. French means Mediterranean/brown.

Wtf I want to become Pole nao!

absolutely nothing we learned from your shit. I can believe it as far as watching your election

not really pêh

The only thing you did right with that photoshop is cutting half of a Mudslime

Nice job!

>turning a 132 KB image into 1.1 MB

Bravo user

Yeah, looks like the edit function of 4chanX turned a .jpg into a .png

Don't ask me why, I don't know