Poles still bitch about barely polish land in Ukraine and Lithuania like its the holocaust

>Poles still bitch about barely polish land in Ukraine and Lithuania like its the holocaust
>has no problem with half their country being ex-german clay

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>>Poles still bitch about barely polish land in Yes so was called the eastern most region of Poland/the Commonwealth:
>Ukraina: U+kraina - U kresu krainy - U krańcu krainy Korony Królestwa Polskiego, Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów.
>Ukraine: At+borderland - At the borderland of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Now, for what reason does Poland need land inhabited by non-Poles?


Does this Pole in Sweden have a job or is he on bennies? He is always on Sup Forums.

I thought we were talking about Poland, not the Empire of the Catholic Church

Probably some underage child who gets homeschooled because he'd get bullied cuz of his Polish accent.

>Poles still bitch about barely polish land in Ukraine and Lithuania like its the holocaust
Not really
It's a shame we lost Lwów, but we probably wouldn't take it now even for free. It would require decades of money-pumping to make it function at all.
>ex-german clay
Shows what you know, dumbass.

you literally expulsed 12 million people of who 2 million died in the middle of winter, how can Poles think they deserve anything at all after your imperial and oppressive ventures?

It really didn't have all the typical characteristics of an empire tho.
>It would require decades of money-pumping to make it function at all.
Stop exaggerating.

>Euros and their age old territorial disputes
So when you giving Skane back?

Please dont forget that they are half savage slavic people
You cant expect them to act as mature and civilized as us Germanics

Is this bait? What are you even on about?
>Stop exaggerating.
I'm not exaggerating, Ukraine's economy is a fucking black hole. We don't need more land and sure as fuck we don't need more ethnic minorities. We should put a fucking wall to the East and develop our structures in V4.

>half their country being ex-german clay
Please Mohammed.
>you literally expulsed 12 million people
Stop overestimating, it was around 7 million.
> how can Poles think they deserve anything at all after your imperial and oppressive ventures?
Top kek, like Poles had any say in it. It was Stalins decision! Most Poles didn't want such border changes at such a great cost, it is a national tragedy for us.

Nietzsche stated "Germany is a great nation only because its people have so much Polish blood in their veins [...] I am proud of my Polish descent."

>You cant expect them to act as mature and civilized as us Germanics
>not barbarian
>the irony
>I'm not exaggerating, Ukraine's economy
Yes you are, it's not Africa in the middle of nowhere.

the problem is not the blood, the problem is the barbaric polish culture.
If Poles are properly Germanized, they can become productive members of society, like Nietzsche

>“I was taught to ascribe the origin of my blood and name to Polish noblemen who were called Niëtzky and left their home and nobleness about a hundred years ago, finally yielding to unbearable suppression: they were Protestants."
- Nachlass, Sommer 1882 21 [2]

>"my ancestors were Polish noblemen, even my grandfather's mother was Polish"
- letter to Heinrich von Stein, December 1882

>"My ancestors were Polish noblemen (Niëzky); it seems that the type is well preserved in spite of three German "mothers"
- letter to Georg Brandes, 10 April 1888

>"I thank Heaven, that in all of my instincts I am a Pole and nobody else."
- letter to Meta von Salis, 29 December 1888

>"And yet my ancestors were Polish noblemen: it is owing to them that I have so much race instinct in my blood, who knows? perhaps even the liberum veto."
- Ecce homo, chapter 3 (Warum ich so weise bin)

>"I am enough Polish, to give away all the music of the world just in exchange for Chopin."
- Ecce homo, chapter 4 (Warum ich so klug bin)

>"I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood.”
- Nietzsche Contra Democracy by Fredrick Appel, page 114

>“Germany is a great nation only because its people have so much Polish blood in their veins. [...]
>”I am proud of my Polish descent."
- The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche by H. L. Mencken, page 6

>Yes you are, it's not Africa in the middle of nowhere.

It literally is poorer per capita than Nigeria.

you live in a civilized germanic country and havent experienced polish savagery at first hand

>barbaric polish culture.
You fucking idiot... Oh the irony! It's like calling white as black and black as white.



Wasnt Silesia a part of Bohemia before Prussia took it from the HRE in the 1700s?

>polish savagery
says a fucking g*rman

>Yes you are, it's not Africa in the middle of nowhere.
It kind of is.
When Eastern and Western Germany merged it took long years of money pumping to set them on a more or less equal level, and as far as I there are still some differences between them. And don't even want to imagine how much time and money it would cost us to do something similar on an even larger scale.
>half savage slavic people
>mature and civilized as us Germanics
>barbaric polish culture.
you overdid it Hans, but I've seen worse bait
I give you B- for trying

we went full retarded once with Hitler, but apart from that, you cant deny that Germany is more civilized than Poland in every single way.

I think the inhabitants of Poland would be better off today if Polish territories would have remained part of Prussia/Germany

Our barbaric culture caused way less deaths than yours.

is this one of those stupid ultra nationalist clay threads
im out

because you were/are a weak and powerless country
if you wanna know how poland would be if they had any actualy power, just look at russia

Yes, it was originally Slavic, until the 18th century.

We could end you but we didn't.

Ah, a German attempting to dismiss some of the greatest crimes in history as a mere momentary lapse of civility in the great "civilization" of Germany. VERY impressive indeed


eternal kraut btfo

they were a big power for a few centuries and were a pretty tolerant multi ethnic multi religious place.
Most of the Jewish population of the planet lived there, and they had Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians.


>everything Slavic belongs to Poland

You're truly no better than Russians.

look, everybody makes mistakes sometimes.
You cant simply look at that one time where we tried to conquer the world and genocide jews/slavs and just assume this is typical German behaviour

>we went full retarded once with Hitler,
Then tell me, how come you have Berlin today?
>you cant deny that Germany is more civilized than Poland in every single way.
Eh yes, I can, I surely fucking can, with actual historical facts.

it wasn't polish

>why yes i am swedish

>implying hitler did anything wrong
only bad thing he did was not finishing the job but the anglo warmongers wouldn't let him

they werent really a big power, because the elected kings of PLC had very little control and the feudal lords did whatever they wanted

>and they had Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians.
And this made them even weaker and more divided

I understand that all of us want to believe that our country had a great past
unfortunately, in polands case, this isnt true



funny thing even Slovakia invaded poland in 39

>Ástandið (Icelandic: "the condition" or "the situation") is a term used about the influence British and American soldiers had on Icelandic women during World War II. At its peak the population of foreign soldiers was equal to that of Icelandic men. Many of the foreign soldiers would court Icelandic women and estimates of the number of women who married foreign soldiers goes into the hundreds


>if you wanna know how poland would be if they had any actualy power,

you do understand that prussia at that time was not the same as germany, right?
PLC was small fry compared to HRE


that's a gross exaggeration
also those women were and still are considered sluts and whores

>this is what germs actually believe
lmao, that sheer idiocy and chutzpah
Lad, you were still burning witches on stakes when we had a Constitution and civil rights. We tolerated faggots when you were still cutting their heads off. We mostly kept to ourselves and defended our shit while you were invading whatever you could and genociding whole ethnicities, like the expansionist warmonger you always were. You're a result of Scandinavian raiders attacking protoslavic villages. You are a literal barbarian, and not the memetic proud warrior type, just a thug, a killer of innocents. A bipolar brute who constantly switches between murderous mania and unwarranted, self-righteous sense of entitlement.
It's not an opinion of a butthurt Pole, but an objective fact that this continent would much happier and more peaceful if your nation never existed.

>one time

Better one.


WWI was just a normal war, nothing evil about it

I dont know about you, but I wouldn't consider burning atheists very tolerant



>that image
It used to be inhabited by Germanic tribes. It was only taken by Slavic tribes during the migration period.

>be german
>destroy warsaw and loads of other towns
>cry when the eternal anglo rains pure justice from the sky on germany


invasion of poland was a crime
but so was bombing of dresden

West Slavs, as in Poles and Bohemians (Czechs) you idiot.
Yes, it was Polish for over 300 years you retard.

>I dont know about you, but I wouldn't consider burning atheists very tolerant
see No one burned atheists here, you imbecile. Not then and not ever before.
In fact it was your Teutonic Knights who'd be very happy to burn Copernicus for his scientific theses. And ironically enough some of you tards have the cheek to question his nationality.
You were the religious zealots, not us.

it was part of the kingdom of poland but it was inhabited by silesians

>they werent really a big power,
Yes, Poland was a great power, being the largest in Europe (after Russian Tsardom and the Ottoman Empire) and Muscovy/Russia was weaker. Poland-Lithuania was the main player in central-eastern Europe in the 16th and 17th century.
>because the elected kings of PLC had very little control
And that is, even with that kind of decentralized system.
>and the feudal lords did whatever they wanted
Nobles made up 10% of the population, which was unprecedented worldwide.

>PLC was small fry compared to HRE
Oh you damn moron... The HRE was shit.

voltaire pls leave
also it depends on the period, in the early and high middle ages the HRE was a real empire

>It used to be inhabited by Germanic tribes.
Oh for fucks sake...

Roman scholars called every tribe east and northeast of the Roman Empire as barbarians or Germanians, even proto-Slavic tribes like the Venedi.

Poles are in fact the descendants of the Lechitic tribes, who's ancestors were the Vandal/Lugii, Burgundians (Scandinavian Germanians), Sarmatians (Aryan Iranians) and Venedi (Balto-Slavs).

>inhabited by silesians
Which were mostly SLAVIC POLES AND BOHEMIANS you humongous fucking retard.



no such thing



Apostasy meant a death penalty literally everywhere in the Christian circle, including your place.
What wasn't so common was equal treatment of various faiths and beliefs. Sure, you couldn't really convert away from Christianity here or anywhere else, but otherwise we had religious freedom and equal treatment of faiths. See the Confederation of Warsaw from 1573, it's all right there.

that's Polish propaganda m8
Silesians were a distinct nation for most of history

You're a dickhead mate, I'm well aware of the differences between "Germanic" and "German" and the classifications of "barbarian" tribes made by the Romans.

Unfortunately, none of this has anything to do with my argument. Since you're a big fan of quoting Wikipedia articles, let me give you a quote:
>it is believed that the East Germanic tribes, the speakers of the East Germanic languages related to the North Germanic tribes, had migrated from Scandinavia into the area lying east of the Elbe. In fact, the Scandinavian influence on Pomerania and northern Poland from period III onwards was so considerable that this region is sometimes included in the Nordic Bronze Age culture

Meaningless shit, sorry. R1a has been in central Europe for much longer than Slavs have, and is very frequent even in Scandinavian populations - surely Scandinavia wasn't once Polish clay as well?

>but I wouldn't consider burning atheists very tolerant
>Apostasy meant a death penalty literally everywhere in the Christian circle, including your place.
But that didn't happen in Poland, and the one time that happened was due to the dude writing and publishing a book which challenged the existence of God.

>that's Polish propaganda m8

>Silesians were a distinct nation for most of history
You fucking moron... Silesians were part of the Polish nation, and they were west Slavs.

>>it is believed that the East Germanic tribes, the speakers of the East Germanic languages related to the North Germanic tribes, had migrated from Scandinavia into the area lying east of the Elbe. In fact, the Scandinavian influence on Pomerania and northern Poland from period III onwards was so considerable that this region is sometimes included in the Nordic Bronze Age culture
Yes exactly dumb fuck! >Meaningless shit,
No it's not, it tells something.
>R1a has been in central Europe for much longer than Slavs have,
You idiot, that's be cause we "Poles" have been in Europe for a very long time.
>and is very frequent even in Scandinavian populations - surely Scandinavia wasn't once Polish clay as well?
Poles are the descendants of some Scandinavian tribes like the Vandals and Burgundians that settled on the Vistula river, yes, just like the Sarmatians.

They weren't, especially considering the fact national identity wasn't even a thing at the time. Best you could do is argue unique language and custom, but that's not really the case.

The elites did tho, like the Polish Silesian Piasts and knights identified as Poles.

>Yes exactly dumb fuck!
I wasn't quoting Roman scholars, I was quoting modern historians.
>No it's not, it tells something.
True, it tells us that R1a is not "Polish" or "Slavic", but rather something brought into Europe by Indo-Europeans many many thousands of years ago before such languages or ethnic groups even existed. R1a is only deemed a Slavic haplogroup because it peaks in Slavic populations. It does not mean that they are synonymous with each other. R1a was present east of the Elbe before Slavs arrived in the migration period, and it was there afterwards.

>R1a was present east of the Elbe before Slavs arrived in the migration period,
It arrived mostly with the Iranian Scythians and Sarmatians.





>this thread
The Germans started not one, but TWO aggressive wars. They lost both. They therefore lost a fuckton of clay.

How is this surprising? How is this AT ALL an injustice? Start shit, get hit. Literally all there is to it. It's not fucking hard; if the Germans wanted to retain their clay and maintain ethnic Germans all over Eastern Europe, then maybe they should have tried something other than fucking genocide.

Seriously, Germans (and retarded Germanboos such as this dumbfuck Swede ITT) are really no different from dindus.


Fuck Germany and all Germans, the cancer of Europe for 2000 years and counting.

>It arrived mostly with the Iranian Scythians and Sarmatians.
You don't understand how migrations and genetics work. Generally, existing populations are absorbed by conquering tribes rather than genocided and completely replaced. This is why we still have haplogroups present the paleolithic, and in some places they are even the majority.

R1a arrived with the Corded-Ware Indo-European invaders around 5000 years ago.

This only further proves my point. R1a is not Slavic or Scythian or Sarmatian, it is Indo-European.

I know, and that wasn't my point. What I meant to say was that R1a is not exclusively Slavic Or Iranian, but rather Indo-European generally.

R1a predates our concept of "Iranians" and was present in central Europe before the Scythians and Sarmatians, anyway.

>Generally, existing populations are absorbed by conquering tribes rather than genocided and completely replaced.
This is my point?
>it is Indo-European.
Of course, Eastern Iranian is or comes from Indo-European for fucks sake...
>(and retarded Germanboos such as this dumbfuck Swede ITT)
Wtf are you talking about? The Saxons literally started shit by expanding eastwards taking Slavic clay where today's Berlin is and conquering the local population.

>This is my point?
No, your point is that R1a was brought into central Europe by Slavs and Iranians, who were later absorbed by Germans who retained the R1a haplogroup.

My point is that R1a has been in central Europe for 5000 years, was brought by Corded-Ware invaders, and these populations have been absorbed by various groups since then.

>Of course, Eastern Iranian is or comes from Indo-European for fucks sake..
All thumbs are fingers, but not all fingers are thumbs.

>your point is that R1a was brought into central Europe by Slavs
No, the Slavic identity didn't from until around 500 AD, if anything proto-Slavs like the Venedi (eastern Germanians).
>and Iranians,
Mostly yes.
>who were later absorbed by Germans who retained the R1a haplogroup.
Germans are mostly I2 and R1b and Scandinavians are I1.

R1a wasn't proto-Slavic. It was brought into Europe 5000 years ago, long before such linguistic branches had started to form.

>Germans are mostly I2 and Scandinavians are I1.
Nope, Germans are a fairly decent split of I1, R1b and R1a.

>and Iranians
>Mostly yes
You've got to be joking. R1a was in central Europe long before the Sarmatians. I've already explained this.

This has gotten far too off topic anyway, so whatever.

>and R1a.
Because the Saxons absorbed some west Slavs.

To some degree, but mainly because R1a has been there for 5000 years.
