Apparently I'm Spanish New Mexican, but I really don't have anything to show for it...

Apparently I'm Spanish New Mexican, but I really don't have anything to show for it. I don't know anything from that culture, and I really can't find good resources to learn about it considering I'm cut off from that whole side of the family. Anyone here Spanish New Mexican? Am I missing out or should I just forget about it?

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Spanish New Mexicans aren't Chicanos, they're Spanish native Mexican mix rape babies.

>Apparently I'm Spanish New Mexican
wtf is that hahahaha

new mexico is a shithole, i lived there

It is even more retarded than chilean spanish.

You have to be fucking kidding me, I might puke of how awful that shit is

I was told it is like speaking Shakespearean Spanish.
la raza esse

Do Spanish New Mexicans celebrate Dia De lo Muertos?

Pedro Fernandez did it better

FUCK what is that shit


For reals, what's so bad about it? I really don't know much about New Mexico, it sounds like a mysterious place 2bh

Don't listen to that guy, New Mexico is great and has good barbecue ribs.

>t. Pedro Sanchez

..... that's the point of the whole thread?

>t. Manuel Perez

>be north/south/western euro and u.s. native american

>be mistaken for chicano

>fucking hate mexicans and spanish

>t. Achmed Ngublieko


t. Pablo Àlvares

t. Karl Sanchez

t. Varg Vikernes

t. Hugo von Hitlerjugend

I feel it
t. Favæ Faroesson

I'm trying to learn about my apparent culture

Just plan ahead and spend a summer in Spain

But you're Mexican, come home red man

You got wrong the "karl"
t. Odin

I don't have money ;_;


some of them live there, is ok lad but your spanish is trash

if your family comes from downtown Albuquerque, Analco and Las Cruces chances are that you may descend from the Tlaxcalan founders

I don't have any family in the south west, my grandparents on both sides are from the east coast

Indiana, Maine, Tennessee, Massachusetts, New York.

I'm not but I've read a lot about the Comanche wars an the spainish army tactics against both them and the Apache before the Mexican Revolution ousted them

Speak some of your bastardized Spanish for us.

>muh heritage
OP Jesus Rodriquez somehow wasn't aware he was Mexican

Why the fuck are the "spanish " do swarthy and some kikish?
Has the Spanish race been exterminated?

I am spanish descendent and pic related is my skin color.

Chicanos need to go back

The kikes and moors are bringing spain down, toss them out.

just embrace your inner aztec princess vato.

i am white as snow , calm down , we are mixed.

>spanish descendent
>in usa

Theres bo we with a kike or moor, white skin and predominately Euro Iberian or get the fuck out, funny how colonial spanish descendant will cobtinue the line while the peninsula got exterminated.

>Am I missing out or should I just forget about it?
If you weren't connected before and didn't care, you don't need to be now.

This "GUYS I JUST FOUND OUT I'M 1/4TH GAELIC PLS TELL ME YOUR SECRET NATIVE WAYS" stuff is super cringe. It suggests weak or insecure character. Your ethnicity doesn't need to dictate your identity, though it's in vogue among Progressives to believe as much.

Set up casta ststem in spain with kikes and moors at the bottom.

haber paleto en la epoca colonial los españoles se sitiaron el norte de Mexico y tras la guerra mexico/americana muchos se sitiaron el los estados del SUR como Nuevo Mexico y Texas, ve al norte de Mexico alli hay descendientes de españoles y irónicamente la zona mas peligrosa del país es allí,

What's your muh heritage?

You are mixed not we.
Pic related is my race, half moors and any kike is not my race.

>Apparently I'm Spanish New Mexican

If you dont look like pic related youre not spanish, you can be what ever you want but not the same nation as the spaniards.


a ver, querrias decir, antes de llamar paleto a alguien aprende a escribir, retrasado mental.
claro quehubo españoles en mexico en la epoca colonial, y en toda sudamerica, pero desde aquellas han pasado cientos de años y los españoles de alli se han mestizado con los indios y mestizos de por alli.
claro que tienen sangre español, todos los sudamericanos la tienen en mayor o menor medida, pero estan mezclados con los nativos de alli.

mexico es un puto estercolero de pais, no hay zona buena, es un pais de mierda lleno de enanos marrones de mierda.

I look exactly like this

Because youre spanish, this only excludes kikes ard moriscos who are not of the racial collective.

No, no todos son mestizos en mexico, créeme, yo he estado allí y he visto algún manolo mexicano

English, German, Scottish, Spanish, Italian, Norwegian, French, Romanian, Pequot and Powhatan

That's what I've managed to track down anyways


Abo pls

my sides

Kill yourself.