ITT: post DEMENTED music

ITT: post DEMENTED music

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Is post demented a genre

(except not really though save le animals)

What? Faust I stays demented for all of like three or four minutes before that goofy melody starts in the first track, and it's Le whacky music after that.

That's why it's post-demented I guess

Slipknot \m/

Only they're sick enough to understand my true pain!!

Technically, the ensemble's music pushed to the extreme an aesthetics of darkness, ugliness, fear, chaos, irrational that stemmed from expressionism, surrealism, theater of the absurd, Brecht/Weill's cabaret, myth of the supermensch, Wagner-ain melodrama, musique concrete and abstract painting, all fused in a formal system that was as much metaphysical as grotesque. Influenced by Frank Zappa's collages, these teutonic vampires injected angst, like burning lava, into a sound that was deliberately fastidious, repulsive, incoherent. DEMENTED, demonic, paranoid, acid and violent, their compositions constitute a puzzle of sonic boutades and hermetic puns. Their opus was a black mass that deteriorated into "happening". However, behind the surface, Faust's music hid a moving vision of the human condition, one of the most lyrical in the entire history of rock music. Their visions of hell represent the noblest testament that came out of progressive-rock.


Noti per le confezioni spartane dei loro dischi e per l'assoluta modestia dei componenti, di cui a malapena si conoscevano i nomi (e non si videro per anni le facce), i Faust furono in un certo senso il primo "lo-fi" group. Totalmente avulsi dai circuiti commerciali, la loro carriera sara` effimera e tutta in sordina. Musicalmente l'ensemble esasperava l'estetica del cupo, del brutto, della paura, del caos, dell'irrazionale, fondendo espressionismo, surrealismo, teatro dell'assurdo, cabaret di Brecht/Weill, mito del superuomo, melodramma wagneriano, musica concreta e pittura astratta in un sistema formale tanto grottesco quanto metafisico. Influenzati dai collage di Frank Zappa, questi vampiri teutonici dispensavano lapilli di angoscia sotto forma di suono volutamente fastidioso, turpe e sconnesso. DEMENZIALI, satanici, paranoici, acidi e violenti, i loro brani costituiscono una sequela di boutade sonore e di freddure ermetiche. La loro opera era una messa nera degenerata in happening. Ma dietro le apparenze si celava una struggente poesia della condizione umana, una delle piu` liriche dell'intera storia del rock. Le loro visioni infernali costituiscono il testamento piu` nobile del progressive-rock.

wtf I like Faust now


Known for spartan packaging of their records and the absolute modesty of components, of which barely knew the names (and there seen for years the faces), Faust were in a sense the first "lo-fi" group. Totally divorced from commercial channels, their careers Will it be ephemeral and all muted. Musically the ensemble exasperated the aesthetics of the gloomy, the bad, the fear, chaos, irrationality, fusing expressionism, surrealism, absurd theater, cabaret of Brecht / Weill, the myth of the superman, Wagnerian opera, musique concrete and abstract painting in such a grotesque formal system as metaphysical. Influenced by Frank Zappa collage, these vampires Teutonic dispensed lapilli of distress in the form of deliberately annoying sound, ugly and disjointed. Demented, satanic, paranoid, violent and acids, their songs are a following of joke sound and hermetic puns. Their work was a black mass degenerated into happenings. But beneath the surface he lurked a poignant poetry of the human condition, one of the most lyrical of the entire history of rock. Their hellish visions are the more noble will of progressive-rock.


Emmure, Limp Bizkit, Flockaveli, Lulu

okay i agree with him on most of that but what does he refer to with
>hermetic puns


demented how?

that's not "demented" either, it's just lazy

your mom was being lazy when I fucked her in the ass

not likely, she loves anal



I think you are being fucking serious. Please kill yourself.

