Are there any albums that capture the genderqueer experience aside from that Against Me! album?

Are there any albums that capture the genderqueer experience aside from that Against Me! album?

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anything by G.L.O.S.S

but all that shit is p cringe desu imo

how is Twin Fantasies not a first pick?

>deliberate wrong pronoun use
Hypocracy at its finest

Divorce Lawyers I Shaved My Head

>I don't care what science or psychology says there is only male and female

But that is exactly what science says. It's not like you have downs syndrome with some kind of chromosome mismatch, because that is a vanishingly rare phenomenon. You are either XX or XY.


This album is so awful, why did you have to remind me of it.

G.L.O.S.S. is more about trans politics than experience, and while Against Me! does a decent job, it's a binary experience it captures. If you aren't just shitposting I'm assuming you're looking for songs about the experience of being outside the binary? I feel like Prince might have some (If I was your girlfriend, maybe?)


these are truelly the last days

>Posts screenshot from movie made by two trans women

>be me
>be a transvestite
>never have to worry about thinking I'm literally a woman because I know I've got a nice long cockeroo

trannies are kool i guess
though, music about being a tranny is usually pandering cringe af

"Genderqueers" deserve death. I mean this. Stop forcing your delusions on other people.

That's really not a offense, I'm pretty sure all of Sup Forums agrees that these people are delusional

Not people who know anything about biology and how common intersex conditions are.

>b-but I FEEL like a girl isnt that enough???
Get help or jump off a building

People pretending to be women because they want to be fucked in the ass does not make "intersex conditions" "common"

It's just fetishism gone too far in an advanced economic state -- you would never see this except in a world where all material wants are satisfied.

>deserve death

*tips fedora* I say eustace, these degenerate cucks don't deserve our redpilled reddit gold!

Nice argument buddy

Having regrets about that operation now?

>reals over feels


I was specifically responding to the notion that people are either XX or XY and that XX corresponds to women and that XY corresponds to man. I actually didn't mention trans people at all (some of whom are also intersex, but most are not).

Anyone with gender dysmorphia should seek help

It's weird to me that new words make people so angry. People like David Bowie were playing with gender presentation in the 70s. If he were just starting out today he might even claim a genderqueer identity.

not a tranny I just think autistic faggots are good entertainment

trump will remove degeneracy from the west and restore it back to its former glory where neckbeards like me were bullied mercilessly ;;) video games are so based

It's called gender dysphoria and when they do seek help they are given hormone replacement therapy, the only effective treatment.

>glam = sexuality

Okay? Gender has nothing to do with sexuality. I was talking about his gender presentation/fluidity.

>you would never see this except in a world where all material wants are satisfied.
then why have transvesties existed for hundreds of years in multiple non industrialized cultures?

from what i can tell science and psychology support that some people think they are the wrong gender, the problem is when people think "that means its okay" just because its a documented phenomenon doesnt mean its not an illness. for some, medical transition may be the treatment for that but for most it doesnt seem to be (look at the suicide rates pre vs post op). plus the modern "genderqueer" discourse ignores femme gay men and butch lesbians, especially if they are forced into transition by their liberal parents as little kids.

Thanks for correcting me on my spelling.

Nobody forces their children into transition. It is very difficult to get hormones, especially as children. Also suicide rates are high because trans people are treated like shit and often are disowned by their entire social circle and workplace.

If gender is not real, why does being a transwoman mean making yourself look and act exactly like a stereotypical female?

Transfags reinforce patriarchy desu senpai

I would say it's a combination of societal mistreatment / rigid roles and their own mental health or sensitivity that gets them.

By the way I hate being associated with transgendered people because I'm androgynous. They are not remotely the same

Wearing makeup and not eating for theatrical effect =/= literally modifying your body and forcing people to accept your delusions of being another gender

forces was probably the wrong wording, but lack of gatekeeping. Im a butch lesbian myself who is somewhat disphoric (im very masc presenting, its what makes me comfortable). when i was younger, i had some mental health problems that seemed to branch from that, and (being canadian) i was offered testosterone almost immediately upon starting therapy (thankfully i didnt chose to do that). i have no problem with trans people, or even medical transition, its just that people seem to be making altering your body chemistry "no big deal" as of late and i find that unnerving. this video speaks a lot to what i mean (though im by no means a feminist, and she is)

genderqueer people often don't modify their bodies, and usually just modify their presentation.

trans women are often not given hormones unless they act as stereotypically feminine as possible. The problem isn't trans people, it's gatekeeping doctors.


If this is terf nonsense I'm not going to waste my time.

>genderqueer people often don't modify their bodies, and usually just modify their presentation.
Just looked it up, apparently genderqueer is just roleplaying as the opposite gender

Still wrong. Genderqueer just means not strictly man or woman.

ah fuck i gotta take this bait
once again, im not a terf, im not even a feminist, because i think feminism is stupid
all im trying to say is that medical transition requires a lot of thought and shouldnt be allowed for children who dont yet have solidified identities
i dont even have a problem with non binary people (its none of my business to tell them how they feel), i just think medical transition is a big deal and there may be other paths to cope with disphoria

So... it means not acting like a stereotypical manly man and doing whatever you want? Wow, I guess I'm genderqueer.
Sounds like a made up identity invented by insecure people who watched too many action movies as a kid

Hot Take_Trannies are not mentally ill and are in fact the next step in human evolution

>There's only XX and XY
Your point would be more poignant if that were correct you fucking mongoloid.


The only really comparable suicide rate in recent history is that of Jews during the holocaust. Are you saying that trans people are seriously getting socially abused as much as them?

>i have a psysicall penis but im not a male hehe (wich i admite its the definition of having a dick) so we much change the definitiion of words so everybody think that im not fucked up on the head

What about biology exactly reinforces the idea that transsexuals are healthy and natural?