Is the rest of their stuff good

I heard this, Sound Of Silver and the S/T album, liked SOS, but i didn't like the S/T album

London Sessions has a few good tracks but most if it is just "eh"
But you should probably go for The Long Goodbye or 45:33 next

Is LCD Soundsystem the most insincere music ever made?


Dude their S/T is awesome. Did you listen to the version with all the singles like Losing My Edge, Beat Connection and the Yeahs because those are essential

45:33 is my favorite release of theirs

Sometimes they cross into post-irony so no desu

no, you're trying too hard to be patrician.

It's got that classic Williamsburg hipster attitude down to a dot.

That being said, no, no it isn't.

You do not know what my intentions are, you foolish little monkey.

I never heard that one the thought of a 45 minute song doesn't appeal to me


45:33 is more like 5 songs put together as one. Its entire purpose is as a workout track
Also it's 46 minutes

No. Wait, what? No. A good deal of their discog is tongue-in-cheek and some ambiguous lyrics sincere, but there are also some pretty obviously genuine (and heartbreaking, imo) moments as well. I've been listening to "Home" and "All My Friends" a lot recently, so those come to mind

45:33 was never meant to be a workout track, Murphy just played along with Nike's sponsorship so he could make some new music. Just a long song in the style of E2-E4.

Sorry, some weird as fuck autocorrect going on. *ambiguously sincere lyrics

45 minutes is just too long for my taste, the longest song i've heard is 'The Teachers Are Afraid Of The Pupils' by Morrissey which is 11:20

what is insincere about it?

don't forget someone great and all I want. and new York I love you, although it is a little heavy-handed

New York I Love You is one of the fakest and most eyeroll inducing things ever recorded. I swear to god every song he has ever done is all about him being too cool for something or not cool enough for something.

All My Friends is literally the greatest song ever written

I wonder if the new album is gonna be any good.


I think New York I Love You and a lot of their discog is about how protecting yourself with ironic distance doesn't actually help you stop feeling genuine feelings.
>New York you're safer and you're wasting my time
is a completely ridiculous statement and he knows that but he still feels it. Just my interpretation

Its 6 'movements' with seamless transitions, really. Just listen to it dawg
