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Bump I can't get enough of the vinyl cringe

That was pretty bad desu

holy fuck me too, I can't stop watching these

>loves the sound of a fucked record
>best way to make a record yours is just put a big ol scratch in it

It's like all these girls with their vinyl collection videos all have the same fucking albums like holy shit how are they all so consistent

>tfw I get triggered by her messing up shit records

Girls have this odd mentality wherein they're unique, with opinions and taste meriting a 10-15 minute video, though realistically they're all copies of copies of copies, subconsciously clinging to a scheme and too fucking daft to recognize it themselves.

See .

It's frightening. I know.

As hivemind and meme-riddled as this board is, I'd expect even the newest posters and Sup Forums transplants to have more diverse taste than your typical tumblr "alt-girl."



I'm just tired of females at this point.

officially triggered


fucking hell triggered again

I dare you not to cringe


this chick seems to only listen to radio shit. I will agree that radio has gone down into the bowels of nothing but top40lolXD but there is still good music god damn you.

I've come to the conclusion that all girls have shit taste in music and if they say they like a decent artist they know jackshit about them and just say they love them.

This ironic humor bullshit needs to end.

It's no longer funny. It's no longer novel. Now it's just a safety net for people who know they're NOT FUCKING FUNNY, yet feel entitled to some sense of self-worth, and abuse bullshit, contrived, by which I mean intentionally dry, safety-net humor.

(Note: I don't dislike dry, emotionless humor itself. I dislike dry, emotionless humor from people who are otherwise flamboyant and full of life, for which it's contrived as all fucking hell.)

yep. that's my sister.

It's not that they've shit taste in music that bothers me.

It's that they've shit taste in music, yet feel through some excess of narcissism feel obligated to share their cliched, archetypal tastes with the masses, all the while not giving us a fucking hint of insight as to WHY they like the music other than "it sounds good," or "it makes me feel happy," or some equally vapid motive.

This too

>doesn't know the name of the Gorillaz album because she doesn't realize it's the eponymous
just fuck my fucking shit

omg that image makes me so sad! What person has to go on wikihow to accept their death??

>cishet wite female youtuber

Women are memes, bruh. Visual style is what they look for in artists.

Source: See Urban Outfitters.

she is the reason why i'm afraid of buying vimyl. I mean, buying them just because it is cool is fine for teenagers, but if you're older, don't do it just because it is cool.

>frontier psychiatrist

always knew it was the plebbiest song on the album

Not only girls, bro. But women become famous more easily when they are pretty, pussy power. And that makes them think they are unique. Women that truly are unique are those that know the difference between uniqueness and popularity because of beauty.

Don't act like Sup Forumstants don't like all the same shit too lol

Every vinyl collection always is very cringy. I don't know why.

This. It's like 90% of this website never went past the entry level charts.

We don't like all the same shit tho. Even when we say Loveless or ITAOTS is GOAT there are still people who actively disagree with that.

i've found women that have great taste in music, they are normally musicians, so they don't need to pretend, some of them just don't give a fuck about anything other than music.

Replace Loveless with 21p and ITAOTS with P!ATD and you describe the vinyl girls just as you did the Sup Forumstants.

TRUEEEE have a beer and salad. It actually happens with every big social group, it has a culture and rules.

That doesn't make sense. I know I'm generalizing, but 99% of vinyl memetubers out there ALWAYS claim Blurryface and The 1975 as their all time favorite obscure albums. While on Sup Forums there's always roughly a 50% divide on the most popular albums.

Whatever that 1975 album is called. I Jerk Off To You As You Sleep, or something like that.

>the gorillaz
>i dont know what the albums called

i made it that far. pretty proud of myself.


>Implying all those groups aren't normie core


You guys realize that this is just what young people do right? Probably a lot of people on this board like music on the same level as this kid and still think they are better.