Does Sup Forums like my new setup?

Does Sup Forums like my new setup?

what the FUCK



god tier. can't even imagine how good that album must sound coming out of those speakers


this thing is a bootleg right? i've got it too and there's no way it's actually sanctioned by kevin, is there?

Nice vinyls player

Good setup, Loveless was practically made for Crosleys too, I give it the Sup Forums seal of approval.

heard the bootleg sounds like shit
nothing of value was lost here

I've heard this bootleg is actually decent, and it's the single LP bootlegs that are bad

put a dime on the pin to get that heavier base sound

remember with crosleys, the more expensive/rare the record, the better its going to sound

>image name 2015
Yea man I love YOUR setup

Yeah, the double LP is jap boot.

I think the official Loveless reissue is coming soon

I have this one on black and my buddy has a white copy. They sound fantastic.

i got the white copy too

is there gonna be an isn't anything reissue because that's the one i actually want

actually in tears at this image thanks op

I don't find that a dime makes it heavy enough, I just use on of my shoes.

Do white vinyls sound better than blacks?


But colored vinyl barely affects the sound

i have vinyl flooring where can i get a crosley big enough to play it?

I was thinking about getting a Crosley just to post pictures of it next to Sup Forumscore albums, turns out they're like $200+, made me even more chocked at how people buy this shit.

Eh, my yellow bootleg sounds good