/east-germanic/ We Wuzz Vandalls and Goths !

Allowed : Polish , Slovak , Czech ( Slovenes and Croats can join too) .

East Germanic - Best Germanic

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Polish delusion is always hilarious because they don't realise that the Vandals ruling that area left very little impact on the local Slav population.

Lusiatian culture>>>>>Sarmatians>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Germanic tribes

Yes hello yes

Trzciniec culture>Lusiatian culture>Sarmatians>Xiong-nu>Germanics

This triggers the Balts.

Tajčarji raus! Mi smo slovanski folk s slovansko špraho.

>Australian stableboys

Kuga s mә glih kәr reku, ti kurba mәjhna? Jest tә puvem, de sәm zvežban holcar pa de sәm biu že doskat zravәn, k sej kramper pubirou; saj 300 gajb ga mam že nabranga. Drva znam cepәt z eno roko, traktor uhkә pa u miže furam. Tuko tem žvajznu, de teu du Buhina pa nazaj udnesvә, vrjem mә. K to pišem, že brusәm skiro pa vežem štrәk. Mrtu s ti, toja držina, usә toj prjatlә, pa še ceu toj rod za sto generacij nazaj. Ščijem pu grobovәh tojga roda, ungavәm tә use babe u držin pa use drva tәm ud bajte udnesu. Suvata nәjt u cvet pride pa mlek nәj set skisa. Ti nis nәč u primerjau z mano. Upam, de vәm vәs pәrdelk preč pride, pa usa žvina crkne. Dep te kura bәcniva pa pәs puscau. Vem ke žviš pa vem, ke mate kluče ud bajte skrite. Merkej se, k bom zj hmau pršu. Frderbou tem preh, kokr uhkә Učenәš zmolәš.

U moj drušnə so usə jagrə u far; skəp ga pjemo usək dan pu šihtə. Skəp pupjemo več šnopsa, kokr ga u ceumo let u petəh občinah nardejo. Duma mam tri puše, ut tga dve šnelfajərce pa eno pušo z rešpetinəm. Z enmo šusəm uhkə frderbam tri vepre naenkat, auslezvam t jəh pa tuko hit, de tut za pumežikənt nimaš cajt. Ti se kər devej kunštnga, sam de se nauš krvau useknu, pruklet baštart.
Čep ti vedu, s kerga se kle norca devaš, nep tukole guvoru. Tis gutov tak pauliha, de hodəš u gmajno srobret rauhat; jest grem skor usək dan pu južnə u gmajno žagat tuko det puvem de səm že dost takəh pankrtov stumbou, k so pu moj host vandral.

t. insecure teenager

this is ridiculous and shameful

We wuz Celts

hallo mein germanic freunds :DDD


Why aren't you speaking an East Germanic language, then?



indeed makes you ponder

>slovansko špraho




Hello my Polish equals




At least post a good one

Naj Bog štrafa poljski folk

And did the Goths leave influence in your languages? (besides pan-european germanic words like "war")

Our word for mother is (äiti) a Gothic loan

they didn't leave any influences, language or genetic wise

Greetings my German brother

Gib bag Berlin.

We can learn Gothic Language (only known East Germanic language) and we would be normall East Germanics

>we can
>we would be

>Polish delusion is always hilarious because they don't realise that the Vandals ruling that area left very little impact on the local Slav population.
How does it feel to be so fucking retarded that you don't even know that they returned to their homeland, you fat fucking nigger?

>genetic wise
Oh, but they did.

Well, Slovenia wuz under the Ostrogoths and our third largest city was founded either by them or the Lombards, so yeah, WE WUZ GERMANICS.

The truth comes slowly forward. I fucking told you guys.

What u did told us , our Germanic Brother ?

Vandals + Sarmatians + Venedi -> Lechites -> Poles

So none of the "ancestral populations" of the Poles were Slavic?

Really compels you to ponder

So do you accept us as fellow germanic brothers ?

It's a Pole living in Sweden you dumb fuck

The Slavs formed around 500AD from different PROTO-Slavic tribes you idiot.


Why did these Sarmato-Germanians succumb to Slavshits?

Venedi were proto-Slavs, a Balto-Slavic type before the Slavic and Baltic split.
Because that's how history goes and intermixing and merging is common.
Vandal (""German""ians from Scandinavia), Sarmatians (Iranians from Iran) and Venedi (Balto-Slavs from east) are the ancestors of West Slavs (Lechites = Poles).

>Vandals assimilated some proto-Slavs


>>Vandals assimilated some proto-Slavs
It was the other way around I think, the Venedi assimilated the Vandals and Sarmatians.

>we wuz vandals
>we wuz sarmatians
>we wuz Wends
>they all just fucked and assimilated each other

I've heard there were also some Japanese in the mix.

Are you fucking retarded?

Germans: Thuringians, Saxons, Mecklenburgians, etc etc.

I already roasted you piece of shit before, I can do it again. xD

Let's not forget this grave means we wuz vikings and shiet.

yeah I wonder why schools don't teach we are germanic if that's the case
>inb4 german propaganda

krauts weren't able to change our history during occupation but they can in 2016 when we are independent?

Brothers I'm germanic I figured it out by the fact that I love scat porn and furry. Heil Hitler.

Germanics /=/ Germans
You dumb piece of shit.

to Polak debilu

And according to everything that has been found thus far, Vandals weren't fucking germanic, they were proto Western Slav, but were grabbed by German nationalists as "Germans" during German Empire and its Kulturkampf against Poland.

In Medieval Period everyone believed Poles to be connected to the Vandals.

>In Medieval Period everyone believed Poles to be connected to the Vandals.
>everyone believed


Wends were Slavs and from a later period, Venedi were proto-Slavs from an older period.

read Adam from Brema lol

>Mieszko I Dagome, King of the Wends" (Old Norse: Vindakonungr). .... (in Latin translation: kings of Suiones, Goths and Vandals)


Happy reading. Vandals = Western Slavs, not some fucking Germans.

That just means that some viking were coming to trade with the Slavs from today's Poland, having a had a town camp in Wolin and all. Also Polish and Scandinavian kings exchanged some Viking and Slavic warriors, due to dynastic marriages.


To akurat był szeroko dostępny pogląd w tamtych czasach. Zmieniło się to podczas zaborów, kiedy to Niemcy zapierdolili sobie wszystkie ludy, żeby wymazać polaków z istnienia.

First you say we are eastern germanic and now that our supposed vandal ancestors were western slavs? Lmao

>yeah I wonder why schools don't teach we are germanic if that's the case
ONLY PARTLY, IN SMALL PART YOU RETARD. Lechite's came mostly from the Venedi, but some Vandal and Sarmatian assimilation occurred on the Vistula as well, those tribes just didn't evaporate.

To troll you faggots. You almost erupt from your assholes. lmao

Eastern Germanics = Proto-Slavshit tribes.


For fucks sake...
Wends =/= Vandals

No shit Seba.

The Vandals who left what is now Poland during the age of migration had a Germanic language (at least that's what is believed due to their names and other indicators), so they obviously wouldn't be assimilated.

>większość historyków zaprzecza jednak domysłom średniowiecznych kronikarzy, wskazując przy tym m.in. na podobieństwo nazwy Wandalowie do Wenedowie lub Wendowie.

czyli ten argument ''Wendowie to Wandalowie bo brzmi podobnie!'' którego idioto używasz jest argumentem PRZECIWKO naszemu pokrewieństwu z Wandalami

Except some stayed and rest of them returned later on back to Poland after they got kicked out from Africa.


I'm tired of your german revisionism.

To jak walka z wiatrakami, jebany kretynie.

Jedyny powód dla którego Wandalowie stali się Niemcami, to kurwa rozbiory Polski i nieudacznictwo polskiej nauki i archeologii.

Nie wiń mnie za to.

>The Vandals who left what is now Poland during the age of migration
Chronicles say that a part of them returned to their home on the Vistula river. They lived there with the Sarmatians and then the Venedi arrived and assimilated them by numbers = they became known as Lechitic tribes aka West Slavs.

>mówili germańskim językiem
>wodzowie mieli germańskie imiona


Yeah, a "small offshot" according to your own source. Those few were later assimilated by Western Slavs. Apparently, that means Vandals = Western Slavs or something.

>rest of them returned later on back to Poland after they got kicked out from Africa

Where did you get that?

>during Gaiseric’s rule in 439-477 an embassy of Vandals from journeyed to Africa from their ancestral abodes to assured themselves that their kinsmen did not intend to return North.

From another forum
Just because medieval authors mixed the names it doesnt mean wends=vandals or that wends have anything to do with vandals. I can say you some examples of this.

-the word vlach is related to the english and german word welsh,
yet vlach in hungarian means: romanian and welsh means in english: inhabitant of Wales/Cymru and welsh in middle high german means: latin stranger, ie. french or italian.

-16th century polish were called sarmatians in humanist works,yet polish people is not related to sarmatians

-Byzantian authors named hungarians as Paiones, and Hungary = Paionia.
Paionia=Pannonia in latin. But medieval hungarians surely were not celts..

so long story short OP is a retard

Shranjeno. Hvala.

>Those few were later assimilated by Western Slavs
No, they were assimilated by PROTO-Slavs, the Vened and the Venedi + Vandals + Sarmatians became known as Lechites, whom were West Slavs as the Slavic identity or classification fromed around 500 AD, after they. They weren't Slavs before they merged, they formed into Slavs after they merged.

Poles = Wends = Vandals = East Germanics

If anything, Venedi -> Wends, but they are from two completely different periods. Again, the Venedi weren't Slavs, they were proto-Slavs, before the Baltic and Slavic split of Balto-Slavs. But Wends were Slavs living during the time of the Lechitic tribes, many hundreds of years after the Balto-Slavic split.

Poles attacked tanks with sabres.

Mislil tole

Average pole has 20 IQ

Sure thing.


slav = slave

wend is old norse for ''village retard''

vandal is a germanic word meaning ''faggot''

I'm a history major.

It's irrelevant. Vandals (who presumably came from Scandinavia) assimilated a considerable number of "Proto-Slavs" and migrated through Europe and Africa.

Later, a few remaining Vandals were assimilated by their neighbours.

Neither of those warrant the statement Poles=Vandals or Vandals=West Slavs or whatever.

>They weren't Slavs before they merged, they formed into Slavs after they merged.

Why exactly is the transition from Proto-Slavic to Slavic (which would be a gradual process anyway) dependent on said merging anyway?

Stop embarrassing my country you fuckin uneducated piece of braindead retard. Kys

>(besides pan-european germanic words like "war")
we don't use any germanic word for war

I am literally part germanic no meme

>+ Sarmatians
Nope. These fairy tales have been refuted by genetics long ago.

Also part roman

>and migrated through Europe and Africa.
And many came back according to chronicles.
>Later, a few remaining Vandals were assimilated by their neighbours.
Something like that.
>Neither of those warrant the statement Poles=Vandals or Vandals=West Slavs or whatever.
Yep, more like Poles are the descendants Vandals, going far back in time.

>Why exactly is the transition from Proto-Slavic to Slavic
The formation of a distinguished Baltic and Slavic language from a common Balto-Slavic language.

No they have not, quite to the contrary. It's a fact that Sarmatians settled on the Vistula river.

Never said so. And that was not the question. Polish your eyes, faggot.
I used that as an example, because it is a word that exists in Spanish, French, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian... I never implied it (specifically "war") exists in yours.
It is a general cognate that does not really say anything about the relationship, of one of those language in specific, with the Germanic languages.

What is relevant is to find "isolated" cognates, like it happens, for example, with many words in Catalan and French.

this thread belongs in /x/

slavs = slaves

>And many came back according to chronicles.

Which chronicle claims a mass return? Anyway, they didn't seem to have left much of a trace. states that I2a2a was a prominent haplogroup of the Vandals, but it doesn't seem to be common among modern Poles.

>more like Poles are the descendants Vandals

And Serbs and Spaniards are the descendants of Goths. Duh

And that was caused by the assimilation of some Vandals and Sarmatians? Is there any linguist who supports that theory?