Why is it so hard for americans to understand that healthcare and education should be rights, and not commodities?

Why is it so hard for americans to understand that healthcare and education should be rights, and not commodities?

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your pic made me puke

But they are. No one can be denied treatment nor an education

Agree perhaps, but when does it end?

Jaw problems are considered dental and are not covered under most western healthcare systems, even if they're guaranteed to become chronic or seriously debilitating.

Because we want our population to lack education so we will be unemployable outside of the US and we would rather import foreigners to do math, I guess

Is she eating strawberries?

Yeah like the excellent healthcare in Brazil?

Why is it so hard for Brazilians to understand that killing people is wrong?

there's too fucking many of us and Pharmaceutical companies want to charge lotsa money

Because the privatization of hospitals and schools results in higher quality versions. Adding cost regulations inflate the prices.

I dont think they deny that, but the way the Obamacare worked was the fucked up part.

Why is it so hard for socialists to understand that nothing is for free?
you don't study 20 fucking years of your life just to give away your techniques on some ungrateful niggers and the state doesn't even pay you properly for working your ass for 24 hours straight ever second and fourth day of the week... that is, unless there's staff shortage then you work 48 hours straight every second and fourth day of the week.
you don't study 20 fucking years of your life teaching something you used to care about to nigglets that weren't even supposed to leave 1st or 2nd grade until they finally mastered the basic understandings of reading, writing and math but are on higher grades because "no kid left behind", and it's obvious you and them are wasting each other's time because they'd rather be outside playing, fucking white girls, drugging themselves and/or shooting and stealing; and even you would gladly do that.
what you do in socialism is stop studying, stop caring, and only hope to get those freebux from daddy State because why bother? niggers are the same as you in that system. that's what fucking happens because nothing is for free yet everyone wants it for free or at least a discount.

Countries with public health and universities still have private clinics and schools for those who can afford them and want the quality. We can also cut half of our defense budget to pay for these things and still have the most powerful military on the planet about five times over.

Number of people and private options aren't the problem, corruption is.

y-you... y-you mean that things in life aren't free?

NOTHING is for free
someone eventually gets the bill in due
and if that someone doesn't pay, then the whole system collapses
like Thatcher said, "socialism is about making everybody poor equally"

That's not what Bernie Sanders told me.

Why can't we just make things not cost anything and pay everyone $1000/hr? so we will all be rich?

yes strawberries made of prisoners tortured by mexican cartels

if things don't cost anything what do you want money for, Arthur C. Clarke?
holy shit how i hate them futurists

Lol kill me

Watch this video:


University of toronto geniuses want free tuition xD

Because rich people dont do anything but r somehow rich

later on in the video you will see the look and brain function of a socialist gone too far lol

Best parts:

>Who will pay for free education?
>"No comment thank you"

>Rich people don't do or produce anything but they're somehow rich, so they will pay for it

>"Tuition should be free."
>Can I have one of those newspapers?
>"No they're $2"

I know this is random, but I can't stand watching any youtube reporting now. Everyone from either side just sounds like a condescending douche now. bring back Cronkite-tron 2000

You are right. A lot of people here don't get this...

excellent. my face when

i agree, with old media you used to have a quality filter where the best journalists were hired and then kicked out if they didn't work for the audiences. with new media (online one) everyone is a reporter, there's no quality filter. it's like deviantart: everyone is an artists but only few are actual GOOD artists, the rest is furry crap

I wonder what Euros have to say about this

>Everyone from either side just sounds like a condescending douche now. bring back Cronkite-tron 2000

But he doesn't really sound condescending.

He's literally just asking them basic questions or exposing major flaws in their logic

btw i want to add that while students are okay in complaining about tuition fees being unaffordable, they are bydlo that don't even fucking understand about what they're claiming (also being manipulated by some Super-SJW commie bastard, most likely)
it's paradoxical that you have to study in order to make money but you need money otherwise you can't study
the solution to that though should have been to make a career (like raising money as a teen by working on whatever place has wage slave vacancies) or by aceing all the fucking school subjects so they get scholarships
you know, like our parents used to
taxes should work as advance payment, and if you don't get the service, then go on and break banks' windows screaming "where did my payment go!?". but you're supposed to pay first, or your parents (dunno how WASP culture works on that aspect)

Tuition fees aren't very excessive at least in North America.

You get a lot of scholarships/grants etc and it's easy to have part-time jobs or co-op so you can graduate debt-free or near it.

But maybe there can be more government scholarships for top-achieving students in fields that will actually be useful for society. Not paying for Black Women's transgender studies or something

There is literally no justification for not having free healthcare.

Wtf do you mean "end?" It doesn't end, healthcare doesn't end.

>free healthcare

But it's not free


Keep them dumb, stay in power