Post albums that sound like their cover

Post albums that sound like their cover.










pretty much these

Its hard to guess what some albums would sound like if you haven't heard them before though



this sounds literally nothing like that ship (or john williams) did


Would be a better thread if it were "Albums that DON'T sound like their cover"


yuko imada - untitled (moon)




These two absolutely

only the right disc

Don't most all albums sound like the cover? I feel I associate the music with the cover so much that it always sounds like it, for me at least

Yeah symbolic's cover is so fitting for the sound of the album


What about that?

theres definitely ones that dont.
Like wild gift by x, but that might just be cause i think the cover is shit






Lmao fantanos face

every Death Grips album


stop forcing it

Inalienable dreamlessness by Discordance Axis. Look it up.


Sometimes you niggas say the most vague shit

To me, Loveless has one of the most effective album covers of all time.

No love deep web makes you think of Zach Hill's dick?

I always thought this was some death metal album


This, and pretty much every b/w black metal cover of all time




Absolutely these.








The best



What's this called?




i made a mistake


best post so far




Easy one


These are all appropriate.
