/trad/ folk & regional music

Central America, the Caribbean and South America edition

What artists and styles do you like from this region?


>Useful links

>Hampus' uploads

Other urls found in this thread:








When people don't bitch these threads amount to jackshit.

>highlighting how ignorant and pleb Sup Forums is ignoring thousands of years of music

nice job, so why do you write off all these genres?

What is the ITAOTS of folk

>treating 10,000+ years of music from 200+ countries as one similar genre

What is the ITAOTS of Chilean Folk in the 1920's?

>thousands of years of shit

I love Exuma.

>being this pleb

Go spam Grimes and Kanye some more on reddit.

>haha lol if you don't listen to aborigens banging on drums ur plen

sorry I can't get into singles genres

Bob Dylan was from NORTH america OP.

can you guys recommend me stuff like this? thanks


Reccing is spoonfeeding user. Think for yourself you pleb.

Culture usurping faggot "hip"cucks

Yeah. When a baby is born, toss it outside on the streets. Education is bad, learn it yourself

you are not a baby. you are a grown human.

OP here. Finally, someone gets it!

>Sup Forumstants are helpless babies

this is why you have no friends

>culture usurping

Suck my dick, bitch. You're probably just kidding but there are people who think this way in real life.

Where is the line drawn? When we meet extraterrestrial beings and enjoy their music will that be usurping?

everything you know is because someone told you, mostly the internet i guess, there is nothing wrong with asking reccs.

well im not a baby, but this board is about music discussion and sharing, and reccing other people is great.

you dick


did you just try to teach me something?!!

what the fuck, user, I could have figured that out myself! you're inhibiting the discussion by trying to tell me something!!!!!

[spoiler]I'm making fun of OP who's spammed four or five /trad/ threads and is doing nothing to make them interesting.[/spoiler]


OP's going to be no help anons.

very good (and subtle) user

>mfw hoping for folk
>mfw it's just jazz
good jazz though


okay, so I went to OP's links, and alot of shit cost money and had no samples to listen to, and no description, so let me ask about it

I'm looking for some good percussion folk music. I know African drummming can be incredibly complex, but I also like what little I've heard of Oceanic drumming. I don't remember what tribe, but it was during a festival, and it was very rhythmic drumming for a dance. I also think Native American drumming is rather slower and less polyrhythmic, but I could be wrong. Does anyone have any good resources for good folk drumming?

I'll admit to not having any recs to give, and let's just be real, none of us do. Probably not even OP.

The Alan Lomax link research.culturalequity.org/home-audio.jsp is free, actually. No idea if Lomax made recordings in this part of the world though.

Actually, if you're genuinely interested in listening to traditional/"real" folk music, Alan Lomax's works are a goldmine. I'm not genuinely interested so I haven't gone through his discography.

PROTIP: The majority of Folkways music is on Spotify

The line is drawn where you don't superficially and insubstantially binge on other cultures ala this thread.

So if you're American you can only listen to a certain percent of european produced music in one day?

Got any stats to go by so I don't listen to too many.

Yes. 3 albums a week.