How will Trump force Mexico to pay for the wall? That sounds literally impossible to achieve

How will Trump force Mexico to pay for the wall? That sounds literally impossible to achieve.

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Take it out of their foreign aid.

he won't

The idea is to block or tax wire transfers from the US to Mexican individuals, so the poor mexicans that need money from their family in the US start pressuring the mexican government

Or just go home.

The poor mexicans needing money from their families in the US are already home.

How much foreign aid do they get?
Even if that were possible, would that be enough to pay for the wall?

Last year it was $146 million, down by 25% because of their human rights abuses.

That's barely a fraction of what you'll need to build it, let alone maintain it

Reduce foreign aid

BAHAHAHAHA Trump will never build the wall. How are Drumpftards that delusionnal? He's never gonna make it

The Wall is an allegory, the wall is talking about is inside us all when we discriminate illegals. Learn to read between the lines

>HAHAHAHAHAHH Drumpf will never be POTUS because the polls say so, how could you be so delusional

It can't be done, not with his plan.

What the fuck are you trying to say you worm-eating shitfuck

The Wall(TM) is just a tangible object that he used to gather voters, it won't actually accomplish anything

He's going to fix ICE so that they'll actually be able to do their jobs and he's going to make sure that the feds can't sue states for enforcing federal law

Maybe he will take pictures of the wall that's already there and offer that as a proof that he did already build it.

I'm pretty sure people voted him to build a literal wall, not some metaphorical BS

well one way or another, there will be a lot of disappointment.

I think that most of them will be fine if he just makes progress on deporting illegals even if he doesn't build the wall

Well given that you already gave up on the idea of building the wall, then the question becomes how will he mobilize enough resources and manpower to identify, process, and deport 11 million people. Which is as impossible as building the wall.

>as impossible as building the wall
I'm sure that a NEET cunt on a Mongolian yurt construction forum would be the one to know

>proceeds to using fallacies since he doesn't have an answer to the question
As expected from Americans, no wonder you're universally known for being stupid.

>Last year it was $146 million
that's literally nothing



Jesus Christ polfucks make it sound like the U.S. gives mexico billions. but it's only 146 million, really?

The Mexican Government is not going to pay the bill, but we will instead tax all imports from Mexico to pay for our increased border security. "Build the wall" and "Mexico is going to pay for it" is just lip service and not to be taken literally.

>and not to be taken literally.
someone should tell polfucks that

>Build the wall" and "Mexico is going to pay for it" is just lip service and not to be taken literally
So he's literally one more politician, all words and no actions. Congrats, Dumbfuckistan. You fell for the meme

>claims something while providing no evidence to prove himself
>call you out on being full of shit
The only stupid one here is you

First of all:

Define "wall"

Dude, all politicians strategically lie/deceive. But what I have said is not the truth but a theory of what I think his immigration policy is. Politicians lie/deceive in front of the public because they are very trusting of a central figure. The populace doesn't care about what the policies truly are, but rather whether or not they are successful. Obama was trusted until his policies were found to be disastrous. Now the people are looking forward to a new leader, with hopefully better policies that are successful.

>with hopefully better policies that are successful.
too bad half his own party, the entirety of the other party, the media, and half the nation hates him.

Great, trump supporting was for nothing...

Any other shit to ruin my day, Steve?


>half his party hates him
Yeah, during the primaries. Party loyalty almost always wins out, especially if Trump isn't the one who will actually be dictating the direction that the law takes

>for nothing
No one said that

>Party loyalty almost always wins out
it hasn't yet, and with all the mouth breathing retards he wants in his cabinet. it won't

Its a double fence now you dummies

Didn't he already confirm that the wall was just a joke? I'm sure he'll be tighter on border security, but the wall was probably intended mostly as a metaphor.

from a wall to a fence, you niggers are losing ground.

>implying it was ever about the wall

Why should I believe you?


block remittances, impose tariffs, annul nafta permanently, etc. he could even collapse mexico if he were to go as far as embargoing them.


>the wall was a methaphor guise
wow it's fucking nothing

Why would he collapse one of USA's main economic partners? Jesus Christ user

$1 is worth enough to buy all the land in Mexico.

Thats a pretty good idea honestly.

it's like you are not even trying to be funny or clever

He literally explains how he's going to do it on his website


>full retraction
How will claps react when he goes full Reagan and grants them amnesty?

If Mexico became failed state, they would have excuse to impose thier will in ut by force.

because he wants the companies that make them an economic partner in the first place to move back home instead of vying for cheap Mexican labor across the border, that's just one of the benefits.

what does this mean, it was 15~ not that long ago, it's now 20 oh shit the country is falling apart omg


Calm down snow-paco.

fuck off cunt

He'll somehow do it

Newt Gingrich has already said he (probably) simply won't.

>Its a double fence now you dummies
There's already a fence along huge parts of the border lmao

Trump just cucked the entire US into voting for something they already fucking had huehuehue

Chances are he'll try to steal some money from Chicanos or Mexicans tourists to the US (If Trudeau does drop visas for Mexico as he promised Canada could end up with all the money middle class and wealth Mexicans drop shopping in the US) and claim that counts as Mexicans paying, Peña would protest ina very strongly worded letter and that would be the end of that, Trump only needs a token measure (it will be paid in 10 years) he can brag about. This is asuming his administration isn't really moving to economically nuke Mexico.

why would they even go back to US? Their auto industry is subsidized as hell, unions stop any form of competition and taxation is incredibly high compared to the rest of lat.
They'd choose Guatemala or fucking anywhere else in he world than US for that matter.
There are just enough escape goats before you start to solve your inner problems


Triple fence when

because he also proposed lowering the corporate tax and applying import tariffs, so american businesses will have to keep their manufacturing in america, it's a sound plan, but like you said his main problem will be unions.

>I think if he strengthens the borders ... it will be the same as building the wall. So the wall’s still there, it’s just invisible. It might be 10 feet tall, it might be 20 feet tall, but it’s invisible. So the wall can be built even without having to be built.