Ask me anything

ask me anything

Give me one reason

why Cyprus shouldn't reunite.

do you like Keo

gib rightful clay

When are you going to take your clay back from brits and turks?

when will kizumonogatari part 2 come out

Is this like Greece but more cool?

1. What is the meaning of life?
2. If a bear and a shark had a fight, who would win?

are you greek cypriot? if you post from northern cyprus would you have a turkish flag? went to your country a few years ago. loved paphos and limmassol, nicosia was a bit shit though

Do you identify as Greek or Turkish or both?

Do you flush tp?

different languages

i should
from turks before 2016 is over (solution is close)
not as cool
Nicosia is good if you are into history.
Yes. North people appear with turkish flags here
I identify as cypriot

Εισαι προξυ;

thoughts on the turkish settlers that came after the invasion?

>if you post from northern cyprus would you have a turkish flag?
Yes, they have turkish internet service providers


Ελα πίσω στην αγkαλιά μας, αδελφέ


The fuck is this
υπηρέτησες στην Ελδυk ρ?

Οχι, λόγω μυωπιας δεν με πήραν :(

turks in the north

πάντως που τους βλέπω kάνουν πολύ δύσkολη θητεία
δεν το συστήνω

Don't tell me what to do

Is Cyprus basically the North/South Korea of the Mediterranean?

Would you want to join Greece?

Is it true that Israelis and Lebanese couples go to Cyprus to get married?

When will you throw out the t*rks?


Yeah but rather split on ethnic lines than ideals like Korea.
No that notion is long gone among cypriots
Never heard of that lol.

Is this the best banter ever made ?

When will you throw out the fuck ton of immigrants?

I've heard that they go to Cyprus to get married because they don't want to have to deal with the religious part of marriage.

Do you flush toilet paper?

When will you rejoin the empire? Do you meet a lot of British troops in Cyprus?

i only heard that sri lankans and indians merry romanian/EU girls (by paying them) so they can have access to Europe.

No mostly UN troops.

Where do you live?

How is babby formed?

Some day soon hopefully. You really ought to do the same. I visited Nicosia a couple of years ago and the Turkish part is just a run down disgusting mess.
