Damn this is boring, is this a grower or should I just stop listening if I don't enjoy it now?

Damn this is boring, is this a grower or should I just stop listening if I don't enjoy it now?

i guess its just not for you?

You should stop listening to anything that you don't enjoy

So the multiple listens thing is a meme?

>is this a grower
It was for me. I felt the same way you do now, but I really like it now

I see, the same thing happened for me to OK Computer, so I guess I'll give it another spin tomorrow

If something doesn't grab you enough to pull you back in for another listen, there's really no point. At least in my opinion. I loved Person Pitch immediately and listened over and over, but nothing else he's put out has grabbed me in the slightest

3/5 anco related releases are shit

this is not one of them, keep listening

That's the thing though, it *does* pull me back, there's something about the album that does interest me, but it's still a fairly boring album (besides Good Girl/Carrots, I love that track) to me

>not 5/5

You can give it at least another shot, but here's the issue with multiple listens and growers on Sup Forums:

It's alright to keep listening to it if you only somewhat liked it, because it's still enjoyable, just not your favorite.

But Sup Forums does not think in terms of "alright". It's either 10/10 or its shit. And if you say you don't like something on here, it means you think it's shit.

So, OP, if you "don't enjoy it", it depends: do you just not enjoy it, or do you hate it? Is it really too boring?

Is there really nothing on this record that even mildly entertains you?

>tfw this is only the fourth best AC related album and it's still a 9/10

>But Sup Forums does not think in terms of "alright". It's either 10/10 or its shit. And if you say you don't like something on here, it means you think it's shit.

>Sup Forums is one person
>i've been here for a month and...

I see, that probably explains all the le AOTY xDDD threads

And yeah, there's at least something that keeps me interested, so I keep coming back. I guess it's a grower after all

I think the best trick to enjoy an album (and kind of force yourself to like it if you're interested in that kind of think) is to go out and have an experience while listening to it. Like put it aside for a long drive or for a walk around the park. This album especially lends itself to being outside while it's still warm

I deleted this from my library yesterday along with a couple other albums that I couldn't get into.

I listen to an album twice, and if i don't like it i still keep it and wait a few months and listen again. If it still doesn't click, I delete.

>Any statement that even barely tries to generalize Sup Forums is incorrect

>B-b-but I'm the exception to the rule! I don't act like that! And therefore I ignore the fact that 99% of Sup Forums acts like that!

>the fact that 99% of Sup Forums acts like that!
[citation needed]

this is one of those albums i have to be in the perfect mood for, but when i am it's a fantastic album

I didn't like this album until I went on a 10 mile walk. it clicked and made me get lost in the sounds and made me forget about walking


multiple listened is not a meme. Ever single one of my top 3 bands grew on me after multiple listens. It takes time to learn to enjoy something outside of your comfort zone.

This is one of my favorite albums.

Lou Barlow from Dinosaur Jr actually had some pretty interesting things to say about it.

>"I’ve been listening to Panda Bear‘s Person Pitch for two years now, at one point every day for two months. I got drunk enough to follow Panda around at a festival in Spain last year, asking him how he recorded, seeking clarification of certain lyrics. Apparently, every track on Person Pitch is stereo; that is, every sound is a stereo recording—and some songs have 98 stereo tracks stacked on one another. That’s 196 tracks, and some of that is owls, trains and boats. You know how people say that Sgt. Pepper “sounds different every time you hear it”? Person Pitch changes with room temperature. You know how people like to talk about “experimental” artists who use “found sounds” to create “catchy pop music”? (I do, anyway.) This is the only thing I’ve ever heard that lives up to that description. Once the melodies were in my head, I was listening obsessively. Once my interpretation of the lyrics started to mean everything I wanted them to, I was done. Person Pitch was and is another Favorite Record Ever. And it never ever sounds the same twice. Unlike Sgt. Pepper."

I don't do drugs, but if I did this is the album I would listen to. Listening to it sober is kind of a chore in my opinion

pretty neat

It took me 3 or 4 listens, but it's fucking amazing and easily one of my favorites of all time

It's an album that requires the listener has at least some sort of attention span

If you didn't like it on first listen it's probably not for you. You'll either think it's fantastic or it's just not your thing.

Just as a side note, repeated listens are overrated. Why do you feel like you NEED to like it? The only reason you'd listen to something to something you don't like repeatedly is because you feel like you SHOULD like it for some reason. Guess what, it doesn't fucking matter.

multiple listens isn't a meme. sometimes is takes me 7 listens to "get" an album

this is the worst post

Yeah one of the reasons the brain finds music enjoyable, or at least interesting. is pattern recognition. How would multiple listens not enhance your understanding and therefore potentially enhance your enjoyment of the piece? How is further analysis of a work of art to screen for things you may have missed a meme?

It's understandable if you don't enjoy something, but don't say those who do enjoy it are committing musical Stockholm syndrome, some things really do just take a couple tries.


i considered reporting OP after reading that

go back to vaporwave