Anyone else has multilingual "problems"?

Anyone else has multilingual "problems"?
For me left and right in italian and spanish are inverted but in english i never confuse sides.

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when i write by hand sometimes i mix up Cyrillic and roman, for example in russian you write д as g and т as m, a
if i write "dipshit" it can end up becoming "gipshim"
Also because I'm still a beginner in russian and i also know a bit of japanese sometimes i try to recall words in one language and remember them in another

isn't д d and т t?
Im misunderstanding you


neat! how do you learn russian handwriting? it looks totally different

I screw up italian words and french words all the time. Also, italian and spanish.

I don't think I will be fluent in any Germanic language desu other than English.

Haciendo muchos errores y escribiendo mucho, me tomó unas 2-3 semanas para empezar a escribir decentemente

Hace cuanto tiempo vives en Rusia?
Como es el país?

A lot less extreme version of this is why we don't learn cursive anymore.

"egregius" means really good in Latin but "egregious" means really bad in English. That always messed me up in High School.

I get rusty extremely quickly, even with my native language.

For example, when I read a bunch of English books or travel for a longer time I will have troubles speaking another language (that I'm fluent in) and need to get used to it again.

Haven't been to my homeland in like 4 years. I had to renew my passport at the embassy and could barely communicate correctly in my first language.

Your ш looks like a ж. Unless you were trying to do that, but ш = sh and ж = dj

Un mes y medio mas o menos.
No puedo hablar del país como tal, solo San Petersburgo. En general todo bien, los servicios como el transporte, la salud son muy eficientes, y el costo de vida rodea los 300 usd al mes (contando que no pago universidad y el dormitorio me vale unos 15 usd por mes) por lo que calculando costo/calidad esta muy bien.
Lo único que en verdad hace la vida imposible es necesitar documentos/papeleo de cualquier tipo, los trámites burocráticos se demoran una eternidad.
Y la comida nada que ver con latinoamerica, en especial los jugos, el de naranja por ejemplo parece hecho con la cáscara de la fruta de lo amargo

maybe youre a stupid forgetful beaner


I'm German, you leaf. It just has more to do with the change of slang, grammar and ways of speaking.

When you transcribe Cyrillic into roman ш = sh and ж = zh, but there's no words with zh in english that i know of, so i just stick to the way it's pronounced. Sh in english is pronounced like russian ж, and ш doesn't really have an equivalent sound

Weird I guess I don't have enough experience to argue, but my teacher made ш sound more like sh when it was pronounced. Does it matter on regional pronunciation differences?
On the wiki page it says ж would be closest to the zh sound in pleasure. where ш would be closest to the sh sound in sharp. What is your first language? it could make a difference since you pronouce things differently than me

y las mujeres?

do you pull your tongue back into your palate and point it upwards when you say "sharp" ? if not then it's not really a ш
i don't really know, but russian is very uniform all across the places it's spoken compared to other languages
si no fuera un autista de miedo y pudiera hablar decentemente podría responder más detalladamente, pero lo que dicen de su belleza es 100% real. Parecen muñecas en rostro y cuerpo a excepción de que no tienen ni la mitad del culo qué tienen las latinas

aw shit m8 , you just have to (unironically) be yourself

>(unironically) be yourself
For me that means holing up in my room watching anime and jerking off all day while avoiding normie shit like parties or drinking. No results so far

well then just dump that weaboo garbage and go out , life is good f a m