Is South America part of the West in your opinion?

Is South America part of the West in your opinion?

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They are a part of the western third world.

Yes because they are definitely not east

>No Dutch Cayenne

>no Dutch Brazil

When I wake up I get this view of my room. It seems I'm in Europe.

Well, you have a point, sir.

not at all.

Depends, are Spain and Portugal western?

lmao that doesn't look like europe

Too European for me

Maybe like Poortugal so it's like pottery.

lol no.

Is africa part of the west?

"Western" is a vague meme term just like "Third World"

They have a more template climate, not-tropical, far less challenging to human economic activity. However, they are so far away from the world's concerns that there's no pressure to use their position effectively.

What the fuck are you talking about, that doesnt even make sense


I like this post. I'd rate it 9/10.

the characteristics are there though
not all of them, but yeah most
in the end, is right. FPBP

Yes non tropical.


South America crosses the three climate zones
it's a long continent

The bulk of South America is located in the equatorial zone. The southern cone and the Andes mountain rains (due different altitude) is the exception. Something as simple as farming is a bitch to do in tropical areas (terrible and acid soil, diseases run rampant, too humid for many grain to ripen).

You took capital that suffered with migration and the worst parts. It has poor areas in Brazil, but it is not like some countries that only have bad areas. The bad areas are on the edges of cities, I never go to those places. A middle-class person does not even come close to these places.

This is the street where my mother was born and I lived. It is not luxurious or poor.

And it looks like Europe

Looks like crimea

nice, i didn't know Crimea was that comfy

Tropic of Cancer is pretty aptly named

South America is full of places in the equatorial zone with an average temperature of 10 degrees throughout the year.

The south of Brazil has zones above 800 ~ 1000 meters, which causes the temperature to drop.

Brazil is the largest food producer in the world behind the United States (if I'm not mistaken).

Temperature near summer





we are the poor part of the west




Arguments in favor of Latin America been western:
>Western Languages
>Western Religions
>Inherited Western Values

Arguments in against of Latin America been western:
>Lol not white.
>Lol africa tier n shit.

Does Brazil really looks that bad for you lads? This is my street. It's not a fancy neighborhood, but i think it is fine.

Doesnt look terrible Joao.

The nly bad thing is its located in a country literally FULL of Brazilians.

Some places are non-western or have a big non-western influence like the Amazon, Bolivia or Guatemala.

For the majority of the continent though I would say we are Western but some sort of sub type since there are some traits we share between each other but not with the rest of the western world.

Desliga o proxy, essa frase é típica de brasileiro

Arguments against it include being perpetually poor as shit throughout.

"Western" is associated with "success" and "influence", not "drug cartels" and "soul-shattering poverty".

>FULL of Brazilians.
That's the good thing. Better than full of people like you.

Que i mean what

The "West" was never white, it did include MENA at it's peak and peoples like the Italian or the Irish were not considered "whites" by anglos in the 19th century

Also the West only became relatively wealthy in the 20th century and not all of it, technological superiority was relatively short lived, from the late 17th century up until the mid 20th century (East Asians matched the West) if you're going by anything but cultural criteria you'd have a hard time being consistent with what even the West is suposed to be.

Western doesn't associate with that though. If France had a huge crisis and became poor, would it stop being western?

I'd consider it western, it has the same culture, religion and language

But it's still shit lol

is Japan western then? our culture has a lot of european influence and I thought that was what western meant

Most of the states in our union are incredibly poor.

That depends on how badly you think you have been cucked, we at least do actually descend in part from Westerners

they speak european language and have influence of christianity?


yes, because if France became super poor, poor as, say, soemwhere in Latin America, then they'd be flooded by non-French and this demographic shift would change the cultural makeup of France thus making it an arab campsite, and Arabs clearly aren't western.

but they arent countries.

youre not in the west.

"Associated with" doesnt mean "defined by".

Does South America speak a European language? Do you have a European religion? Did you receive millions of Europeans? Is historic architecture European? Does it have a strong relationship with Europe? Do you have Jewish-Christian morals and are your ideas similar to Europeans?

If yes then it is difficult to say that it is not Western. The only drawback is development.

If 10 years from now the whole continent is prosperous and has high levels of development they will probably be considered.

You even seen City of God mate?

You make a valid point and your logic is sound.

Like it or not, Latin America is western.

City of God is the worst ghetto in the whole country. Why it should be considered as an example of Brazil?

>Rio is the entirety of brazil

Not so fast, nigel.

Boa tarde Miguel.


It can't be any worse than detroit.

Rio is better than most of the country tho.

It is located in Brazil. You can say that it does not give an accurate picture but it absolutely is an example of Brazil.

This is my street in a city of 100 thousand inhabitants and with jobs sprouting everywhere, sorry

It's not my fault that other Brazilians live so poorly.

Yes. it literally can.

It's an exception. Saying "Brazil is not 'civilized' because of City of God" is wrong.

>Rio is better than most of the country tho.

>jobs sprouting everywhere
Planting potatoes isn't a good job m8, sorry.

The Western/Eastern division only really makes sense in Europe. But anyway:

Romance or Slavic languages? Romance, as Westerners.
Catholic or Orthodox? Catholic, as Westerners.
Rome-influenced culture or Greek-influenced culture? Rome-influenced, as Westerners.

So yeah, West.

It's good, honest, character-building work.

Yes and you know it is true.

So Molenbeek and Detroit are standards we should use as well?

In your head maybe.


No, the term "Westerner" does sometime get used in that way but Orthodox-Hellenes as descendants of Greco-Roman classical culture, are Western as well when compared to the "East" as in the Middle East or the Far East. The concept is cultural not geographic.

I'm aware it's cultural (see as all three factors I've considered are cultural), but let's say the "East" in Middle East and Far East is another can of worms (I used "East" as Ukraine and Russia, not as Japan and China).

Is Pope Fracis western?

Southern States don't even have proper access to basic needs such as sewage system. lmao.

And on the matter of Far East: if we're going to divide this way, I'd rather consider the Maghreb and Middle East as West than East - they look far, far more like Europe than like China.

(Then you have India fucking the shit up - with an Eastern/Dharmic religion but speaking Western/Indoeuropean languages).

Not him, but bait harder. And if you're going to post maps, post population access instead of municipal access.

You what.

>bait harderário

Rome was greek-influenced my amigo

No, its not.

No, its not an example of Brazil. Its like saying Gaza is an example of Israel.


Thanks for proving my point. Rio is better in almost everything and I wasn't even talking about the State as a whole.

The inverse happened too, but a population can still have more Greek or more Roman influence.

Now compare the map with a demographic density map and you'll "hopefully" realize something.

It is. Will you take my word for it or do I have to dump this thread with articles to prove my point?

Kuruminha user?

Definitely, yes. These countries were founded by european colonists, they are catholic and belong to the western socio-cultural space.

Overall, it's about as "Western" as India or Turkey a few Years ago, i would say. What is Western and what is not really depends on the Context.
I would call South America "Second and Third Degree" Western.
"First Degree" Western is mostly '90s Nato, plus a few closely associated Countries like Australia and Switzerland.
"Second Degree" are the new Nato Members, South Africa, Mexico and the more developed South American Countries
"Third Degree" are the less developed Latin American Countries, especially those that where under Communist Rule.
Only Communist Countries like Kuba and Venezuela i would never call Westerners.


Thought experiment: imagine for a moment the population of Andorra was replaced by Russians. Orthodox, Slavic-speaking, barszcz- and vodka-drinking Russians. But somehow, Andorran economical and political context remained the same.

Would you consider this Andorra Western or Eastern?

post bp

Imho no

Only EU, US, Canada, Austrálie and NZ are West

Basicly civilized white countries

Though one. But i think they would fall in the Second Degree, similar to Czechia and Hungary, imo.

But "Western" is a pretty flawed concept, i would say it would be better served if you split it into other, (in part Overlapping) things like Western Europe, EU and Anglosphere, for example.

Chile Urugay and Argentina yes, the rest no.