Colonial empire niceness ranking

English > Spanish > Dutch > French > Portuguese > Belgian

I think on average the spanish colonies come out best. The Spanish empire might not have any cozy New Zealand type colonies, but they don't have any Zimbabwe/Uganda/Sudan tier colonies either. The only way the Briish empire comes first is if you ignore all but 3-4 colonies

the only total shitholes Britain produced were Pakistan and Bangladesh, though.

How the fuck did Britain not get Iceland or Greenland?

>but they don't have any Zimbabwe/Uganda/Sudan tier colonies either

Don't forget India.

Colonies that turned out great: Europeans completely replaced the native populations. See USA, Canada, Australia, etc. Spanish example: Argentina. Obviously inferior.

Colonies that turned out okay: Countries where the Europeans have a significant presence. Countries like Mexico and Brazil, not great but.. Meh.

Countries that turned out shit: the rest.

Britain was better, not surprising when you consider that the British are vastly more competent than Spanish in every way.

We took Iceland in WW2, but they are pretty useless lands.

And by competent you mean replacing the native population with your own right?


spain took it further than that though

Why are we bad? Pic related and Luanda were two of the best African cities under us.

Spanish tried that too with Argentina (which has Spanish/Italian immigrants), but Argentina is still a shithole compared to every 5 eyes country.

Not to mention the fact that the UK itself is vastly superior to Spain..

yes Pakistan and Bangladesh, but forgetting quite a few like: Yemen, Iraq, Sudan, Papua New Guinea and Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone...the list goes on and on
The Dutch, Spanish and maybe Portuguese Empires have a decent average

Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world at some point, and it's still a white utopia compared to most of the British colonies

>at some point

Ahaha fuck off m8, for a couple of years they were not a complete shithole, but they have been shit for a century now

And we were talking about countries with European populations. All 5 eyes countries are top-tier. That's not a coincidence. Not one country in SA that comes even close.

erasing a civilization is ok I guess
it wasn't the spanish who colonized argentina

>XIX Century
Poland the most cucked nation in europe
>XX Century
Poland the most bullied nation in europe
>XXI Century
Poland the most uncucked nation in europe

do you have any examples youd like to add, or are you offended that your countries proudest achievement amounted to nothing at all in the end, and that the "civilizing mission" completely failed

>independance from Spain in 1816
>strong ecomony that keeps on growing untill the depression of 1930s
>yeah failed colony fuck Spain lmao xDD

>And we were talking about countries with European populations
Are you talking about the European african americans and 100% euro herritage mestizos?
Or are you talking about the Euro maoris? I'm not quite sure
If you're implying that those countries are successfull because they are homogeneous then you're beyond retarded

Stopped reading there