What's your country's excuse for still not purchasing the formidable F-35 5th generation stealth fighter?

What's your country's excuse for still not purchasing the formidable F-35 5th generation stealth fighter?

No one will sell.

2 small of a military budget

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaah !

we are not buying any jets because john key.

No reason
I don`t know what jet we will buy until the air force can produce its own in 15 years or so

Why buy when we can have Italy buy it from the NATO budget that American taxpayers subsidize, then they can protect the 2 sq. km. of our skies, while we make another tax cut on the military budget :^)

tfw single largest orders of F-35's (72) outside of the US without any additionals planned

Everything's ok with our current planes

We used to have fighter jets, but we went through multiple wars with them "on standby" but never actually doing anything. So they were eventually scrapped.

the leader of my countrys qualifications to be prime minister are as follows:

substitute English teacher
his father was a prime minister
he's attractive

that is our excuse

Your defence policy is literally "nothing will happen to us until Australia is destroyed, and if they can destroy Australia they can destroy us".

It is a sound policy, Stephen. Kiwi logic is infallible.

Why don't you just accept your natural place and join the federation?

>substitute English teacher
>in an English speaking country


I'd love to. Of course, seeing how our GDP/capita is 2/3 of yours, I expect to be entitled to federal gibs to bring us up to speed and whatnot.

We'll give you priority over backpackers when it comes to working on the farms, that way you can earn your keep. Your women will go into federally run breeding programs. Maoris must stay in NZ at all times and Tongans/Samoans etc will be deported.

These are the terms.


ground bases are so 1940
we're still building the seabed for our sea
then we will buy salt and wait for enough rain
then we will buy aircraft carrier
then we will buy some planes to stuff it with
one step at a time

>5th generation

>posting your /flag/tism on your F-35
Look at that fag

>sucking American cock for planes

We produce our own planes.

>tfw single largest orders of F-35's (72) outside of the US without any additionals planned

That's not right, we're getting 138

we don't need them, we only need small fighter jets for shooting down Cessna light aircrafts smuggling drugs

that's why we're buying 10 Yakovlev Yak-130 next year

>tfw not enough money to replace your carriers harriers with some new F35Bs

pls buy

Unfortunately we did...

why? this country's military is a joke anyway

we will

been in discussion for over 4 years now but now it will happen since we had some devastating accidents with our museum aircraft this year, and we only invest in things after people die and it's too late, as true socialists do

>tfw to smart too pay taxes

Americans are truly kukt elemayo

This thing is a piece of shit, the definition of a boondoggle

So if an airforce needed a good STOVL (short take-off vertical landing) fighter, what would you suggest?

Cheap turboprop plane

>Cheap turboprop plane

Read the post again...

They can't fly in rain or snow.

We were supposed to buy 64 or something but it turns out we're not California and they won't fly.

No money

Why does it have to have vertical landing when this makes it almost useless in every other way and will hardly ever be used?

But we did, we were the first country besides the US to buy the F-35A, first one to join the US training program and the first country to have them at an airshow.

>Why does it have to have vertical landing when this makes it almost useless in every other way and will hardly ever be used?

Short-take off and vertical landing is useful for when there is no full-length runway available but you need serious air power. For example if your airbases have been bombed, or you're supporting a ground force that's penetrated enemy territory, or you want to operate off aircraft carriers that aren't fitted with catapults, or you want to use aircraft carriers or any ship with a flat-top that would be incapable of launching any other fighter except helicopters.

You're clearly an idiot but let's humour you and assume STOVL fighters are useless and will hardly ever be used. If that is indeed the case, why was the Harrier developed by Britain and then purchased by lots of foreign countries? Why did the Russians develop their own STOVL fighter too? Why did the Americans bother to develop the next generation Harrier which is the F-35B and purchase several hundred of them?


Thats really impressive, we are only getting 37. Pls stay on our side uk

We have better jets. 200 of them, to be precise.
It's just nobody can see/feel/hear them because they are from the future with alien tech.

>Pls stay on our side uk

Please ask your politicians to stop bullying us over Brexit. The Dutch were bad with the whole "England has collapsed" shit from your PM after the vote, what makes me really sick is that we have Baltics, Poland etc constantly asking for British troops based there with NATO so they can be ready to sacrifice their lives for European freedom, and at the same time these same countries are lining up to proclaim, with a single voice as the EU 27, how the British people must be economically punished for daring to leave the EU.

Somehow European politicians haven't yet realised how sick this looks and since negotiations haven't started properly, the media isn't paying attention, but when they invoke article 50 and the EU 27 keeps this hard line and people remember NATO, shit will really hit the fan. I'm kind of worried about where all this is going tbf (to be frank)

Aye, you are getting 138, but your original first order was 4 for testing and another 14. Afterwards, with an additional 42 aircraft planned to be fast tracked by 2023 bringing the total planned to 138.

Our very first order without additional were 72. Thus we have the single largest orders without additional aircraft being considered after the first sale.

Ok fair enough.

72 is a big order. The usual thing in defence is to make lots of incremental orders. I guess they wanted to make a statement.

Knowing our government, they cancelled the initial order for Gripens, and are loaning them ever since, precisely because then want to wait for the F-35, once the price drops to some acceptable number. But thanks to our Sinophile president, we might as well end up with J-10 by then.

Our PM is a huge Angloboo though. I think he's more disappointed than anything. The UK was a big political ally for us in Europe, to counter the Germans and French. But he doesn't want to leave the EU either, so after the whole Nexit meme started he had to say that it's a bad idea.
Also he's turbo butthurt about referendums. The Ukraine referendum backfired hard on him, and after half a year he still hasn't been able to make a decision to ratify the agreement or not.

>The UK was a big political ally for us in Europe, to counter the Germans and French.

But the UK is not leaving Europe, we're leaving the EU. We're still in Europe. We're still going to be in Europe after our supposed "allies" have supported the Franco-German line of punishing the British people for leaving the EU.

>posts a swedish plane
