What did Scaruffi mean by this?

What did Scaruffi mean by this?

he's right. you don't even have to have any political beliefs at all to be able to recognize trump as a bad person and an incompetent presidential candidate

I dont understand why every faggot in the world now suddenly thinks their views on politics matters

that's it, I'm officially a #Shill4Hill now

T. actual cuckold

All it takes for evil to prevail is that good men do nothing.... Really makes you think.

>allegedly raping a 13-year-old girl

If he'd been allowed to marry her that never would've happened.

why are you so willing to overlook his obvious flaws, what is so appealing that you don't mind that he's a clear scam artist and an inarticulate clown who says nothing that doesn't appeal directly to poor and uneducated whites

>who says nothing that doesn't appeal directly to poor and uneducated whites
And the class bait comes out. Funny how libtards always claim to want to help poor people, but will talk down and deride them any chance they get.

What's wrong with poor people faggot?

Basically, yes

being poor and voting republican is shooting yourself straight in the foot. they're a people prone to misguided anger because the people fucking them tell them to blame some other poor people that they are also fucking. and it works. that's what happens when your world view is stunted by a lack of decent education. and good job changing the subject.

(not true, by the way)

Except it's not lol. Voting left = your country getting filled with low skill immigrants that drive wages down.

Shut up, you would never take a shit on any minority for being uneducated and poor. Check what goes on inside your mind idiot.

I don't see what you mean. I am decently educated and I am a republican. If there is less to corrupt, the inevitable corruption is lesser. Everything is a preventative measure because there is only ever going to be corruption. Would you rather live in a nation where people educate themselves or where people receive biased information via education funded publicly? Do you really think that a degree will mean anything when anyone could get one? Why not just keep the government as much out of your life as you can and have your personal freedoms? In my opinion, the government's only responsibility is to imbue a moral compass on its people.


>Why not just keep the government as much out of your life as you can and have your personal freedoms?

I agree wholeheartedly with this. That's why I'm not voting for Trump.

wasn't shitting on anybody friendo

>Government should keep out of your life as much as possible
>Government should tell people what's moral
What did he mean by this?

Well, it seemed as if the poster I was responding to pigeonholes republicans as authoritarian whereas a lot of republicans are traditional liberals. Trump is so appealing because he is powerful, and while keeping our problems in check he also manages to appeal to the majority. I am part of the majority along with everyone I care about, so of course I want someone who looks out for my people and the majority of this nation. You are allowed freedoms if you are not a part of the problem. You just have to accept it. No one is an individual and no one will be punished as an individual. It's just the way I see it.

The government can obviously set an example. No one is forced to follow these examples, but it is nice for people to have something to strive toward. It's not really that complicated.

not the other guy, but your idea of what government should be sounds like you're neutering it to the point that it's not a government any more. basically, you're an anti-statist who thinks there should be a big old all inclusive church?

>You are allowed freedoms if you are not a part of the problem.
>if you are not a part of the problem

How is that not authoritarian?

Does it really matter? Looking out for the majority is the biggest concern and always should be.

I think preventative measures need to be taken to ensure that we don't have to deal with the upkeep of taxpayer funded programs such as the DEA. Yes, some of these things have to exist but the cost of upkeep could be cut drastically if we cared about preventing problems more than curing them as they happen.

>implying republicans and right wing libertarians don't outsource jobs

your nationalist rhetoric only applies to trumby. the right wing has sold out its supposed "sacred, undegenerate white man".

calling me a cuck will not invalidate my argument, 12 year old alt right frogposter

Not the person you are responding to, but a large percentage of republicans are hypocritical. Their actions don't negate the validity of another repub's views on immigrants. This applies to any stance.

ok, but it's not just about stances. people actually do these things in real life. they say they'll represent one thing, and do another. on the subject of outsourcing, trump. how the fuck can you vote for someone like that, it shows zero integrity

Did I say I support Trump? I believe in integrity. Their actions don't depict my beliefs accurately.

well my bad, i didn't really mean you specifically.

not him but theyre dumb and not worth their weight in fertilizer

>they say they'll represent one thing, and do another. on the subject of outsourcing, trump.

m8, If he didn't outsource he wouldn't be able to compete, and thus would be living in a cardboard box unable to afford his campaign.
The only way to get people to stop outsourcing is to make laws that level the playing field.
If the only way to win a race is to do steroids because everyone in the race is on steroids, you think coming last is going to get you anywhere? You think that's going to change anything? No, you're just some loser that lost, no one cares.
Do the steroids, beat all those fags, become the president of the fucking Olympics, makes steroids illegal, "hurr but u done steroids when u ran", no one cares cunt, the age of drug fags is now over.

>A European doesn't understand how America works.

Really makes you think

It means that he's an Italian sissy that has no business interfering with American politics.

>scam artist

Surely, Hillary is an honest candidate who wouldn't mind showing us her e-mails and not rebuking her statements from a little while ago.

>this thread
>pic related

I guess I'm a #cruzmissile now

>now suddenly
You must be underage and have just stated following politics.

the problem is that america works awfully.