Mexicans and The Wall®

Actual citizens of the United States of Mexico, what do you feel about The Wall?
Is it merely the idea of having to pay to help secure your northern border, or is there a sense of racial/ethnic animosity at play?

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>having to pay
We´re not paying for your >fence*
But we should have better security, ur guns are a problem to us

He meant a wall in the metaphorical sense you dunce

It has nothing to do with race/ethnicity on our side, if the wall actually did stop drugs flowing north, human traficking and gun smuggling I'd be all for it. It won't but that's off-topic.

What we will NEVER, under no conceivable circumstance or scenario do is pay for it. It adds insult to injury.

If gringos would quit using drugs and hiring illegals the problem would not exist.

You fuckers are an attractive nuisance.

I'm dating a latina, she was crying for days about Trump and how sad she is.

I have no idea why she's still with me. I'm openly a Trump supporter and tell her all of the time that I think every single illegal alien should be deported.


So does that mean that he intends Mexico to metaphorically pay for it?

>things that didn't happened

Just like how America metaphorically won vietnam

>ever believing the wall meme
he just wanted votes from disgruntled people

the donald is a master ruse man that won the election purely by skill


Because she isn't shallow enough to let politics ruin a relationship?

Unfortunately, the Cartels use the USA drug market and human smuggling to grow stronger, it's a Mexican-born parasite that neither any decent American or Mexican likes.
If The Wall helps put a stop to that, I don't see why Mexico should not want to assist in it.

At the very least, is there no shame in having let this problem breed so long in your own country that it has become a plague upon your neighbor?


I don't need literal brick and mortar along the entire southernmost border of the United States.
I just want a well-maintained fence, with more funding and attention to security, and laws that are actually enforced. A meme wall can happen or not, as long as it is a step in that direction.

Clever, but that's not implied at all.


every time I watch an American movie about life in a college campus, the idea that college is the perfect time of your life for partying, drinking, having sex and doing drugs appears.
If Americans are fine with that, why dont they legalize drugs so Mexicans can stop having a civil war to sell you drugs?

Or maybe, just maybe stop consuming them?

It's a thought worthy of consideration, but I imagine it's like that for the same reason that we'll never have our drinking age lowered from the absurd age of 21: if it's legalized and someone gets hurt from it, "reeeeeeeeee my little boy of 19 did the cocaine and died! This is all your fault Senator So-n-so!"

Secondly, this election told us that college liberals and men who dress in skirts don't matter, factory workers in the Great Lakes matter. College students aren't so important, they are not the quintessential American.

Or maybe, just maybe fix your country and tackle the drug lords?

Other americans, how accurate is this?

Our neighbour forced this problem on us, both the cartels and the negative effects of migration which we suffer accutely while your society has benefited.

Personally I'm all for doing the same thing as Morocco and just look the other way on drugs, it's your problem, you deal with it. We have enough of a challenge dealing with the violence and corruption this has created to give a fuck about your country getting flooded with drugs.

contain your fucking people. america is becoming such shit i hope immigrants flood your drug haven safe space. allahu akbar.

More like:

Am I rite?

That'd be glorious, but you'd still find a scapegoat to deny that you have a problem

Check his sources, Im not the judge of what you should trust and not trust.

Every Mexican that wanted to jump the border had already donde it by 2010, as far as I'm concerned you can keep those rage quitters

When your country is so shit, your first priority should be making sure your problem isn't anyone else's.
Seriously, why would you aspire to Africa.

yokese no soi 100tifiko xd

>your first priority should be making sure your problem isn't anyone else's.
not mine sorry

No, we seriously have a problem.

Black communities and college leftists eat this shit up, and then vote against anything to fix it.
American leftists, despite being the ones who cry about American interventionism the most, could never explain to you the dynamic regarding factions that the Obama administration supported throughout the Middle East, or what fuels the drug trade.
It's total shit.

Man, the actual number of Mexican illegals is half, going by Trump's 60 minutes numbers on how much people he'll deport, we are talking an easy to absorb 1% of our population, most already with family here. Any of those who are criminals will have to intrude on the turf of already existing cartels fighting a war with the government, most will simply "disapear".

Central America on the other hand will be once again overwhelmed with even more Maras being deported back, meaning their conditions will worsen and produce a larger flow of migrants. Without the Mexican government to cooperate in stemming their flow you'll just create conditions in which more people will be looking to cross the border and they'll be facing less obstacles, using a fucking ladder to go over your wall is a lot easier for them than dealing with the harrassment of Mexican authorities in our Southern border. Good luck with your dumb ass plan.

It's YOUR problem we are dealing with here gringo, your being dumb fuck delusional about it doesn't change anyone's opinions south of the border.

why should Lindsay Lohan get a slap on her wrist but doing drugs, and Mexico get a civil war for selling you drugs?

in other illegal markets, like prostitution, most of the punishment falls on the buyer.

You are really clueless, most people jumping the border are not Mexican citizens, most are central americans and from other countries beyond. My country spends lots of resources to stop central american from reaching the US.

Mexico is a filter that protects the US from the untold horrors that lurk beyond our south border, every day we do our best to stop inmigrants, terrorists and drugs from reaching your country and how do you pay us? You blame your problems on us.

US is doomed the day we stop giving a shit, enjoy your terrorists and central americans.

Let's not throw Central Americans under the bus as " untold horrors that lurk" the overwhelming majority of them are just decent people trying to make a life for themselves and fleeing persecution and violence.

I disagree that they're any different than Mexicans.

Why not do a Duterte and kill and say it's a free for all on the chicano drug lords and dealers? Seems to have worked there.

YES, this is exactly what the US should do inside their borders.

Guatemalans aren't real people tho.

They should just stop playing pretend and rejoin Mexico.

Guatemalans are the best people. Loads of fun. You've not been out proper till you've been to a guate party they're fucking mental

Guatemalans, even tho they are often in denial/unaware of this themselves, are as much the heirs of the Maya as we are to the Aztecs. They're a great people who have had to struggle with a really bad hand dealt to them by history.

this 2bh

No, they're non Mexicans and do not share in our identity/history. They made their choice for better or for worse.

>Mexicans and The double fence®

>how dare gringos keep consuming drugs
>it's not our fault we're supplying them
>wah wah we dindu nuffin

>Magically being able to make demand for a product disappear on a whim
Lol no, not going to happen. There has always be a demand for drugs throughout the history of the earth.

Legalizing all drugs is risky buisness. There's definitely some highly addictive shit out there that you don't want people to be peddling regardless of the circumstances.

Personally, I think they should legalize and tax the shit out of them use that money to regulate any sort of underground trade. If someone goes bankrupt from spending all their money on Coke they should have to go to rehab centers where they'll work and get clean of their addiction.

>are as much the heirs of the Maya as we are to the Aztecs.

They actually wuz though.
If you speak an Aztecan or Mayan language, you're the ethnic heirs of those civilizations.
WE has to be the most misused meme on Sup Forums.

>It's your problem that the Mexican govenrment has been totally incompetent in dealing with the rise in cartel violence.

We've already spent billions training drug task forces and helping your country to get a hold of the problem and all it has done is backfire in our face.

If the US is causing the problem, than tell us to fuck off and do something about it. Stop being such pussies and blaming others for your inability to help yourself

WE are not paying for your dumb fuck wall

This isn't even about the wall, it's about the Mexican government offering no other solutions other than the same thing that they've been doing for decades expecting different results.

Y'all tacos need to snipe Peña Nieto and get a president that's not as 'icky drugs!' as Calderon. Like, god fuck damn.

I mean the
>we are to the Aztecs

The Aztec Empire didn't cover all Mexico, there were more tribes.

Isnt Nahuatl linguistically distinct from the other languages?

The war on drugs started building during the Fox administration and blew out on Calderón's, that's barely a decade and a half since we got the problem after you turned Colombia into a virtual police state, Mexico was doing alright before then dumbass, and has done nothing but cooperate with America and folllow the advice of the US government in all that time, is how the fuck we got in the mess we are fucking in right now.

Yes, I'd fucking love to try a new way, no more concessions to the needs and wants of your idot government and its retarded people.

Nahua peoples, that's Aztecs, remain the most numerous of all remaining Amerindian peoples and historically the most important and influential, the Huastecs were vassals to the Aztecs and their terriitory did extend into Tamaulipas, the Mogollón peoples in Chihuahua as well as northwestern tribes like the Yaqui and the raramuri are Uto-Aztec related peoples, basically only Baja California could be counted as separate although tribes like the Seri were influenced by mainland Mexicans, into the south Soconusco was the area in which Mesoamerican civilization began with the proto-Olmecs and it was an area of Aztec influence (the name comes from Nahua Xoconochco). Mexico is about right for a succesor state to the Aztec empire, yes, this assumes its peoples were succesful--- An Empire by definition rules over different nations, it's not the same as an ethno-state.

Most mestizo Mexicans today are one way or another descended from the Aztecs (there's a reason places far from the empire like Mazatlán bear Nahuatl names) if you go back 10 generations we all have 1,280 ancestors, quite a number of those would have come from the original geographic area of Mexico, which included not just Mexico City but Morelos, Hidalgo and parts of Puebla and Guerrero. This was by far the largest human population in the Americas.
