I'm in no way white correct?

I'm in no way white correct?

nice unibrow

It's a sign of being high test

You looks white to me.

Why wouldn't you be white m8?

Okie dokie habib

you look CHI af

I have brown eyes and black hair

you look like a sandnigger


You look like a sandnigger.

So does the overwhelming majority of white people. you do realize that? Even in whites, light hair and light eyes are a minority

Sorry we can't all be sub Saharan like you Argentina

You don't look white desu

I think it's that nose and eyebrows that make you look very mixed

Okay sweet thanks for the expert opinion

by Sup Forums standards white people are those with light features, rest are nonwhites. and i'm fine with that

Could I get Salvador gf

I'm paler than most people I've ever met, but I've dark eyes and brunette hair. What do I classify as, prof?

you look like an eastern turk or kurd maybe

indio = subsaharan + mongol, which is why you look CHI

The hell's a CHI?

I'm Sicilian so that makes sense



Of course, brah, just come here and I will present you some beautiful sluts.

white no
butiful? yes

kek, Argentina actually got triggered by that

It looks like you forgot to shave this morning

dark eyes and brunette hair are not light features.
blonde/light brown hair and green/blue eyes are light features. also being tall (>180cm) is a nice extra too

but no, people would call you shitskin here if you posted your face

Above 180cm is not tall it's still in the averages, I'm 196cm and half the people on the subway that are not foreigners are generally taller than me.

you are not white

Not OP,

How does it feel knowing that at least 78.9 percent of Ameriballs look just like OP?

t. cubano

Oh well, what can one do.

But seriously, what are your ethnic origins?

Asere compadre mándame un po' de dinero que los tiempos no son fáciles oíste hermano ?

Sicilian desu

>Shave the Chicano stach
>Trim the eyebrows
Congrats, you are now white.

it's not a big deal outside of Sup Forums. most nordic girls prefer men with darker features

you guy's probably aren't wrong in thinking he's a sandnigger.

Middle-eastern dysphoria, spanish who can looking north african-tier along with injuns we're the mystery meat race. You could say anything and there's probably a bit in us. feels ambiguous man

I'm none of those things tho
Gib chink gf now

and brown skin

Don't worry friend I turned you white now.


Are you from Jersey


No Missouri