You know Germans you don't have to be this way anymore right?

You know Germans you don't have to be this way anymore right?

Other urls found in this thread:

that's a bit cringeworthy

>a bit

it's a quintessential tumblr post

please dont bully

to be fair, this was probably made by a jew

>Americans unironically think an orange washed up reality star with a cheesy wig is a good choice for president

This makes me feel better about my country.

nah your're sheit, quit ruining things

Am German, can confirm: Trump checks everything:

>Racism, Social Darwinism
>Reactionary, totalitarian social ideology
>Obsession with the purity of the people (Volksgemeinschaft)
>Hate and violence against dissenters
>Hate against modernity
>Total war

Also for his rise to power:
>Following a decade of social progress (Roaring 20s, Obama)
>Offers reactionary backlash against said progress
>Talks about economic problems caused by the others
>Rallies up supporters against a percieved corrupt establishment
>Promises to fix everything
>Brownshirts watching polls (Reichsermächtigungsgesetz)
>Disunity in the opposition, especially between left and far left.
>Conservatives thinking they can "tame" him once in office
>Using terrorist attacks without know perpetrators against his opponents, says it was done by them
>Calls for revolution
>Cult of personality surrounding him

For his rethoric:
>His speeches try to cater to the lowest common denominator
>He repeats the same talking points over and over
>Reenforces an "Us against them" menality
>Reenforces fear
>Insinuates his followers are the real victims
>Has no problem whatsoever with lying
>Literally fucking Hitler

without german money, your country would be still russian tier
show some fucking respect

What are you doing shitposting on the internet Hans? Don't you have work to do? Ahmed needs his welfare check this month.

o jee don't be so nazi you racist

Germans are a lot less apologetic than they should be

Hitler was an artist, a professional and he dealt with Germans...can't be the same, go ahead Trump

He was a failure of an artist and became the original hipster before getting all serious in politics.

>vote Trump
>four dumb but not disastrous years
>people sick of his shit by end of first term
>actual intelligent nominee elected
>potentially reform system slightly

If you let a child touch the hot stove once, they'll never go near it again

Opinionated view...and again, Americans aren't Germans


Yeah he's on par with petty dictators in banana republics desu. Same kind of language and appeal.

But Americans have never had a really bad president so they don't know the danger. Hopefully after four years of incompetent chimp they'll sober up.

This is why I'm genuinely scared. Especially reading Michael Moore's piece on why trump will win made me feel really anxious. I will be so fucking relieved if Hillary wins desu. The world doesn't need more chaos so no trump pls

>Americans have never had a really bad president

For real?

Germans are incapable of irony so you can take everything written there literally.

Good luck.

Succeed where we failed, Americans. You know what you have to do.

>- The people of Germany

Sucks to be German and only be known for what an Austrian guy did.


Not chavez tier no. I mean like one that eroded the democracy and made people enemies of each other. Which is exactly what trump does

wasn't me.

Trump didn't pop up one day and made all that...he's just riding what American society is nowadays...those things are the results of the past, see Bush jr. and Clinton as well

That's what happens when you form a nation too late.

He's fanning the flames of people's preconceptions and conspiracy theories. And he lies like no other, he's proven he doesn't give a single fuck about the truth. If you can't see the danger he poses, I don't know what to tell you...

>trump is hitler guise

That's not official, you idiot. Even the flag colors are wrong.

Actually, most of the candidates try to appeal to the ideas of the people and how they feel in polls. A lot of candidates have shifted opinions to win public favor/presidency.

Obama was against gay marriage in the beginning, but as polls and public opinion started changing, so did his.

It's the public that created this, not Trump.

We The People
You motherfuckers

Coming from a country that experienced (and still experience) such clowning attitudes I can perfectly understand what the Donald does and how he manipulate situations...just I'm not American, and the dangers he poses are mainly directed towards the American society itself, while I perceive Mrs Clinton foreign policy as more dangerous for Europe as well...Having said that, again I'm not American, I won't vote on Tuesday, and I should shout the fuck up

literally you

thanks demographically doomed country who will be the architect of europe's destruction no less than FOUR times

There's a difference between shifting position based on tides changing, and with blatant pandering to the lowest common denominator and fanning people's fears and hatreds.

I do hope you understand this important distinction. Trump is NOT like any normal politician. And because populists have gotten elected in democracies before and it rarely works out.

Trump is better for the world and terrible for america, hillary is better for america but worse for the world.

You people shouldn't be allowed to use democracy if this is what you do with it

That would be LBJ, and to a lesser extent, Nixon/Obama.

Obama has tried to repair race relations. But before he even took office white supremacy groups membership had risen a shitton.

He was doomed because of his skin color from the start. Irony is he is a great president if you aren't racist

Hillary is better for the world too. If you honestly believe she'd start ww3 you overdosed on memes.

Trump is worse for the world because he represents a much weaker America internationally, which means that regional dictatorships like Russia and China will be able to make more messes. And the world as a whole will be worse off as a result.

You can tell when you're dealing with commies trying to sway you because it's always Hitler, never Stalin or Mao.

so close to trips, shucks

it's about lesser evils, and that's what he is.

Nixon was cool imho, just a bit dumb with that Watergate...others have done the same but been smarter not to get caught

I agree, Nixon is a really interesting president. He did a lot of good, and a lot of bad.

>Obama has tried to repair race relations.

By defending black thugs and terrorists?
The guy went to an extremist black supremacy church for 20 years.

germany is simultaneously the most important and most destructive country in europe

that's one recipe for disaster :^)

>Let me tell youabout your country
I don't think you understand how many Crypto-racists live in this country. People are getting tired of blacks and their BLM bullshit. Mexicans aren't as bad but the illegal immigration subject is an easy emotional appeal towards those racists.
"They're coming and taking our jobs! Jobs that our sons and citizens could be doing!"

This...some countries like Germany (and Italy as well, so i won't anger Fritz too much) should had been left in the form of small states...They couldn't harm like that

Sucks for being a retard when the only thing you can associate Germany with is Hitler.

The dirt under my fingernails has more value than the opinions of those people

my team and i have spent the past 5 decades concocting the perfect map of europe

lads i present to you

>By defending black thugs and terrorists?

He hasn't

>seriously believing that the president actually matters
ever heard of checks and balances?

>Trump wants to put America first
>Foreigners hate him

Surely these two facts aren't related.

i totally agree with you but please don't mention your fingernails while i am eating that's disgusting

Yeah it is limited what he can do. But this is actually another reason he's a bad choice; he wouldn't actually be able to do much because both Democrats and Republicans will oppose him.

But he'd still be damaging. He'd still fuck shit up. Like if he throws out the Paris climate accords? That could have obscene consequences in that it might make the whole thing collapse. And this is what I fear. His potential to screw over humanity as a whole

well yeah they are both idiots no question about this. there will be a lot of fights in congress and possible govt shuttdowns etc. but i don't believe that world is in peril because of either of them... so hopefully the impact of this shit will be just as being a laughing stock for a while but that's ok.

cringed hard

>You know Germans you don't have to be this way anymore right?
You wanted us this way, that's what you get.

>should have been left in the form of small states
100% this

It was just a prank, Germany.
You're being recorded.

>writing in English instead of German
>accomodating the Americans instead of imposing your language
top cuckold

While some others should have been cannibalised, isn't it Lech?



>you know what to do
making every single american not vote is impossible

Ah yes, the national martyrology

>the people of germany
Fuck you kiwi, Trump is the best for america