So if the government makes Fantasy Sports illegal what will that do to the NFL ratings?

So if the government makes Fantasy Sports illegal what will that do to the NFL ratings?

O shit waddup

Fantasy sports won't be illegal, just those massive betting sites like draftkings










have sex fatty


nice "freedom" cucks

it's just online betting sites like draft kings and fan duel

o shit waddup



Simply eric


Probably wouldn't b good for them. Fucking gibermints

Legalize sports betting plz

*obligatory land of the free joke*

Don't ever talk to me or dat boi again

>tumblr meme
>done by 2 people

Get out


Diversity is the path to a better tomorrow, my arabian friend.

We are a melting pot of memes

here come dat boii lol

Fantasy sports? Like pick your players from the league and compete against other anons fantasy sports?
How the fuck is that illegal?

Blame the faggot Christian blue laws for this.

>da land of da free

Why exactly is the federal government getting involved in what is essentially a state's issue???

It's the daily betting sites Congress wants to reign in. You put up real money to get in and hope to win daily leagues to win.