Pope Francis: "it’s the communists who think like Christians"

>Pope Francis: "it’s the communists who think like Christians"

Thoughts? Many Poles are kinda pissed off at him for saying that. Personally I think he should apologize for saying such thing.


He is right.

>"it’s the communists who think like Christians"
uh, I'm sorry guys, I swear that we have nothing to do with this guy

You are aware that commies were beating up and killing christians, right? Jerzy Popiełuszko - famous polish priest (soon to be saint) - was killed by commies for opposing them. Why do you think Jahn Paul II helped Solidarity to end communism in Poland?


That doesn't mean there isn't a paralel between communism and true chritianism.

Poles are such fair weather Catholics it's not even funny.

Yes and you're white and not a part of Latin America, sure Argentina

the idea is nothing new thomas mann wrote about it in 20's. Also before soviet union many people thought that communism is not only replacement but also some kind of continuation of christianity. Though pope should not publicly say things like that because it can get some people confused, especially post soviet people

just say poles

not like there are many ex soviet catholics

It only took you 400 years to see the problem with pretending some guy speaks directly to god

We are the only true christians left in Europe tbqh

what a fucking retard
The Decree Against Communism was a 1949 Catholic Church document issued by the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, and approved by Pope Pius XII, which declared Catholics who professed materialistic Communist doctrine to be excommunicated as apostates from the Christian faith.
South America is fucking doomed

i think there are some catholics left in hungary slovakia and ex yugoslavia


the first communistic communities were christians'. Missionaries were the ones that enstablished the first communistic cities and societies, long before Marx theorized it.
This is due to the fact that pure interpretation of Christianity brought to the desire to create a state in wich there was no private propriety (you know, abandon your fortune and follow me, that stuff)
It makes sense. Marx was the one that said christianity was an enemy of the people, but intended Instituzionalized christianity. He meant the church, that enslaved the mind of the working class to keep them in check through fear. He was fully acceptant of religious feeling and persoal belief.

forgive him for he doesnt know what he does

he's argentinian, of course he will talk shit and then forget he said it

Pope Francis is a leftist from the 60s and 70s in the west. When leftists still didnt care about abortion and gay marriage.

He isnt nowhere near as educated as Benedict, and was chosen because he is a good politician, and has experience at moving in very corrupt enviroments, like Argentina (and how Italy-The Vatican is) poor Benedict couldnt handle the job.

this guy doesn't come here because he will be booed, he is a fucking traitor

Are you guys retarded?
He's not saying that communism is similar or friendly to Christianity. He's saying the goals that they are talking about in the interview (equality, justice, economic stability, etc.) are goals espoused by both the religion and the ideology (and many others for that matter). The Church obviously knows that communism is hostile to Christianity and rejects it.

No one thinks that.

Time for a Antipope? What happens if the pope turns blasphemous?

Be that as it may, the fact that they're the ONLY strong bastion of Catholicism left in Europe means that Francis shouldn't fuck around and alienate them. It's easy to lose your flock, just look at how Ireland's priest child abuse scandals completely killed the Church there in the matter of a few years.

I fear that Francis will kill Catholicism in Poland (assuming he hasn't done so already).

no, actually here in argentina we have a lot of cases of people joining the communist party because they think it's "christian" and good for faith.

>economic stability
>a religious goal

No, economic stability is not much of a goal but a secondary effect to Justice and equality.

>communists who have killed hundreds of millions of people are the true Christians

>things the pope never said or even implied