Why don't people living in low temp places like Northern Europe and Scandinavia catch colds...

Why don't people living in low temp places like Northern Europe and Scandinavia catch colds? Is it because they're really super humans? Where does this immunity to the microbes of cold come from?

What is a cold?

low temperatures are bad for virus too, brah

You posted this yesterday, and it's because we don't touch each other so much, making us less likely to spread diseases.

colds are air borne.
you can easily get one just be sharing a car with someone that is sick.

how does the work place deal with people with colds in Norway?

>how does the work place deal with people with colds in Norway?
they would send sick people home

but i catch colds all the time ;_;

Why dont Span people (niggers) burn their skin when the temperature in Span is so hot?

They have pretty nice temps

I've been thinking about that.

Here people are expected to power through it and go work.
In fact there are "hidden" penalties if you do stay home.
People think this somehow is good for production, but it just ends up it being infecting half the workplace and fucking up things harder than it would have beent o send some guy home.

No you don't, you're just being humble because admiting you're biologically superior is racist now because of the jews. I get sunburn all the time cuzz I'm weak

Some stay at home, some suck it up and stay at work. I stay.

I wish we could adopt Japan's idea of wearing surgical masks when sick to avoid infecting others.

In the meantime, I try to imply as often as possible that sneezing and coughing into your hands is disgusting and you should use your elbow instead.

Si si

You get used to having colds and get on with it.

I'm a God

but i get a runny nose all the time when its winter, and the winter lasts for ages.

What are you talking about? I'm just a little sick once a month doing winter

You don't tell anyone you're sick, if boss finds out they will bully you into going home (assuming your attendance isn't absolutely critical, of course). In Norway I don't think you lose any money from it, really. Here we don't get sick-leave the first day, so you lose an entire days pay no matter what (the idea is to discourage people from calling in sick simply because they're hungover or tired or something).

Yes, but that's because the air is dry because of the cold, it irritates the sinuses, not because you have an actual viral/bacterial infection. It also causes a mild cough in many people.

You've not experienced true winter if you haven't had your snot freeze in your nostrils.

worst day in my life was when i had to walk to school after the school buss shut down when it was below negative 40C.
every step felt like needles.

Cuck. I had to cycle to uni everyday and heartwinter was -30/40c

its all about humidity anyway, i live in the north along the coast so when it gets real cold and humidity is high it fucks you over real hard.
and i doubt you took a bike in -40c, skiing perhaps but bike? the fucking gears would freeze.

I litteraly can't believe how you guys handle your winter to be honest lads.
Like many people, I would love to go and visit your countries and I have a very positive view of them, but winter in France fucking depresses me and I always think to myself how I would commit suicide if I ever had to live a full year in one Nordic country.
Like hwo do you do ? Here night now starts at 5 pm and it's rubbish, how do you handle it ? Are you ice zombies ?

They are just trolling, in normal cities it gets no colder than -10C

>Spanish education

Cold temperatures themselves do not cause viral infections ie. a flu or a cold.

>Here night now starts at 5 pm and it's rubbish

Here it starts at 3pm, and i know i was born here, i like the dark and cold, nothing is comfier.

Juuh pysykkin siellä kehäkolmosen sisäpuolella äläkä poistu sieltä.

t. helsingfors hanrej

That's incredibly racist.

Lol, this Helsinki/South Coast delusion

Every fucking winter I have colds. The last time I was in hospital due to sars. And I live in Moscow not in SIBEЯIA

Do you know anyone in SIBEЯIA ? How do they live ? Are they born of pure darkness and cold ?

Man, Belgium must feel like Brazil to you. Night at 3 pm is unfair, it should be forbidden to have nightfall prior at least 6 pm.

Well, I live north of the arctic circle so in mid-winter "night" lats for a few weeks. Idk, I kinda like it, it's comfy, the snow makes it not that dark, everything is kinda blue and shimmers and shit... it's nice.

And the fact that "day" lasts a few weeks in mid-summer makes up for it, of course. THough I kinda hate summers 2bh, fucking mosquitoes, man. At least we haven't had a mosquitoes borne outbreak of Tularemia in a while now.

Of course, only retards still live outside of southern coastal Finland

They are descendants of the Polar Bear

I remember last winter had lows of -25C in Helsinki

And if it's not Tularemia it's the fucking Puumala virus, which is essentially a "mild" form of Ebola... I kinda feel you shouldn't have to deal with this shit if you live in the literal arctic.

Oh look, Henlsinki cucks are just as bad as Stockholm fagits. Who knew?

Oj nej ett skogstroll från norrland, hur går det i gruvan?

>descending -20
>humidity still around 80%
fuuuuuaaark, every year with this shit

Yes, I know some guys from Yakutsk and Murmansk (city in the Arctic circle). It's pretty good, polar night and day lasts about 1 months and during this time public intitutions such as schools, univercities and so on isn't working. The same when temperature so low. Goods are very expensive, salaries are below than in Moscow. It's subsidized regions .

>antyder att jag inte jobbar på gruvbolagets IT-avdelning och sitter bekvämt på ett varmt kontor med gratis kaffe och bulle
Pekka, snälla

>bokstavligen en stockholmshora i förnekelse

> polar night and day lasts about 1
Mark me down as both curious and horrified Dimitri.

Tror gubbarna är ganska glada att jag finns och ser till att deras tracker tags fungerar så de slipper dö där nere i underjorden för att luftpumparna stängs av favä

... dessutom tjänar de mer än vad jag gör (vilket är helt riktigt)

I've checked facts, polar day in Murmansk is for 41 days (02.12 - 11.01), nights 62 days (22.05 - 22.07). During this days, night or day last for approx 30minutes.
Romantic, isn't it?

It's incredibly comfortable actually my baguette friend. While I don't live quite in the northernmost parts of Sweden there's still a period of about 2 months where we have maybe 2-3 hours of daylight and the rest of the day is perpetual dusk and night. It's easy on the eyes and you feel safer somehow.

Basically pic related most of the day.

The summers are awful though because then we basically never get a real night instead for some 3 months. The sun more or less just dips under the horizon at best and then it starts fucking rising again. This can disorient quite a lot of tourists when they go out drinking in the evening and night never comes.

I have a cold ;_;

Everyone except themselves.

yup, all adds up.

Dunno what you're going on about OP, I've had a cold for over a week now. Serves me right, though, went stargazing without proper clothing.

Only lasted for a few weeks, though. It was glorious while it lasted.

>It was glorious while it lasted.

Fuck off

trust me homeboy, we do cath colds, but not in the same way as ya southern eurupes fucktards

>t. denmark
does it even snow there lmoa?

It does. It's actually worse than here in a way because it's so fucking flat so the drift is off the hook. Like, the fields can be completely bare but things like houses and roads can get completely snowed in because they catch it in the wind.

well, at least it's warm there

Colds are common here

Listen to this fucking guy
We pretty much do the same shit as you.
Get up at 6-7 in the morning, its -15c, pitch black.
You go to your job, sit inside, watch as there is a glimpse of light, and when you go home at 3pm its pitch black again.

Norwegians have quite a lot of winterdepression, so it sucks bigtime.
In my experience, i get in a shitty mood, loose all my energy, and go to bed at like 9pm a couple days a week, because im so fucking tired.


>i get in a shitty mood, loose all my energy, and go to bed at like 9pm a couple days a week, because im so fucking tired.

Yeah, this. I also tend to get fat, personally. I deal with this shit by snacking like a retard (seriously, can put down an entire 400g pack of Digestive biscuits in a day and shit), gain like 15kg November-February every winter, then it goes away and is gone by about May or so... it's like being a fucking bear.