Int, how does racial theories I see here so much explain the ecistance of Russia and Ukraine...

Int, how does racial theories I see here so much explain the ecistance of Russia and Ukraine? White countries which are shitholes: Russia is Latin American tier, Ukraine is African tier. We also have Moldavia which is worse than Botswana by HDI.

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Russia is a shithole because gommunism, you will recover Ivan don't you worry

slavs aren't white

Я мeчтaю кaк пoгaный мopдop oпoзopят, дoбьют, зaплюют, oбocpyт и выкинyт нa cвaлкy иcтopии. Я хoчy ycлышaть тoт пopocячий визг, чтo издaдyт вaтники, кoгдa yвилят, кaк их дpaгoцeнный paбcкий идoл pyхнeт и paccыпeтcя в пыль. Я хoчy yвидeть, кaк бyдyт взpывaть вoeнныe мeмopиaлы. Я хoчy yвидeть, кaк coтни нaтoвcких caпoг пpoйдyтcя тpиyмфaльным мapшeм пo кpacным тpяпкaм, тpикoлopaм и кoлopaдcким лeнтoчкaм. Ha «Aбpaмcaх» и «Лeoпapдaх» в этoт дикий, нищий кpaй пpиeдyт cвoбoдa, бoгaтcтвo и eвpoпeйcкoe пpoцвeтaниe. A вceх вpaгoв cвoбoды и aнтизaпaдникoв, мeчтaющих o твepдoй pyкe, cпeциaльным peйcoм пycть oтпpaвят в КHДP бeз пpaвa нa вoзвpaщeниe. Пycть живyт и мyчaютcя в cвoeм вeликoдepжaвнoм «paю». Пycть oблизывaют тaм чyжиe caпoги пoд пaтpиoтичecкиe бaйки и пoд yдapaми кнyтoв. Пycть вдoвoль нacлaдятcя тeм, o чeм oни тaк мeчтaют и чтo oни хoтят ycтpoить здecь!


Assmad liberashka


You're no less an edgelord than the vatniks you hate.

>being triggered by old copipasta
Wew, seems like you would be triggered by pasta about Khodorkovsky sewing the gloves too.
We were shithole before communism too. Before 1861 80% of us were slaves. Before 1917 90% of country were illiterate. So your point is bullshit.

>We were shithole before communism too.

this, russians like blame communism and dream about progress tsarist Russia, but without commi they may be as India now or something like.

>progress tsarist Russia
I don't think there are anyone deluded enough to think like that except the extreme morons. I would say some people like Tsar Russia because it was traditionalist state with orthodoxy as a state religion and so. Commies were a shit mostly but they really created industry and gave us literacy and some other good things.

>you will recover Ivan don't you worry

no they wont , most kacaps long for the days of the USSR

they enjoyed jumping and liberating country after countryafter country

No, their savageness is in their blood

yonly thing that will change that part of the world is complete genocide and repopulation of this region with civilized

Like Arabs

kind of like mexicans too

fuck you, witout EU-membership, open borders and economic integration Poland is shithole with barbarian mentality, you are Mexico of EU, don't forget it and without Muslim immigration each EU-country of the first world would hate you, pshek.

Eat kebab ytou kacap pile of shit on legs

any way we can stab you fuckers in the back is our pleasure

yesterday France and Britians supported Turks over you barbaric fucks

drive the shit back east

keep driving the shit back east and dont give them ANY slack

today we are

Well, actually they are hated too, Brits have left EU mostly because of polish immigration. Also 2bh they would still be better than Russia without EU, but slightly. Taking them in was a big mistake of Europeans. They believed Poles would be cheap labor so they wouldn't need black people and Arabs anymore but Poles appeared to be not really better, and Poland started draining their economies.

because of polish immigration

you mean the kacap migrats who displaced R|EAL POLES which were deported to siberia and many kacap gulags through the shithole of the USSR?

yeah, Im glad the west is finding the taste of your barbaric shit too bitter to tolerate.

you fuckers are nothign but murderers and bandits

thats all your "society" is composed of.

Russia has 40 million non-whites. Ukraine depends on the shithole that has 40 million non-whites.

>Russia has 40 million non-whites
What? Only few percent. Our ethnic minorities are 20% of whole population but they are mostly white. The only exceptions are Asians in Siberia and some Caucasians aren't white.
Ukraine doesn't depends on us at all now, and the only dependence they had was gas. And they are way worse than Russia despite they are more white country.
Also Moldavia is almost 100% Moldavian and it's worse than Russia.

>Our ethnic minorities are 20% of whole population but they are mostly white.

Having white skin does not mean much. Turkic blood runs in their veins so they're violent, corrupt and enjoy doing evil things.

Russia is an empire comprised of hundreds of different nations additionally mixed during the commie era

Russia is America-tier, only churkas instead of niggers