I'm in portugal.Jesus fucking christ this country is so fucking shitty,the woman look like garbage

I'm in portugal.Jesus fucking christ this country is so fucking shitty,the woman look like garbage.
here's a video with portuguese woman


At least the Portuguese you speak in Portugal doesn't sound as retarded as the one from Brazil.

Yes,and portuguese doesn't sound as retarded as spanish


>not retarded
>literally every word goes like this: brrrrronshao

Ñao muito muito ñao ñao ñao rafinha rafinha ñao ñao ñao ñao muito muito

you fucking nigger


Brazilians improved the language.
And it is better than this unfinished Portuguese; aka Spanish.

Calmly spoken Brazilian doesn't sound bad at all. Makes you sound very honest and nice. You guys always seem to have the nicest grandpas.

>improved the language
>by adding tupi and african phonology into it
ok then.

>ola tud' baim iu sou um portugaix muit' thipicu goxt' d' maire d' práiã i subritud' d' j'gairu fut'bol i goxt d' crixtian' ronald' órã poix


>tupi and guarani
>not based languages

where are you from, OP?

Not too bad. We'd say mar and j'gar, we don't add the i. That's your thing with "mas" and "mais" mixing up.

Said the German.
For each vowel, fifteen consonants; how can you even speak?

>ask someone from são paulo or rio to say 'bate forte o tambor'
>they spew "bati forti o tambo"

that's polish not german

>a geintchi entremo drentu du metrô e fomu hobadu

>bat' fort' u tâmbôr'

emboaba pls

Aqui em Minas, é má ô mêno isso. Amputado, claro!, o sotaque enviadado dos fluminenses.

How can we tell the difference?

Poland is whiter.

/luso/ shitpost land

>live pretty close to Portugal, just separated from it by a river
>girls this side of the river look normal
>girls on the other side have prominent mustaches

Really makes you think

Run away, mate. They might be bakers.

Thanks. The main problem is our accent; fluminenses have the worst one,

My biggest problem with Brazil is that when you speak fast you start accenting every syllable and start sounding Spanish.

When you guys pace yourselves it gets a lot more musical. Even Rio accent sounds great in Bossa Nova, mostly because it's sung very delicately.

What do you call a Geisha with a mustache?

A Portugeisha.

C A R A L H O, My condolences.

That's actually pretty funny, kek.

But women that like playing soccer, usually aren't models you know.
But you can find a Brazilian women.

> sounding Spanish
That was offensive.

But that is the fluminenses, from inner country we speak slowly.

This happened to me two nights ago, no joke
>walking to party with friend
>turn onto street at the same time as another group of people
>one of them sounded like he was speaking Spanish, my friend says something in Spanish to him
>he whips around
>smashes bottle of liquor on the pavement and walks away screaming as his friends try to calm him down
Guess I know where I'm never going when I visit Europe.

I didn't mean to offend, but it's mostly a language rhythm thing. Euro Portuguese is the only romance language that doesn't stress every syllable the same, and Brazilian Portuguese is a bit hybrid depending on speed and region, but it mostly tends to stress every syllable.

Say "Excelente" 5 times and you get 20 vocal syllables in Brazilian, but only 5 in Portuguese.

Spanish and Italian are the more noticeable ones, which is what I meant. When you speak fast you go from a 2 to a 4 in the 1-10 Euro Portuguese to Spanish scale. It's still noticeably and closest to Portuguese, but it moves a bit in the Spanish direction.

You can come here just fine. Just don't speak Spanish, really. English is preferred. If you ask for directions in Spanish you WILL get sent to the wrong part of town.

On the other hand, if you go to a pub as say you hate the Spanish in Portuguese, broken as you can manage, you'll probably get a free beer.

Wow... Just wow.
Yeah... I notice it. In your video, I found it difficult to understand what they are saying. Our Portuguese is very corrupted, but please don't say it looks like this Mexican language.

>Be the worst shithole in western Europe, having only one neighbour : Spain
>Receives foreigners who are interested in discovering your country and culture
>Makes interaction very difficult because doesn't want to listen to muh spanish

Are you secretly catalan ?

Tuga, caralho, como é que vocês falam as posições dos jogadores?

Your Portuguese is probably more faithful than ours to what it was when we separated.

We just continued our quest to further distance ourselves from Spanish, and you guys thought it was enough at the time.

English is fine. Unless you live by the border (which few people do), we literally have better English skills than Spanish skills.

Plus, we don't mind people being interested, we just don't want people to assume we speak that dirty peasant language that is Castilian.

If people really want to make the effort to speak Portuguese and say "obrigado" instead of "gracias" is really enough for us to be nice. We also don't force native Spanish speakers this rule, just ignorant Americans and French and the like.

Guarda-Redes, Defesa, Médio, Trinque, Avançado, Ponta de Lança.

Não ligo nada a futebol, mas estas são as que ouço.

>We just continued our quest to further distance ourselves from Spanish
Sure thing, bro.
But I'm learning Spanish, and based on what I've talked with Argentinians and Mexicans, we are pretty far away from then.

You are, I was just teasing a bit.

You still call a pêssego a pêssego, not this retarded MOLOCOTO nonsense.

Guarda-redes = Goleiro
Defesa = Zaga
Médio = Centro-Avante
Trinque = ??? Seriam os Laterais?
Avançado = ??? Seria isso o Atacante?
Ponta de Lança = ???

How do you consider portuguese-french people ? My gf is french and has a portuguese father, but she doesn't speak portuguese.

Pior, "fresa" é Morango!
Espanhol é um Português mal acabado.

In general they dislike their diaspora but the Portuguese in France are the most reviled.

Defesa(centrais e laterais)
Médio(médio centro,defensivo,ofensivo,trico,10)
Avançado(Extremos,Ponta de lança)

É capaz. Ponta de Lança é o avançado

Non meme? The Portuguese diaspora in France is the worst Portuguese diaspora. The conditions of their leaving the country made them really pretentious when they come back to visit, and their second generation is usually very delinquent and "muh heritage" without ever coming into contact with the Portuguese mentality.

We're not particularly thuggish or confrontational, but we are headstrong and no-nonsense and some of them mix it up and start shit. It's usually the men, though.

Em Espanha puseram os Reis a falar como os camponeses, em Portugal pusemos os camponeses falar como Reis. NÓS

O Cervantes elogiou a língua Portuguesa, e o Camões gozava com os Esp*nhóis.

Come on mate. I've told you we don't hate them, you just came to the place where the population is old. Fátima gathers a lot of old ladies that are either sad their kids left them, or that their friend's kids are shitty when they come round from France. We are mostly understanding of the reason of the Diaspora.

Não é trinque? Honestamente nunca vi escrito. Trinco é da porta.

trinquo/trinco*,aqui em portugal é assim

Ok, acredito. Não sou gajo de futebol.

Putz... que diferença.
Aqui é mais simples:

Actually my gf grandfathers came in France for political reasons, fleeing Salazar's repression. Now she is fully integrated into french culture so I feel pretty confident.

Por isso é que Portugal tem 1 taça europeia e o Brasil tem 0.


Most of the French diaspora came during the Regime, or right after that, after we left our colonies and crashed our job market.

If she's a 3rd generation she's probably more French than Portuguese, for better or worse.

Espanhol é de difícil pronuncia, tem muitos sons ligados ao "erre" (r, rr, j, g), o que cansa a garganta ao falar. Cinco minutos de aula, são dois copos de água.
O Português, por outro lado, é mais suave e menos cansativo; de melhor pronuncia e mais bom gosto na escrito.
Uma boa herança de vocês.

>taça europeia
Lamento, mas... somos sul-americanos.
Meio difícil disputarmos a taça EUROPEIA.

Ou isso foi uma piada e entendi porríssima alguma.

>ligados ao "erre" (r, rr, j, g)
Árabes. Nem sequer é meme. Mas também deve depender um bocado do dialecto.

Espanhol é a versão trial do Português, sem metade dos sons. Pic related.

A França também não é Europeia e já tem. Menos desculpas e mais trabalho.


It is very common for little kids to have problems with the rr sound. They are sent to audiologists to correct their pronounciation.

Yeah, it's also usually the last sound our kids learn too (we only have the rolling one or the French one, but they are interchangeable).

They usually use a hard g to replace it until they learn it, for some reason.

The rr of Serra is 100 percent Arab. Spanish is Leonese pronounced by Basques.

Do you pronounce «rata» or «rei» with a rolled «r» or a french «r» ?

I pronounce it with a French one. My parents both pronounce it with the rolled R. I sometimes use the rolled as well.

It's an individual-by-individual situation rather than a region-by-region thing, as far as I can tell.

Muy bien, yo voy cometer la herejía de escribir en esa lengua horrenda.
Nosotros tenemos también el doble "erre", pero no lo pronunciamos abyectamente como ustedes.
Nuestra lengua és más lisa y menos fastidioso.

What you say is weird, in Brazil you are used to the throat «r» which is basically a light version of the spanish «j» or «g».
And in spanish «r» and «rr» are fully rolled, so no use of the throat.

More an Arabic language.

Sandniggers are still better than shemale African niggers

Maybe, but not all Brazilians are shemale, whereas most Spaniards and their spawn speak the Arab-influenced language.

Galicians and Catalans aside, who are pretty cool, go figure.

>in Brazil you are used to the throat «r» which is basically a light version of the spanish «j» or «g»
That is for the double "erre", and we don't use this that much.
One "erre" is more light.
While Spanish has j, g and r, and they use a lot of it. More trying for speak.

Brazilians are either shemales or monkeys
Spaniards are cool though

Sorry, burger.
But you have to speak at least three languages to post here.

Isn't this influenced by arab ?
When I listen to brazilian people using a throat «r» when the r is but in the beginning of a word, it sounds arab desu.
On the other hand, the spanish «r» is a latin-rolled one, and the occurence of «jota» in spanish is not that important.

It is just my impression.

Well, of course it has some, lets say, minimum Arabic influence. But when compared with Spanish, It is a irrelevant issue.

>When I listen to brazilian people using a throat «r» when the r is but in the beginning of a word, it sounds arab desu.
Seriously? I don't see that way, but, I think, It will depend on the region. In the country side we drag the "r" sound and use less the throat.
Perhaps you've been talking to Cariocas (Rio de Janeiro)?

>On the other hand, the spanish «r» is a latin-rolled one, and the occurence of «jota» in spanish is not that important.
Actually, It is. I've been facing trouble to pronounce the "jota" in Spanish. I confuse it all the time.

I actually do
I speak English
Je parle français
Mi parolas Esperanton

Spanish has the harsh J sound which is from Arabic. The R they do roll.

Brazilian/Portuguese "French" R was literally taken from French, if I'm not mistaken. At some point in history French royals were all the rage, fashion-wise.

Portuguese does have a fair few Arab words, but it's not noticeable in the accent or pronunciation, just the vocabulary.

Esperanto isn't a language, it's a meme.

Ok, we will be waiting for the third language then.

Saps que també puc parlar català, no?

>Speaking more than one langue
I'm sorry to not thrust you on, burger.

good god

Sé que és algo que no es fàcil de veure, però és possible
Hi ha alguns de nosaltres que podem parlar fins cinc o sis llengües, però solament has de cercar


>Google Translator
Still not believing.
It is just like an unicorn, I must see to believe.

Arabic influence is minor.
Memes aside, that's why it is a easier language to pronounce.

>Implying Google translator translates that well

Si tu ne veux pas croire qu'il y a des américains qui veulent apprendre et parler des langues étrangères je ne peux rien faire

Portuguese is most definitely not easier to pronounce than Spanish.

We have like 17 different vowel sounds to their 6.

Consonants are about the same, but they can't say "lh", and we can't say their "J" too well.

Not as moorish as I had imagined.

Only 5 vowels. That's why Castilian is superior to other romance languages

Sorry, It is just the Americans that I've met; even in higher social position, spoken nothing but English. Literally, nothing. May be in online conference, personally, even in many business meetings; all in English.

But that may be because your language conquered the world, giving you a comfort position of not learning another languages. I've learnt because it was almost mandatory in my job.

Don't you differentiate between i and y?

We have a,e,i,o,u,â,ê,ô,ã,õ, a mute "e" at the end of words, and a bunch of those are duplicated (the a in "Gato" and "Sal" is slightly different, with the latter being made futher back in the mouth, even though people aren't aware of it and do it unconsciously), as well as a few other specificities.


>we are headstrong and no-nonsense

That's what people say to pass off their thuggishness as a good thing

>But that may be because your language conquered the world, giving you a comfort position of not learning another languages. I've learnt because it was almost mandatory in my job.
ding ding ding ding

Yeah, point taken.
I've expressed myself wrongly.
I meant it is more pleasant to speak.
Foreign have a hard time learning Portuguese, specially the folks who speak Spanish.

Y is more used as a consonant than as a vowel. When is a vowel is basically the same as i.

I mean, I understand.
Americans are extremely stupid, even when we travel, we are seen as idiots.
Luckily my family isn't American, so that's why I'm not white so that helps.

But I understand your point, and it's actually quite funny.
I actually want to leave this country as well, I'm allergic to stupidity.

and even if they manage to speak portuguese,they can only go with br portuguese,since it's simpler and easier.No wonder why,br portuguese was molded by immigrants that went to brazil and they brought their linguistic terms from germany/italy to brazil

Not as idiots,not as stupid but obnoxiously ignorant

no thats called having a backbone

I guess, but we're really not aggressive or imposing. We are a peaceful bunch. Think Ron Swanson. Except more farmer and less carpenter.

Speaking Spanish is tiresome to me. Maybe because I'm not used to it, but it takes a lot of effort to open my mouth so much. Maybe they have to repeat themselves a lot less, though.

Brazilian is probably closer to XVIII century Portuguese than Euro Portuguese is. Smaller countries mutate their language faster. Same happened with English and Spanish.